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World problem Giving your time.

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Presentation on theme: "World problem Giving your time."— Presentation transcript:

1 World problem Giving your time

2 How do you understand this phrase?

3 Are there any problems in our country
Are there any problems in our country ? How can we change the situation and help our planet?

4 Poverty Poverty is on the increase in our country
Poverty Poverty is on the increase in our country. We should all help the poor and donate to charities. We can donate unwanted clothes and other item instead of throwing away

5 Homelessness How can we help to homeless people?

6 Hunger How does this picture makes you feel? Can we help the situation?

7 Racism What is your attitude to this problem?

8 Population growth How do you think is it a serious problem?

9 Ageing population Should we care about it?

10 Crime What do we need to drop the crime rate?

11 War

12 Reading A street education
Mitch McGregor spent his three month in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil He helped homeless children Listen and read to find out his experience was like?

13 Background information
Rio de Janeiro is a large city in the south-east of Brazil in South America. About 14million people live there. It is popular tourist destination

14 It is famous for its samba music and carnival celebrations

15 Also it’s famous for natural features
Copacabana Beach Corcovado Mountain

16 It also has some famous landmarks
Statue of Christ Maracana Stadium

17 Favela is a shanty town in Brazil
Favela is a shanty town in Brazil. They can be found on the outskirts of large cities The houses are made of whatever materials people can find

18 The largest favela in Rio is called Rocinha
The largest favela in Rio is called Rocinha.A quarter of a million people live here

19 Ex 3 p 51 For questions 1-4 choose the best answer A, B, C or D. Justify your answer. 1 2 3 4

20 Vocabulary Bank Match the words to its translation
Worthwhile Распавшаяся семья Affection Пропускать Appalling Насилие Nerve-racking Трущобы Wealthy Полезный, оправданный Violence Появиться Slum Ужасающий Shack Действующий на нервы Broken home Привязанность, симпатия Host family Обеспеченный Turn up Лачуга, хибара Miss out Принимающая семья

21 Ex 4 p 51 Fill in Choose five phrases and make sentences about Mitch
1.Mitch admitted that he had a privileged childhood 2.Mitch wanted to help people who live in poverty

22 Grammar part Conditional sentences
Type 0: When/ If +V (present simple)+ V (present simple) Type 1: When/ If +V (present simple)+ V (future simple) Type 2: When/ If +V (past simple)+ would+ infinitive without to Type 3: When/ If +V (past perfect)+ would have+ past participle

23 I wish/ if only The expressions 'I wish' and 'If only' are used in English to express wishes and regrets about things that may happen in the future or may have happened in the past. When I wish and if only are used, they follow the structure of one of these conditionals, depending on what we want to express. If we talk about a regret about a present or future event, then we will use the structure of the second type of conditional and the expressions I wish/if only are followed by past simple: I wish I had enough money to travel to New York.  If only I had enough money to travel to New York. (That is, I don't have enough money, and I am sorry for it because I can't go)

24 I wish/ if only If the event we regret happened (or failed to happen) in the past and is, therefore, impossible to change, then we use the third type of conditional structure. This time the expressions I wish/if only are followed by past perfect. I wish I had had enough money to travel to New York.  If only I had had enough money to travel to New York. (That is, I didn't have enough money to travel, so I couldn't go and now I regret it)

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