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Asian Concrete Federation

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1 Asian Concrete Federation
Journal of Asian Concrete Federation Progress report Donguk CHOI, Prof. Dept. of Architectural Engineering Hankyong National University

2 Outline of ACF Journal Name: Journal of Asian Concrete Federation (ACF Journal) Type: bi-annual e-Journal (publication on June 30 and Dec. 31 of (1) technical papers, (2) technical reports, (3) invited technical papers, (4) review papers ISSN and eISSN (issued by National Library of Korea) ISSN eISSN DOI (Digital Object Identifier System) - Local contract with Nurimedia, Korea e-Journal Carrier ACOMS by KRF ( ACF homepage ( Copyright transfer is required before publication / it is not an open journal

3 Publication history The inaugural issue of Journal of Asian Concrete federation (ACF Journal) was published both on-line and in hardcopies in Sep. 2015: V1N1. (7 technical papers) The second issue was published on-line only in June 2016: V2N1. (8 technical papers) The third issue will be published in Dec. 2016: V2N2. (4 technical papers are expected) V2N1 and V2N2 (2nd and 3rd issues) will be combined in a book and will be published in hardcopies at the end of this year.

4 Editorial Board Total 24 members Editor-In-Chief Donguk CHOI
Hankyong National U, Korea Vice Editor-In-Chief ViJay KULKARNI RMCMA, Inidia Myoungsu SHIN UNIST, Korea Editorial Board members American Concrete Institute (ACI) James Wight U of Michigan Jan Olek Purdue U Surrendra SHAH Northwestern Univ. Concrete Institute of Australia (CIA) Gianluca Ranzi The U of Sydney, Australia federation internationale du beton (fib) Harald Muller Karlsrue Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany Georgy Balazs Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics, Hungary Indonesian Society of Civil and Structural Engineers (HAKI) Iswandi Imran Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Japan Concrete Institute (JCI) Takafumi NOGUCHI The U of Tokyo, Japan Korea Concrete Institute (KCI) Thomas KANG Seoul National U, Korea JJH KIM Yonsei U, Korea HaengKi LEE KAIST, Korea Hong-Gun PARK J. SIM Hanyang Univ. Mongolian Concrete Association (MCA) DUINKHERJAV Y. Mongolian U of Science and Technology, Mongolia Rilem GETTU Ravindra IIT Madras Singapore Concrete Institute (SCI) TAN Kiang Hwee National U of Singapore, Singapore Taiwan Cocrete Institute (TCI) Yin Wen CHAN National Taiwan U, Taiwan Thailand Concrete Association (TCA) S. TANGTERMSIRIKUL Sirindhorn International Inst of Technology, Thailand Vietnam Concrete Associacion (VCA) Nguyen Van Chanh Ho Chi Minh City U of Technology, Vietnam Secretaries Jung Heum Yeon Gachon U., Korea MyungKwan LIM Total 24 members

5 V2N1 V2N1 was published in June 2016 (July 5, 2016) with 8 technical papers (on-line only).

6 V2N2 Publication of V2N2 is scheduled in Dec Status of V2N2 6 manuscripts (technical papers) were received: India (1), Japan (2), Mongolia (1), Vietnam (2) 1 manuscript has been rejected due to poor technical quality after the 1st peer review. 5 manuscripts are under the 2nd review now, but 1 manuscript may not be ready in time.

7 V3N1 Publication of V3N1 is scheduled in June 2017 with manuscript deadline of Dec. 31, 2016. [Call for Papers] fliers have been printed and sent to VCA headquarter to be distributed during ACF 2016 to all attendees. Manuscripts By resolution from PVP meeting in Fuzhou, July 2016, request for contribution was rendered to all Lead Paper presenters of ACF 2016. Keynote paper presenters were not included in above invitation mainly because the keynote presentation materials are deemed not suitable as a original technical paper. 5 Lead Paper presenters committed contributions both in forms of technical paper or technical report. More are expected to come: [Call for Papers] and through s to ACF members (latter to be done asap by ACF secretariat).

8 V3N2 There was a discussion on V3N2 during PVP meeting in Fuzhou such that V3N2 be a special issue on ultra high performance concrete (UHPC). We need discussions to finalize on whether V3N2 will be a special issue or not. V3N2 should also take advantage of the 2nd ACF Symposium to be held in Thailand in 2017 with close cooperation with the organizers. Manuscript deadline is June 30, 2017.

9 Malaysia (1), China (2), Slovakia (1)
Matters to be addressed - 1 To have a consistent supply of technical papers for ACF Journal, it is important to achieve SCI, SCIE, EI journal status as soon as possible. Contributions by country V1N1 V2N1 V2N2 V3N1 Australia (1) India 2 1 Indonesia Japan 4 Korea Mongolia Singapore Taiwan Thailand Vietnam Others (3) Malaysia (1), China (2), Slovakia (1)

10 Matters to be addressed - 2
ACF Journal is assigned annual budget of U$2,000 and this amount should be wire-transferred to Editor-in-Chief asap. Budget is mainly used toward (1) hardcopy printing and (2) Call for papers. Poor quality of manuscript is a problem: Both English and technicality are low for many manuscripts. Active contributions are needed from all ACF member institutes. Best paper prizes will help promoting the journal and getting more manuscripts.

11 ACOMS (Article Contribution Management System)
ACOMS is a free journal management system operated by KRF. About 200 journals use ACOMS including ACF Journal. Right of use is renewed on yearly basis by KRF. Case of ACF Journal ACF Journal started using ACOMS in 2016: from V2N1 It is a decent system but it is not suited for modification for the ACF Journal by Editorial Board. ACF should develop its own article management system as the right of use may not be given after the Presidentship of ACF by Korea expires.

12 Marketing approach (an excerpt from previous meeting minutes)
Income Subscription by universities in member countries : target 100 subscriptions. Subscription by universities in other countries : target 10 subscriptions. Subscription by other organizations such as companies, research centers, professional organization, public organizations and others in all countries : target 50 subscriptions Individual subscription : not more than 10 subscriptions. Subscription Rate : ACF member organization : Free Non-member organization : 120 US$/year ACF individual member : Free Non-member individual : 20 US$ Total Income from this Journal = 160x x20 = 19,400 US$/year Expense Web management 4,000 US$/year Hard copies / brochure for promotion 500 US$/year Profit : about 14,900 US$/year

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