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Day 3: computer vision.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 3: computer vision."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 3: computer vision

2 computer vision

3 Computer Vision? Providing computer the power to see what we can see
It is not easy … but we have made a lot of progress So, how is it done?

4 Human Eye Google’s Self-driving car

5 applications Face recognition Object recognition Shape capture
Motion capture 3d modeling Smart cars Sports Video games Security/ surveillance Medical imaging

6 Today’s Demo - Motion Detection - Colour Detection

7 Motion Detection Yes!!! Computers can detect motions using cameras!
Remember basic maths? Like subtraction? 5 – 3 = ? Well, it’s actually that simple! The difference is your computer will do thousands or even millions of these calculations in less than a second. It will subtract images/frames, like in a video or movie.

8 Motion Detection Let’s do a demo! All we need is: A computer
Few lines of code A camera/webcam A software that can run the code And…… you or anything that moves 

9 Colour Detection Demo We will use a different program (code) but the setup is the same. Find some Red, Green or Blue object in the room and wave it in front of the camera.

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