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Additive Manufacturing Measurement Uncertainty Emerzon Cruz Guandique

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1 Additive Manufacturing Measurement Uncertainty Emerzon Cruz Guandique
PROBLEM STATEMENT: Additive manufacturing (3D Printing) is a transformational technology being utilized in an ever increasing number of applications across the Navy. In many of these applications, however, the final product must meet exact tolerance requirements and specifications while meeting traceability requirements to national standards. Establishing traceability will help determine the driver for reliability and accuracy. The Measurement Science Department has limited expertise and looks to expand their knowledge with this technology. THE PROPOSED SOLUTION: Identify and test individual, critical measurement parameters that lead to measurement uncertainty and errors. The analysis of those parameters will lead to the characterization of additive manufacturing equipment for qualification and certification of AM processes. These tests will be performed via collaborations and established relationships between Warfare Centers, universities and government entities. DESCRIBE THE EXPERIMENT(S) AND ANALYSIS: Testing of individual parameters by varying, known quantities, will be conducted. Varying a single parameter will aid in isolating potential measurement error factors. Identifying those parameters should help determine maximum deviations to maintain the physical properties of artifacts. This will also require a strong relationship with working groups developing additive manufacturing standards for consistency in testing. Sample Parameters: Temperature, Pressure, Vibration, Humidity SPECIFY METRICS/MILESTONES: Establish a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) to begin parameter(s) testing or work with other government agencies Establish desired test parameters Produce a technical requirements/Draft Instrument Calibration Procedure (ICP) document based on findings SPECIFY IMPORTANCE TO THE NAVY & THE DIVISION: Provide the warfighter with reliable additive manufacturing equipment for critical and non-critical applications. Incorporating the Metrology and Calibration (METCAL) program will help identify and mitigate the risks of component and system drift. Through this effort we aim to develop department expertise and implement the department’s METCAL program for additive manufacturing equipment. COLLABORATION AND OPPORTUNITES FOR SYNERGY: Maintain and further develop established collaborations between Warfare Centers, NIST, SNL and Cal State LA Continuation? __x__ yes _____ no (if yes, include a short description of progress to date) Funding: FY15 Labor $ Materials $50 Travel $10 Total $180 Proposal Categories (check only one): ___ Basic research (6.1, 6.2, 6.3) __x_ Applied Research (6.4, 6.5, 6.6) ___ Tech Transition (transition to program of record, other agency) __x_ Work Force Development (Future technical capabilities)

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