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2 Adjective- To behave in an arrogant or haughty manner.

3 Etymology. -noun, plural –gies. The derivation of a word 1529, from L
Etymology noun, plural –gies The derivation of a word 1529, from L. superciliosus "haughty, arrogant," from supercilium "haughty demeanor, pride," lit. "eyebrow" (via notion of raising the eyebrow to express haughtiness), from super "above" (see super-) + cilium "eyelid," related to celare "to cover, hide," from PIE base *kel- "to conceal" (see cell).

4 " Now he was a sturdy, straw haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner." --F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, Chapter 1 “Sacrifice by its very nature was arrogant and impersonal; sacrifice should be eternally supercilious.”– F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Supercilious Sacrifice, chapter 4 “Not all atheists are supercilious, of course”-Alan Roebuck, American Thinker

5 Noble Peacock Louis XIIII Kanye West Simon Cowell Zeus Alexander the Great Queen Victoria Cats King Xerxes

6 Visual and Auditory representation Follow this link:

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