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5° International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences

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1 5° International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences
25-26 September, 2015, Rome, Italy The Impact of Leadership models in decision making at schools Anila Plaku Ph.D. Candidate: University „Aleksander Moisiu”, Faculty of Education, Petrit Dollani Ph.D.: University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics, Abstract Theoretical framework Among the structural model and the decision making do not appear statistically significant links. While, the other three models result linked statistically with decision making. Human and symbolic models reflect weak positive link , while the political leadership model reflects the moderately positive relationship. The best decisions are characterized by the combination of three recent models. By crosstabs might be noted that the higher the level of the human, political and symbolic, more effective is the decision-making in school. Remaining static in education today generates almost no value. Individuals invest in increasing their knowledge, build and create in order to achieve success in known and unknown situations, certain or uncertain ones. The tendency of many is a better tomorrow, joining and dividing humans at the same time. A school director might contribute as a key person in shaping the future of the education in the country. This paper aims to point out how directors’ leadership patterns impact the scale of participation of teaching staff, following a survey among teachers in Durrës District. Adopting a quantitative approach, the paper reveals findings, based on polling of 610 teachers. Despite the positive perception in 13% of the schools, resulting in high levels of educational leadership, a dominant share of 60% of these institutions is ranked averagely, and 27% of them left in low level of leadership. Findings of this paper have a generalization character and aim to formulate some meaningful recommendations, giving a modest contribution in any improvement of educational leadership for greater success and continuous achievements. Bush (2011: 40, 42) describes the term “umbrella” with regard to formal models, to show a similar approach, but not identical between models such as; structural system, bureaucratic, rational and hierarchical. Title "formal" is used because these theories emphasize the formal and structural elements of the organization. Bolman and Deal (2008) used the metaphor of the "factory" (excellence and authorship) to the frame structure, which "describes a rational world and emphasizes the architecture organization that includes goals, structure within, the technology, the roles of specialized coordination and formal relationship (Bolman and Deal 2008: 16). Morgan used the metaphor of the "machine" (2006: 12), claiming that organizational life is often returned to routine requests like a clockwork. Often the work is very mechanical and repeat. Mintzberg (1993: 2) clarifies that the structure of an organization can be defined simply as the total plural ways in which its work is divided into specific tasks and then its coordination achieved through these tasks. Formal models describe how schools and colleges could be goal oriented. There is a presumption that schools follow specific objectives. These goals are invariably placed by the director and senior staff; formal theories do not take into account the support of other teachers as problematic (Bush, 2011, 54). Sergiovani (2009: 211) explains how the total declared purposes, approaching nearer symbols. Results (selected) Objectives In this survey the main research question is: How do the models of leadership affect in decision-making aspects of the teaching staff in the district of Durres? There are also sub-research questions: -How structural model affects aspects decision-making of the staff as perceived by the teacher? - How human model influences in the decision-making aspects of staff as perceived by the teacher? - How political model affects aspects of decision-making staff as perceived by the teacher? - How symbolic model influences decision-making aspects of staff as perceived by the teacher? Discussion References (selected) Educational institutions empowerment requires cooperation at all levels of management, so that tasks are made easier by creating a supportive work environment. Gradually it brings about mutual trust, desire and willingness of individuals to share thoughts with one another; “older” teachers with “newer” teachers; heads with team management and teaching staff, cooperation between schools and other levels of the hierarchy. Only when individuals become part of the organization, they integrate with it, gaining gradually behavior, beliefs, norms and values. Bennis, Warren. (2009). On Becoming a Leader. Warren Bennis Inc, 135 Blackard, Kirk & Gibson, James Capitalizing on conflict: strategies and practices for turning conflict into synergy in organization. Nicholas Brealey Publishing. Cohen, M. D., March, J. G., & Olsen, J. P. (1972). A garbage can model of organizational choice. Administrative science quarterly, 1-25. Cuban, L. (1996). Reforming the practice of educational administration through managing dilemmas. School administration: Persistent dilemmas in preparation and practice, 3-17. Dew, John R Empowermwnt and democracy in the workplace. Westport: Connecticut Greenwood Publishings.

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