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Microbial contaminants

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1 Microbial contaminants
Risks of bacteria, fungi, viruses Ralf Hartemink Wageningen University the Netherlands

2 The microbial world Viruses non-living, non-cellular organisms that require a host to grow Bacteria living, single-celled organisms Algae Parasites Fungi single or multi-celled organisms such as moulds, yeasts and mushrooms Protozoa

3 Microbes and food (bacteria, viruses, fungi) (bacteria, yeasts, fungi)
Good Food fermentation Bad - Pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi) (bacteria, yeasts, fungi) Ugly - Spoilage (bacteria, fungi)

4 What you eat can make you sick
“Everybody will get a foodborne illness twice per year”

5 Food poisoning or foodborne illness
Foodborne intoxications Symptoms, after 0-4h nausea vomiting Duration 1 day Bacterial toxin Bacterium does not have to be in the product anymore ! Foodborne infections Symptoms, after 8-24h abdominal pain diarrhoea Duration 1-3 days Bacteria, virus Young Old Immuno-compromised Pregnant

6 Fungal toxins : Mycotoxins
Hardly ever acute toxic carcinogenic kidney problems ... Potential serious health risks Most well known: Aflatoxin Zearalenon Ochratoxin Many not known ! Spread easily in food chain

7 Fungal toxins : Aflatoxin

8 Prevention : look at the chain
Production Preparation Consumption Increasing/Decreasing risks Product characteristics Bacterial characteristics Risk Assessment of worst case scenario Legislation

9 New challenges and risks : the consumer
Production Preparation Consumption Increasing/Decreasing risks Consumer demands New trends Natural / Organic Less processed Sustainable /packaging Less salt / sugar No additives ... Different and/or (mostly) higher risks Potentially more cases Research and legislation

10 New challenges and risks : globalisation
Food safety standards, legislation : not harmonised Bacterial prevalence differs widely between regions

11 New challenges : the organism
‘new’ bacteria Listeria : unknown until 1980s Changed ‘old’ bacteria EHEC, STEC, EIEC... Emerging pathogens ‘new’ and more viruses astrovirus nipah virus Adapted bacteria bacteria in unexpected places

12 Thank you for your attention
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