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ISA 301 Advanced Information Systems Acquisition

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1 ISA 301 Advanced Information Systems Acquisition
Instructor Support Package Lesson / Activity Plan Cover Unit of Instruction (UOI) - Lesson/Activity Plan(s) (Instructions/Guide)  Course ID: ISA 301 Course Title:  Unit of Instruction #: Lesson ## Unit of Instruction Title: Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) Prepared By: Robert Thomas; UNIT OVERVIEW – In the space provided, provide a brief description of the unit design, intent and how it supports or fits into the course. This UOI is composed of: One Lesson/Activity and no Student Assessments The lesson consists of both lecture and a quick exercise Four documents support this lesson: 1. Student View graphs (SVG) 2. This Instructor view graph (IVG) set to include notes and suggestions for each slide as applicable 3. Exercise scenario document “ITSM DARA Desired Features.docx” 4. Exercise scenario document “ITSM EA.vsdx”  to be rolled into the design features.docx to avoid viewing issues for student computers without visio. ELOs that are addressed. TLO Given a DoD IT services acquisition scenario, recommend appropriate DESMF guidance to manage a suite of IT services There are three ELOs for this lesson, listed below: Major Takeaways: ISA 301 Advanced Information Systems Acquisition

2 ISA 301 Lesson XX Information Technology Service Management

3 Learning Objectives TLO: Given a DoD IT services acquisition scenario, recommend appropriate DESMF guidance to manage a suite of IT services TLO

4 IT Service Management (ITSM) Overview Policy Overview
Agenda IT Service Management (ITSM) Overview Policy Overview Benefits of DoD Enterprise Service Management Framework (DESMF) DESMF Domains Overview

5 Definitions What is a Service? What is a Standard?
What is a Framework? SLIDE INFORMATION******** Method Employed: Supporting TLO/ELOs ID: Reference(s): ******** SVG Slide# IVG# Total Lesson Time: 105 minutes Lesson Instructor-facilitated Discussion: 50 minutes + 10 minutes break Classroom Exercises: 45 minutes Slide Time Required: Major Takeaways (MT): A common mistake is to assume that the frameworks and standards are exclusive of each other and that all the parts of each must be implemented. The DESMF combines aspects of multiple frameworks and standards, provides a uniform and common language, and outlines guidance to improve effectiveness and efficiency. Learning Points (LP): Service is a means of delivering value comprised of people, processes and technology perceived by Customers and Users as a self-contained, single, coherent entity that enables them to achieve mission objectives and functions (Source: ISO 20000, COBIT 5, ITIL V2, V3, & 2011) or service. Engagement of the time and effort of a service provider whose primary purpose is to perform an identifiable task, or tasks, rather than furnish an end item of supply. (DoDI version DEC 2015) A standard and consists of a set of minimum requirements to audit (DESMF v3 p10) A framework is used by an organization as a structure in which to align efforts and establish a minimum level of competency, as well as continually mature and improve. It provides a structure from which an organization can plan, implement, and measure. (DESMF v3 p10) Note to Instructors (Q&As; Guidance for Slide): ITSM/DESMF

6 Definitions IT Service: Engagement of the time and effort of a service provider, through the use of IT, whose primary purpose is to perform an identifiable task, or tasks, rather than provide an end item of supply. IT Enterprise Service: A service that is offered on a communications network by a single provider to all entities in the DoD Enterprise and is characterized by function performed, service provider, specific-service offering, and scope of the enterprise served. IT Service Management (ITSM): A set of specialized organizational capabilities to manage IT services through a set of defined, repeatable, measurable, implemented and integrated processes that control the quality, performance and reliability of IT services. DESMF (DoD Enterprise Service Management Framework): The DoD ITSM framework that provides standards for service description, service categories, service quality measurements, service management process descriptions, and service management capability assessment as well as provides ITSM guidance. SLIDE INFORMATION******** Method Employed: Supporting TLO/ELOs ID: Reference(s): Definitions from DoDI SVG Slide# IVG# Total Lesson Time: 105 minutes Lesson Instructor-facilitated Discussion: 50 minutes + 10 minutes break Classroom Exercises: 45 minutes Slide Time Required: Major Takeaways (MT): Learning Points (LP): Note to Instructors (Q&As; Guidance for Slide): ITSM/DESMF

