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Drink Drive =go to jail and fines up to 17,000 in cash

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1 Drink Drive =go to jail and fines up to 17,000 in cash
Drink Drive =go to jail and fines up to 17,000 in cash. Guess your second thinking your Friday night

2 How about jeopardizing your future career?
Including…. Getting Arrested Financial Problems ranging from fines to attorneys License Suspension or Denial Of Renewal Conviction and charges on ones record Incarceration Serious injury or Death to not only you but to someone's loved one

3 Your Options:A designated driver helps friends and family
It Can … avoid embarrassment keep their drivers licenses avoid fines stay out of jail prevent senseless injury and death 5

4 AS ONE CAN SEE THIS HAS SOME SERIOUS EFFECTS I guess your not thinking this is such a downer any more Tips for designated drivers: Plan ahead whenever you are going to socialize with alcohol beverages Decide ahead of time who will not drink any alcohol before or during the party or event Consider taking turns being the designated driver (Look after your friends and family and they can look after you) Larger groups should have more than one designated driver 7

5 Sources:

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