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Orange County Transportation Authority

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1 Orange County Transportation Authority
Capital Program Updates May 25, 2017 Jim Beil, Executive Director, Capital Programs Orange County Transportation Authority

2 I-405 Improvement Project
Largest project in OCTA’s history ($1.9 billion) Project scope: Add one regular lane in each direction between Costa Mesa and L.A. County Add express lanes Rebuild 18 bridges Improve freeway access and traffic on local streets We anticipate breaking ground on this project later this year The 405 is one of the nation’s most heavily transited highways (roughly 370,000 daily drivers) The project is critical to accommodate expected employment, population and housing growth Traffic on the 405 is expected to grow by 30 percent in the next 25 years In 2040, it’s expected to take 29 minutes to travel during rush hour in the regular lanes The commute can be cut down to 13 minutes if driver chooses to take express lanes Without the project, it would take 2 hours and 13 minutes to travel in regular lanes and 2 hours in the carpool lanes The express lanes portion is modeled after the successful 91 Express Lanes Toll policy: First 3 ½ years: vehicles with one person can use them if they pay a toll, two-person carpools are free during non-peak hours, 3+ carpools are always free After first 3 ½ years: carpools of two people begin paying toll at all times

3 Significant Project Features
Two new lanes in each direction (one GP and one tolled express lane) 18 bridge replacements plus new and widened bridges Interchange reconfigurations Merge lane improvements Arterial street improvements New and replaced soundwalls New bike lanes and sidewalks Anticipated 6-year design-build contract duration Project cost is approximately $1.9 Billion As I mentioned, the project entails a new general purpose lane in each direction and dual express lanes in each direction. The project will replace 18 bridges, build several new bridges, including a new connector between the median of I-405 and SR-73, and widen several bridges. The interchanges are being reconfigured to be safer and operate better. The arterial improvements sometimes get lost in the shuffle. There are considerable improvements to the local streets that go over the freeway. Each of these local streets is being re-built to its ultimate width and better accommodates active transportation modes such as bikes and pedestrians. The anticipated length of the design-build contract duration is 6 years. That duration includes approximately 1 year of up-front design and approximately 4 ½ years of construction throughout the corridor. Design-build is a method of delivery in which we hire one team that performs both the design and construction of the project. Some of the advantages of design-build is that it encourages the designer and constructor to work together to develop innovative ideas to minimize the schedule and impacts to the public. The cost of the project is approximately $1.9 billion

4 New Lanes I-405 looking northwest at Springdale Street bridge
The project will add one regular lane in each direction of I-405 from Euclid Street to I-605, consistent with Measure M, as shown in yellow, and add an additional lane in each direction that would combine with the existing carpool lane to provide two dual express lanes in each direction from SR-73 to I-605, as shown in green. OCTA is building what are essentially two projects – the added Measure M lane and the Express Lanes – as one project. This is being done for efficiency in construction and costs and to limit the time that drivers will be inconvenienced with work happening. Project benefits include reduced travel times in the corridor, as I will cover in a few slides, and improved safety in the corridor The main purpose of the I-405 Improvement Project is to improve freeway operations, reduce congestion and enhance trip time reliability. With both the general purpose lane and express lane being added… In 2040, it’s expected to take 29 minutes to travel during rush hour from SR-73 to I-605 in the general-purpose lanes. That commute can be reduced to 13 minutes if a driver chooses to take the Express Lanes. Without the express lanes, the commute in the general-purpose lanes would nearly double and take almost an hour to travel the same stretch. The project addresses Caltrans’ priority of achieving a long-term sustainable transportation network by managing the system and providing trip reliability. In its recommendation, Caltrans noted that the HOT lanes alternative is the only alternative that provides free-flowing traffic during peak periods through managing the congestion with tolls. I-405 looking northwest at Springdale Street bridge

5 Project Next Steps Notice to Proceed No. 1 issued to DB Team
January 2017 Notice to Proceed No. 2 issued to DB Team May 2017 Toll Lanes System Integrator Procurement - Release RFP August 2017 Toll Lanes System Integrator Procurement - Award January 2018 Back Office Services/Customer Service Center – Release RFP May 2018 (anticipated) Back Office Services/Customer Service Center – Award January 2019 (anticipated) Design and construction As we work to execute the DB’s contract, we also are working with the DB team to issue NTP 1 in January By NTP1, they will provide us with a baseline schedule and …. NTP2 is scheduled to be issued to the DB team in May The NTP2 deadline will include action items such as …. As I have shared before, preliminary design is moving forward and the DB will take this on and physical construction will begin in late 2017 (one year from now). Construction will continue through the end of 2022 and the 405 Express Lanes will open January 2023. 2 tolling procurements are as follows: Toll Lanes System Integrator (TLSI) TLSI RFP Release – August 2017 TLSI Award – January 2018 Back Office Services and Customer Service Center (BOS/CSC) BOS/CSC RFP Release – May 2018 (anticipated) BOS/CSC Award – January 2019 (anticipated)

6 SR-55 Improvement Project, I-405 to I-5
Borders Santa Ana, Irvine and Tustin Final Environmental Document is set to be completed by September 2017 Cost estimate: $376 million, funded by local, state and federal funding Proposed accelerated schedule: Design late 2017 through mid 2020; Construction late-2020 through late-2023 The State Route 55 Improvement Project from Interstate 405 to Interstate 5 is the southern segment of Project F in the Measure M2 plan. The Next 10 Plan, adopted by our Board in November 2016, identified the this project as one of the M2 freeway projects to be completed. SR-55 is the main route for motorists heading to and from work, beach communities and entertainment venues. Average daily traffic is 283,000, and that is expected to grow 12% by 2040 to 317,000. During peak hours, general purpose and HOV lanes are congested. Closely spaced on- and off-ramps result in inadequate merging distances, and in some spots, there are non-standard lane and shoulder widths. This project will improve mobility and reduce congestion, improve traffic operations and increase capacity. The total project cost is estimated at $376 million. Next month, our Board will be considering an agreement with Caltrans that would accelerate the 35% design phase, which will move up the start of construction to late 2020. Right now, procurement for Design Services is expected to begin next month.

