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What is the perceived contribution of coaching to leaders in transition to more senior roles in the NHS? Anne Gill MA Coaching and Mentoring Practice 19th.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the perceived contribution of coaching to leaders in transition to more senior roles in the NHS? Anne Gill MA Coaching and Mentoring Practice 19th."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the perceived contribution of coaching to leaders in transition to more senior roles in the NHS? Anne Gill MA Coaching and Mentoring Practice 19th January 2017 Kinisi Ltd

I had worked in the NHS coaching leaders newly appointed to senior executive roles Observed at close hand the significant challenges they faced in adapting to their new role. Many newly appointed senior leaders struggled to cope with the demands of the role, public scrutiny, regulatory burden Lack of support for senior accountable officers in the NHS ‘woefully inadequate’. Hunter Healthcare/HSJ 2015; Timmins 2016 (1) High turnover in senior roles creating a leadership crisis in the NHS Janjua, 2014; Rose 2015 (2) Kinisi Ltd

What is the perceived contribution of coaching to leaders in transition to more senior roles in the NHS? In what ways does coaching help their transition? What elements of the coaching process are most helpful for them? Kinisi Ltd

4 Leadership literature relevant to role transitions
Literature review Leadership literature relevant to role transitions Psychological theory NHS Literature Coaching literature Kinisi Ltd

5 Literature review highlights and Gaps
Evidence of executive derailment and failure Significant adaptive challenges during transition from middle management to executive level Evidence that executive coaching can deliver positive outcomes Issue of transition under researched in coaching literature Limited research on the client perspective

6 Methodology Interpretivist-constructivist paradigm
Qualitative research using case study method Research subjects - 7 senior leaders in the NHS Semi-structured interviews, face to face lasting between 60 – 90 minutes Thematic analysis to analyse/interpret interview scripts

Role Male Female NHS Org Chief Exec 2 NHS Foundation Trust 1 NHS Trust Ambulance Trust Director of Nursing Medical Directors Total 4 3 Data collection Sample Coaches experienced in transformational learning Clients who experienced a transformation during coaching Face to face/ Skype interviews, taking between minutes Open inquiry followed by direct questions about emerging categories Data analysis Initial coding of transcripts Specific eye for action Focused coding Creation of mind-maps Preliminary model developed Memo’s Exploring relevant literature Range of senior leaders, male, female and from different organisations – seven in total Very generous with their time, open about their transition challenges and the contribution of coaching Kinisi Ltd

8 Research findings Providing a reflective and supportive space
Three key overlapping themes emerged Providing a reflective and supportive space Developing new role identity Learning through the coaching process Kinisi Ltd

9 In what ways did coaching support their transition?
KEY THEMES  SUB-THEMES Providing a reflective and supportive space “ it’s having a safe space in which to talk about things and reflect on them, it’s an opportunity to spill your guts out on the table and hear yourself saying things”. Developing capacities: Relationship building Managing expectations Facilitating decision making Adapting personal style and skills development Developing new role identity “being a clinician and going into leadership and the differences and all the rest of it, it was a coach that helped me unlock some of that”. “I’ve always been very open, but when you’re under that level of pressure and scrutiny, it’s quite hard to be your authentic self because people are trying to push you to do something else. .that’s where the coach helps, ‘so what is the right thing? What happens in you down that path? How are you going to feel?”. Dealing with self-doubt and confidence building Developing new perspectives Shift from clinician to leader Discovering authentic self Learning through the coaching process “I think being an adult has been the absolute classic learning thing for me, just remembering to stay adult”. Taking time out for reflection and thinking Developing resilience and well-being Facilitating transfer of learning

10 What elements of the coaching process were most helpful?
Providing a safe and supportive space Developed self-efficacy, strength, resilience to cope Focus and prioritisation Taking time out for reflection and critical thinking Combination of support and challenge, encouraged self-reflection Engage in critical thinking, stand outside/gain distance, different perspective, change mindset Facilitating new learning Challenges/difficulties presented by the participants created emergent learning opportunities Experimentation, trying new things, exploring choices Developing learning agility Coach as guide on journey of self-discovery Kinisi Ltd

11 “the coach was just organising the traffic to make sure my journey was smooth. It’s like having a brilliant tour guide through all the different phases of the journey”. Medical Director “going from senior nurse to a director on the board, I thought I had most of the tool-kit, but actually what I needed was a whole set of other tools and some of my approaches that absolutely worked in the past, just wasn’t getting me where I needed to be”. Director of Nursing “he provided interventions that absolutely changed the course of my thinking and my approach to the role. I wouldn’t have been able to succeed without his support”. Chief Executive “new chief executives need a safe sounding board, someone who they are comfortable to talk to and admit at times they don’t know what they’re doing and should be provided with a coach or mentor”. Hunter Healthcare/HSJ Survey, 2015 (3) Kinisi Ltd

12 Implications Coaching plays a powerful part in supporting senior leader transitions in the NHS Coaches need to understand the dynamics of transitions and the leadership challenges it presents Importance of creating an environment that encourages reflective learning through challenge and non-judgmental questioning Coaching contract needs to be minimum of 6 months, with months to help achieve real change Kinisi Ltd

Single case study with a small number of participants Perceptions limited to a range of new senior leaders Future research might focus on gaining the views of the leaders’ manager, team members and other important stakeholders Further research amongst newly appointed leaders who have derailed to understand if they had received coaching Contribution of coaching in supporting the transition of female leaders in the NHS Developing the capacities needed to operate at a senior level Helping new leaders unlearn and learn new skills and behaviour Kinisi Ltd

14 Your questions

15 REFERENCES (1 & 3) Hunter Healthcare/HSJ survey2015
Timmins, N (2016). The Chief Executive’s Tale, views from the front line of the NHS. London: The Kings Fund (2) Janjua, A. (2014). Leadership Vacancies in the NHS. What can be done about them? The Kings Fund, London Rose, L. (2014). Better Leadership for Tomorrow. NHS Leadership review. Kinisi Ltd

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