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Chapter 3 The Conceptual Model

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1 Chapter 3 The Conceptual Model

2 CONCEPTUAL MODEL: A simplified
representation of the physical hydrogeologic setting. This includes the identification and description of the geologic and hydrologic framework, media type, hydraulic properties, and sources and sinks of flow.

3 A conceptual model is a pictorial representation of the groundwater flow system, frequently in the form of a block diagram or a cross section. The purpose of building a conceptual model is to simplify the field problem and organize the associated filed data so that the system can be analyzed more readily. Simplification is necessary because a complete reconstruction of the field system is not feasible.

4 Recharge and Discharge of Groundwater in Zhengjiang city

5 Recharge, discharge, and runoff conditions of GW

6 含 水 层 厚 度 等 值 线 图

7 水文地质剖面图B-B’

8 水文地质剖面图E-E’

9 地 下 水 位 等 值 线 图

10 地下水水位动态 --入渗-径流型

11 地下水水位动态 --入渗-开采型

12 地下水水位动态 --水文型

13 The data requirements for a groundwater flow model are listed as followings:
A. Physical framework 1. Geologic map and cross sections showing the areal and vertical extent and boundaries of the system. 2. Topographic map showing surface water bodies and divides. 3. Contour maps showing the elevation of the base of the aquifers and confining beds. 4. Isopach maps showing the thickness of aquifers and confining beds. 5. Maps showing the extent and thickness of stream and lake sediments.

14 B. Hydrogeologic framework
1. Water table and potentiometric maps for all aquifers. 2. Hydrographs of groundwater head and surface water levels and discharge rates. 3. Maps and cross sections showing the hydraulic conductivity and/or transmissivity distribution. 4. Maps and cross sections showing the storage properties of the aquifers and confining beds. 5. Hydraulic conductivity values and their distribution for stream and sediments. 6. Spatial and temporal distribution of rates of evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge; surface water-groundwater interaction, groundwater pumping, and natural groundwater discharge.

15 In theory, the closer the conceptual model approximates the field situation, the more accurate is the numerical model. The conceptual model has been simplified as much as possible yet retains enough complexity so that it adequately reproduces system behavior. There are three steps in building a conceptual model: (1) defining hydrostratigraphic units; (2) preparing a water budget; (3) defining the flow system.

16 Defining hydrostratigraphic units
Geologic information including geologic maps and cross sections, well logs, and borings, are combined with information on hydrogeologic properties to define hydrostratigraphic units for the conceptual model. In modeling regional flow systems, aquifers and confining beds are defined using the concept of the hydrostratigraphic unit. Simply stated, hydrostratigraphic unit comprise geologic units of similar hydrogeologic properties.

17 含水层系统划分

18 Preparing the Water Budget
The field estimated inflows may include groundwater recharge from precipitation, over-land flow, or recharge from surface bodies. Outflows may include springflow, baseflow to streams, evapotranspiration, and pumping. Underflow may occur as either inflow or outflow. A water budget should be prepared from the field data to summarize the magnitudes of these flows and changes in storage. During model calibration the field-estimated water budget will be compared with the water budget computed by the model.

19 Defining the Flow System
Water level measurements are used to estimate the general direction of groundwater flow, the location of recharge and discharge areas, and connection between aquifers and surface water systems. Definition of the flow system may based solely on physical hydrologic data, but it is advisable to use geochemical data whenever possible to strengthen the conceptual model. Water chemistry data can be used to infer flow directions, identify sources and amounts of recharge, estimate groundwater flow rates, and define local, intermediate, and regional flow system.

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