7 References Signed 24 Dec 2015 by Mr. Halvorsen
Initial foundational policy establishing authorities and future intentions SLIDE INFORMATION******** Method Employed: Transition Supporting TLO/ELOs ID: ELO Define Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Reference(s): NA ******** SVG Slide# 4 IVG# 5 Total Lesson Time: 90 minutes Lesson Instructor-facilitated Discussion: 60 minutes Classroom Exercises: 20 minutes Slide Time Required: 1 min Lesson time is 50 minutes; Pace yourself to allow about 20 minutes for the exercise Major Takeaways (MT): 1. Business Process Reengineering is a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes and must be conducted prior to automating a business process. Learning Points (LP): Note to Instructors (Q&As; Guidance for Slide): SVG slide 4 serves as an outline of the lesson (IVG slide 5)

8 DoD will: Promote effective use of standards for IT services
Policy Statements DoD will: Promote effective use of standards for IT services Articulate DoD ITSM standards via DESMF Measure quality and management capabilities based on those standards. Define, categorize, publish and measure IT services based on DESMF Use DESMF to describe manner of ITSM for JIE Consider DESMF conformance in all portfolio management decisions IAW DoDI SLIDE INFORMATION******** Method Employed: Transition Supporting TLO/ELOs ID: ELO Define Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Reference(s): NA ******** SVG Slide# 4 IVG# 5 Total Lesson Time: 90 minutes Lesson Instructor-facilitated Discussion: 60 minutes Classroom Exercises: 20 minutes Slide Time Required: 1 min Lesson time is 50 minutes; Pace yourself to allow about 20 minutes for the exercise Major Takeaways (MT): 1. Business Process Reengineering is a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes and must be conducted prior to automating a business process. Learning Points (LP): Note to Instructors (Q&As; Guidance for Slide): SVG slide 4 serves as an outline of the lesson (IVG slide 5)

9 Responsibilities DoD CIO Manage DESMF Establish Service Catalog
Guide DoD Prescribe Conformance Levels Monitor Conformance Evaluate ITSM Capabilities and Quality across DoD Evaluate DESMF effectiveness USD (AT&L) Synchronize acquisition systems / policies IAW 8440 Provide guidance to PMs and PEOs to evaluate & approve implementations of ITSM practices DoD Components Resource management Collaborate on DESMF refinements Execute conformance plan per DoD CIO prescribed level Minimally annual measurements Register component services with enterprise DISA Director DESMF Liaison Provide technical assistance for DoD ITSM SLIDE INFORMATION******** Method Employed: Transition Supporting TLO/ELOs ID: ELO Define Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Reference(s): NA ******** SVG Slide# 4 IVG# 5 Total Lesson Time: 90 minutes Lesson Instructor-facilitated Discussion: 60 minutes Classroom Exercises: 20 minutes Slide Time Required: 1 min Lesson time is 50 minutes; Pace yourself to allow about 20 minutes for the exercise Major Takeaways (MT): 1. Business Process Reengineering is a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes and must be conducted prior to automating a business process. Learning Points (LP): Note to Instructors (Q&As; Guidance for Slide): SVG slide 4 serves as an outline of the lesson (IVG slide 5)

10 - Updated Annually by DoD-wide group
Formalizes DESMF DESMF will include: - Updated Annually by DoD-wide group Quality Model Service descriptions Service categorizations Service Quality Process Reference Model Standard descriptions Support implementations and organizational learning Support audit and assessments Process Assessment Model Assessable levels of integrated service management capabilities. Provide additional guidance DoD Components for adopting ITSM practices Acquiring and contracting for ITSM efforts and capabilities based on industry best practices - DoD CIO will provide further requirements for inclusion in DESMF - DESMF baseline controlled under DoD CIO EASB using ESDP adjudication. DoD-wide group collaboration site DoD ITSM CoP: EASB = Enterprise Architecture and Services Board ESDP = Enterprise Services and Data Panel (subordinate board to the EASB) SLIDE INFORMATION******** Method Employed: Transition Supporting TLO/ELOs ID: ELO Define Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Reference(s): NA ******** SVG Slide# 4 IVG# 5 Total Lesson Time: 90 minutes Lesson Instructor-facilitated Discussion: 60 minutes Classroom Exercises: 20 minutes Slide Time Required: 1 min Lesson time is 50 minutes; Pace yourself to allow about 20 minutes for the exercise Major Takeaways (MT): 1. Business Process Reengineering is a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes and must be conducted prior to automating a business process. Learning Points (LP): Note to Instructors (Q&As; Guidance for Slide): SVG slide 4 serves as an outline of the lesson (IVG slide 5)