7 Comparison of Alt 3 and 3 Modified
This project will add new lanes, generally within the existing right-of-way, and auxiliary lanes between interchanges. The existing conditions are four general-purpose lanes and one HOV lane in each direction. The original draft environmental document was released in November 2015 with four build alternatives, including Alternative 3, which added a new GP lane and auxiliary lanes in each direction. During the public circulation process, comments were received specific to HOV degradation, which resulted in the addition of Alternative 3 Modified for consideration. Alternative 3M includes new HOV and general-purpose lanes as well as additional auxiliary lanes. Earlier this month, the Project Development Team selected Alternative 3 Modified as the Preferred Alternative.

8 I-5 Central Improvement Project, SR-55 to SR-57
Borders Santa Ana, Orange and Tustin Project will: Remove barrier between HOV and GP lanes Add a second HOV lane; restripe for continuous access Remove I-5/Main Street carpool on- and off-ramps. Cost estimate: $37 million, funded by local, state and federal funding Schedule: Construction anticipated in mid-2018 Next up is the I-5 Central Improvement Project. About 390,000 motorists travel I-5 between State Route 55 and State Route 57 each day. By 2030, that number is projected to increase by nearly 20 percent. The HOV lanes have insufficient capacity to handle existing and projected travel demand, and together with existing bottlenecks, that leads to significant delays. This project, currently in the Design phase, will remove the existing barrier between the HOV lane and general-purpose lanes, add a second HOV lane and restripe for continuous access. The I-5 Main Street HOV on- and off-ramps also will be removed to make room for the second HOV lane. The project will decrease congestion and travel delay for current and future carpool lane users, as well as eliminate bottlenecks and improve configurations at interchanges and ramps. The total project cost is estimated at $37 million and uses local, state and federal funding. Procurement for Construction Management Services is expected to begin in July of this year and is valued at approximately $4 million. Construction is slated to begin in mid-2018 and take about two years.

9 I-5 South County Widening Project
Measure M – Project C Add one general-purpose lane in each direction from Avery to Alicia Parkways Extend second carpool lane from Alicia Parkway to El Toro Road Final design and right-of-way phases to continue through 2018 Funded by Measure M, RSTP, STIP Construction anticipated Total estimated cost $482 million The I-5 Widening Project from State Route 73 to El Toro Road will add one new general-purpose lane northbound and southbound from Avery Parkway to Alicia Parkway, and extend the second carpool lane in each direction from Alicia Parkway to El Toro Road. The project, about 6 miles in total, passes through 6 cities and includes 6 interchanges. As part of the widening project, the interchanges at Avery Parkway and La Paz Road will be fully reconstructed. There also will be improvements to existing auxiliary lanes, the addition of new auxiliary lanes, and modifications to on- and off-ramps. The existing carpool lanes will be converted to continuous access, and lanes and shoulders will be brought to Caltrans design standards where possible. The design phase is expected to be finished in 2018, with construction anticipated to begin in early 2019 and continue through 2023. The total estimated project cost is $482 million.

10 Additional Project Improvements
Reconstruct Avery and La Paz Interchanges Re-establish existing and new auxiliary lanes Modify on-ramps and off-ramps Convert to continuous access carpool lanes Standardize lane and should widths As part of the improvement project, the interchanges at Avery Parkway and La Paz Road will be fully reconstructed Improvements to existing auxiliary lanes, the addition of new auxiliary lanes, as well as modifications to on- and off-ramps will also enhance capacity and operational performance throughout the corridor. Further, northbound and southbound carpool lanes will be converted from buffer-separated lanes to continuous access, and all lanes and shoulders will be standardized where possible. 9

11 The OC Streetcar project in Santa Ana and Garden will be the first modern streetcar in O.C.
It will operate along a 4.1-mile route that includes the Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center and a new transit hub at Harbor Boulevard and Westminster Avenue in Garden Grove The main idea is to provide a convenient last-mile connection between Metrolink trains (and other transportation modes as Santa Ana center), and important employment, restaurant and retail centers The route alignment is set to run along Santa Ana Boulevard and Fourth Street and will utilize the former path of the old Pacific Electric streetcars Will directly connect with 18 OCTA bus routes, including the seven busiest routes in the county Fleet will include up to eight vehicles making stops at 10 stations Santa Ana is the fifth most densely populated city in the U.S. (density of 17,380 people per square mile) Current estimates show that it could carry about 7,400 daily riders by the end of the first year of operations Cost to build = $298 million Cost to operate/maintain = $5.9 million annually Significantly funded by Measure M Included in the Congressional funding package ($50 million) Construction is set to begin in early 2018, with operations planned to begin in 2020

12 Other Contract Opportunities
Project Approx. Value RFP Release Date Pavement Management Plan Consultant $500,000 May 2017 Consultant Services for Transportation Funding Improvement Programs $160,000 Plans, Specifications and Estimates for the State Route 55 Improvement Project Between Interstate 405 and Interstate 5 $10,000,000 Intrusion/Detection Protection $240,000 June 2017 Construction Management Support Services for the Interstate 5 High Occupancy Vehicle Improvement Project from State Route 55 to State Route 57 $1,900,000 * -- Procurements 11

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