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How do place and context affect the slave experience in the Americas

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1 How do place and context affect the slave experience in the Americas
How do place and context affect the slave experience in the Americas? (Mainland, Caribbean, Brazil) Day 1

2 Directions: Today we will be learning about the Transatlantic Slave Trade, and how it impacted the Americas, not just Virginia. I am handing out a Student Framework to each of you. As we work through the PowerPoint, you will be asked to record information onto your framework. I will be collecting this at the end of class for a grade. It will also be used on the final project, so write neatly. In addition, feel free to ask questions, or clarify information as we go through the presentation.

3 World Map 11 10 4 5 3 6 1 7 2 12 8 9

4 What do you see here?? Image 1

5 What do you see here?? Image 2

6 What do you see here?? Image 3

7 What do you see here?? Image 4

8 What do you see here?? Image 5

9 What do you see here?? Image 6

10 Transatlantic Slave Trade

11 Transatlantic Slave Trade

12 Economy of the Transatlantic Trade
Mercantilism Role for mother country Money, Money, Money Sugar Tropical environment Highly labor intensive Why Africa? Cost of transportation Distance from plantations Willingness of African kingdoms Triangular Trade

13 A little more information…
English Colonies Virginia Colonized in 1607 Subtropical south Tobacco Barbados Colonized in 1627 Tropical Tobacco, Cotton, Sugar Portuguese Colonies Brazil Colonized in 1549 Subtropical & Tropical – varies upon location Brazil wood tree, Coffee, Sugar

14 Independent Practice Turn to the chart on pg. 4. This will be graded so take your time and do your best! First, you will cut out the images, flags, maps, and quotes on pg. 5. Next, lay them under the regional heading you believe it best describes on your chart (pg. 4). Finally, when you are satisfied they are all correct, glue them down. Turn in your packet before you leave.

15 Exit Activity Share with your neighbor the thing you were most excited about learning today, or one thing that surprised you.

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