11 Service Management Components
Supplier (e.g., Adobe DCO) SVC Provider (DISA) Customer (DoD Office) Value SLA UC OLA Svc Portfolio Roles Processes Tools Measures SMS SLIDE INFORMATION******** Method Employed: Supporting TLO/ELOs ID: Reference(s): NA ******** SVG Slide# IVG# Total Lesson Time: Lesson Instructor-facilitated Discussion: Classroom Exercises: Slide Time Required: Major Takeaways (MT): UC is between vendor/supplier and Program Office / Service Provider OLA is internal to the Program Office / Service Provider SLA is external to the Program Office / Service Provider Learning Points (LP): A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a formal, negotiated contract that outlines service level expectations and clarifies responsibilities between the Service Desk and its Customers (End users). In simple words an SLA is a business contract that specifies service level expectations around critical infrastructure and business services. Typically, they refer to response, restoration and resolution targets that the Service Desk needs to meet. An Operational Level Agreement (OLA) is an internally negotiated document that identifies the service level expectations between the Service Desk and the Technical Support Teams. In simpler words OLAs are similar to SLAs, except they communicate internal team based expectations within specific stages of the Workflow process. And typically OLAs are signed off before SLAs An Underpinning Contract(UC) enables the Service Desk to monitor and maintain control of requests that are forwarded to external service and support providers. In simple words the obligations of external service providers are specified using Underpinning Contracts (UCs). (definitions from Service Management System (SMS) defines the way an organization manages and administers its service offering(s) aka portfolio. A group of related services form a portfolio. Each service has its own lifecycle Note to Instructors (Q&As; Guidance for Slide): Start at the top left of the graphic and work right explaining Supplier/Provider/Customer relationships in terms of UC/OLA/SLAs. Then describe SMS and conclude with Services. Note that the Service Lifecycle Domains will be addressed in a few slides (beginning on Slide 14). Question to ask the class: What are the consequences of a service provider not meeting an SLA – in industry? in Government? Expected response: In industry, financial penalties, loss of business. In Government, no penalties with teeth… Disgruntled customers…. Follow on question: How can we change SLA enforcement between Government entities? What about OLA’s? For anyone in a service provider organization, are your individual performance ratings based on OLA/SLA related metrics / customer satisfaction? Should they be? Policies Objectives Roles Skills Processes Automation Information Metrics Controls Service Service Mgmt System Quality Improvement Service Lifecycle UC – Underpinning Contract OLA – Operational Level Agreement SLA – Service Level Agreement

12 Service Management System Concepts
Service Mgmt System Objectives Roles Processes Automation Information Customer Needs Provider Capabilities Driven By Defines With Metrics Controls Under Quality Mgmt Continual Improvement SMS Purpose Structure Actions Outcomes Optimization SLIDE INFORMATION******** Method Employed: Supporting TLO/ELOs ID: Reference(s): NA ******** SVG Slide# IVG# Total Lesson Time: Lesson Instructor-facilitated Discussion: Classroom Exercises: Slide Time Required: Major Takeaways (MT): Learning Points (LP): Note to Instructors (Q&As; Guidance for Slide): Requirements Objectives Policies Services Authority Lines Ownership Roles Skills Teams Responsibilities Org Structure Resources Key Processes Tools Information Relationships Service Metrics Process Metrics - Progress - Compliance - Effectiveness - Efficiency Organizational Metrics Audits Corrective Actions Integrated Improvements - Services - Tools - Teams - Processes Quality Assurance Communication

13 Service Management Models: SMS Context
Service Mgmt System (SMS) SMS Purpose Structure Actions Outcomes Optimization Org. Focus: CMMI Common Lexicon: ITIL Common Skills: SFIA Governance: COBIT Org. Process Guidance: CMMI Domain Specific Practices/Skills: ITIL, PMI, SE Process Design: LSS / TOC Maturity Measures: CMMI Common CSF/KPIs: ITIL Metric Design: LSS Value/Contribution: BSC Assessments / Certs: CMMI, ISO 20000 Control Audits: COBIT Improvement Approach: LSS (DMAIC) Svc. Imp. Principles: ITIL Quality Management: ISO 9001, Baldrige Potential requirement for use by customer or sector SMS Standard: ISO 20000 Customer Focus: LEAN SLIDE INFORMATION******** Method Employed: Supporting TLO/ELOs ID: Reference(s): NA ******** SVG Slide# IVG# Total Lesson Time: Lesson Instructor-facilitated Discussion: Classroom Exercises: Slide Time Required: Major Takeaways (MT): The DESMF combines aspects of multiple frameworks and standards, provides a uniform and common language, and outlines guidance to improve effectiveness and efficiency. Learning Points (LP): Note to Instructors (Q&As; Guidance for Slide): Models: ISO defined processes in an overall quality management system , implemented, measurable, repeatable, interfaced and auditable ITIL - service management process practices COBIT 4 - auditable points of control within a management system COBIT 5 - more emphasis on process and aligned with ISO standards for process descriptions ISO IEC 20k - auditable principles of service mgmt., phased approach to implementing ISO IEC 20k, auditable process descriptions, process maturity SFIA: Skills Framework for the Information Age CMMi - organizational capability maturity eSCM - service provider capabilities - not process focused, but service provider capabilities All of the models are attempting to describing a whole system through which an organization can manage service cost, risk, quality, performance and business outcomes. They stress different aspects due to their core constituencies - auditors, assessors, consultants or outsourcing firms. Each model benefits financially from gaining devotees. The service provider benefits by selectively choosing what aspects of each model are valuable to their current goals and adopting them as needed - rather than "implementing model X".

14 The 5 Domains of the DESMF service life-cycle
Strategy Design Transition Operations Continual Service Improvement Diff graphic? Copyright? SLIDE INFORMATION******** Method Employed: Supporting TLO/ELOs ID: Reference(s): NA ******** SVG Slide# IVG# Total Lesson Time: Lesson Instructor-facilitated Discussion: Classroom Exercises: Slide Time Required: Major Takeaways (MT): Learning Points (LP): Note to Instructors (Q&As; Guidance for Slide): ITSM/DESMF

15 DESMF Domain Structures
Strategy Design Transition Operation CSI Artifacts Strategic Plan Overarching Objectives Roadmap Identify, Select, and Prioritize planned service offerings Answer the question: Why do we need this service? Metrics Return on Investment Value of Investment (cost avoidance) Process Reference Model Don’t start from scratch Artifacts Service Level Agreement Gap Analysis RACI determination Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed Requirements Traceability Test Plan Metrics Availability Artifacts Test Plan Deployment Plan Metrics # incidents caused by changes Artifacts Process Capability Assessment Service Improvement Plan Metrics % first call resolution # incidents correlated with new service deployments Artifacts Service Improvement Plan Strategy Metrics Looking for trends SLIDE INFORMATION******** Method Employed: Transition Supporting TLO/ELOs ID: ELO Define Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Reference(s): NA ******** SVG Slide# 4 IVG# 5 Total Lesson Time: 90 minutes Lesson Instructor-facilitated Discussion: 60 minutes Classroom Exercises: 20 minutes Slide Time Required: 1 min Lesson time is 50 minutes; Pace yourself to allow about 20 minutes for the exercise Major Takeaways (MT): 1. Business Process Reengineering is a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes and must be conducted prior to automating a business process. Learning Points (LP): Note to Instructors (Q&As; Guidance for Slide): SVG slide 4 serves as an outline of the lesson (IVG slide 5)

16 DESMF Processes Across the Service Lifecycle
Process Reference Model SLIDE INFORMATION******** Method Employed: Transition Supporting TLO/ELOs ID: ELO Define Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Reference(s): NA ******** SVG Slide# IVG# Total Lesson Time: Lesson Instructor-facilitated Discussion: Classroom Exercises: Slide Time Required: Major Takeaways (MT): Learning Points (LP): Note to Instructors (Q&As; Guidance for Slide): Questions from Students during Pilot: Q: Why does the Information Security Management bar stop at Operations? A: Due to the way the process is defined. Incident Management is in Operations and includes activities related to Information Security Management.

17 ITSMO ITSMO Ties it all together For more information Policy Training
Standardized approach to ITSM for your Enterprise Process Reference Model For more information DoD ITSM Community of Practice (latest information on DESMF) Navy ITSM Office (good templates + see how someone else is doing it) Need updated graphic – LCDR Fisher is no longer with Navy ITSMO SLIDE INFORMATION******** Method Employed: Transition Supporting TLO/ELOs ID: ELO Define Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Reference(s): NA ******** SVG Slide# 4 IVG# 5 Total Lesson Time: 90 minutes Lesson Instructor-facilitated Discussion: 60 minutes Classroom Exercises: 20 minutes Slide Time Required: 1 min Lesson time is 50 minutes; Pace yourself to allow about 20 minutes for the exercise Major Takeaways (MT): 1. Business Process Reengineering is a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes and must be conducted prior to automating a business process. Learning Points (LP): Note to Instructors (Q&As; Guidance for Slide): SVG slide 4 serves as an outline of the lesson (IVG slide 5)

18 Class Exercise Part 1 At your tables: [Take 30 Minutes] As a class:
Read Background Scenario What “Services” are needed? Develop To-Be Enterprise Architecture Brainstorm 3-5 Goals and Objectives [Take 30 Minutes] As a class: Discuss major differences in answers What will our Roadmap look like? What Metrics could we use to Justify the Roadmap? Need clear definition of what a goal is and what an objective is At your tables (30 minutes): Read Background Scenario [SGM2] What “Services” are needed? [SGM3] Develop To-Be Enterprise Architecture [SGM3] Brainstorm 3-5 Goals and Objectives [SGM3] As a class (10 minutes): Discuss major differences in answers What will our Roadmap look like? [SGM4] SLIDE INFORMATION******** Method Employed: Transition Supporting TLO/ELOs ID: ELO Define Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Reference(s): NA ******** SVG Slide# 4 IVG# 5 Total Lesson Time: 90 minutes Lesson Instructor-facilitated Discussion: 60 minutes Classroom Exercises: 20 minutes Slide Time Required: 1 min Lesson time is 50 minutes; Pace yourself to allow about 20 minutes for the exercise Major Takeaways (MT): 1. Business Process Reengineering is a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes and must be conducted prior to automating a business process. Learning Points (LP): Note to Instructors (Q&As; Guidance for Slide): SVG slide 4 serves as an outline of the lesson (IVG slide 5) ITSM/DESMF

19 Class Exercise Part 2 At your tables: As a class:
Review the DESMF Service Strategy Domain (beginning p44) Which Process would the previous slide activities fall under? Which Activities? [Take 10 Minutes] As a class: Discuss major differences in answers What benefit is there to performing this process/activities? What benefit is there to having this type of process/activity defined? At your tables (10 minutes): Process: Strategy Generation Management (SGM) Read Background Scenario [SGM2] What “Services” are needed? [SGM3] Develop To-Be Enterprise Architecture [SGM3] Brainstorm 3-5 Goals and Objectives [SGM3] What will our Roadmap look like? [SGM4] SLIDE INFORMATION******** Method Employed: Transition Supporting TLO/ELOs ID: ELO Define Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Reference(s): NA ******** SVG Slide# 4 IVG# 5 Total Lesson Time: 90 minutes Lesson Instructor-facilitated Discussion: 60 minutes Classroom Exercises: 20 minutes Slide Time Required: 1 min Lesson time is 50 minutes; Pace yourself to allow about 20 minutes for the exercise Major Takeaways (MT): 1. Business Process Reengineering is a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes and must be conducted prior to automating a business process. Learning Points (LP): Note to Instructors (Q&As; Guidance for Slide): SVG slide 4 serves as an outline of the lesson (IVG slide 5) ITSM/DESMF

20 Using ITSM best practices is key
Summary Using ITSM best practices is key Policy in , DESMF provide responsibilities and practices Reviewed the 5 phases of the service life-cycle Strategy Design Transition Operations Continual Service Improvement SLIDE INFORMATION******** Method Employed: Transition Supporting TLO/ELOs ID: ELO Define Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Reference(s): NA ******** SVG Slide# 4 IVG# 5 Total Lesson Time: 90 minutes Lesson Instructor-facilitated Discussion: 60 minutes Classroom Exercises: 20 minutes Slide Time Required: 1 min Lesson time is 50 minutes; Pace yourself to allow about 20 minutes for the exercise Major Takeaways (MT): 1. Business Process Reengineering is a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes and must be conducted prior to automating a business process. Learning Points (LP): Note to Instructors (Q&As; Guidance for Slide): SVG slide 4 serves as an outline of the lesson (IVG slide 5)

21 Supplementary Slides ITSM/DESMF

22 DESMF Information Security Management Overview
Could be used but needs to go elsewhere in the flow…. Ties back into Cyber lesson… SLIDE INFORMATION******** Method Employed: Transition Supporting TLO/ELOs ID: ELO Define Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Reference(s): NA ******** SVG Slide# 4 IVG# 5 Total Lesson Time: 90 minutes Lesson Instructor-facilitated Discussion: 60 minutes Classroom Exercises: 20 minutes Slide Time Required: 1 min Lesson time is 50 minutes; Pace yourself to allow about 20 minutes for the exercise Major Takeaways (MT): 1. Business Process Reengineering is a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes and must be conducted prior to automating a business process. Learning Points (LP): Note to Instructors (Q&As; Guidance for Slide): SVG slide 4 serves as an outline of the lesson (IVG slide 5) ITSM/DESMF

23 Goals and Objectives # Goal Objectives 1 Goal 1 Goal Objective 2
3 Goal 3 4 Goal 4 5 Goal 5

24 Initiatives Initiatives Goals 1 2 3 4 5 Desired Effects
First Initiative A narrative detailing the intended effects of the initiative designed to reach strategic goals. Second Initiative Third Initiative Fourth Initiative

25 Roadmap

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