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GeoGebra Conjecture & Proof Mark Dawes

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1 GeoGebra Conjecture & Proof Mark Dawes
Comberton Village College University of Cambridge

2 To log on: Open internet browser Of the 2 available options, click on the ‘Guest User’ option Terms of use - confirm acceptance User ID: MATHEMATICAL2017 Password: RHULMATHEMATICAL2017

3 Some set-up might be needed:

4 Question: “Make a conjecture about the triangle in a semi-circle
Question: “Make a conjecture about the triangle in a semi-circle. Prove it.”

5 John’s Conjecture

6 My expectation … y x y x This is what I expected: Label angle ACE = x
Triangle ACE is isosceles, so angle AEC = x Label angle ADE = y Triangle ADE is isosceles, so angle AED = y In triangle DEC we have x+x+y+y = 180, so x+y = 90 and angle DEC is therefore a right angle. This is the proof I learned at school, and while it works and certainly proves that the angle is 90 degrees, it is not very satisfying because it doesn’t really explain what is going on.

7 John’s Conjecture The two smaller triangles have the same area

8 Maddie’s Diagram

9 Use materials at https://www. geogebra
Use materials at Find the ‘book’ named for this session.

10 Find the circle A circle passes through the x-axis at 2 and 8.
It is tangent to the y-axis. Where is the centre of the circle?

11 Homework “Draw any quadrilateral. Join the midpoints of the sides in order to make a new quadrilateral. What can you tell me about the new quadrilateral?”

12 Homework “Draw any quadrilateral. Join the midpoints of the sides in order to make a new quadrilateral. What can you tell me about the new quadrilateral?”

13 Homework “Draw any quadrilateral. Join the midpoints of the sides in order to make a new quadrilateral. What can you tell me about the new quadrilateral?”


15 Skipping 7,2 We need a regular polygon.
I choose to start with a regular heptagon. I then chose to use a ‘skip’ of 2. I started at the top vertex, went clockwise round the heptagon two vertices. If I continue to use a skip of 2 it eventually gets back to the starting point. I have created this diagram. Explore what happens for different starting polygons and skip values. 7,2

16 Sliding Ladder A ladder 10m long (!) rests on horizontal ground against a vertical wall. As the foot of the ladder slips away from the wall, what is the locus of the centre of the ladder?

17 Quadrilateral Tessellation
Claim: “Every quadrilateral tessellates.” Is this true? Can you explain why (not) ?

18 Which is bigger? Draw a point on a square.
You can make a new square by rotating this point about the centre of the square. You can make a new rectangle by reflecting this point in the diagonals of the square.

19 Conjecture & Proof with GeoGebra
The Question Instructions Draw the diagram Solve the problem Record results/ideas/answers Write a proof Decide whether dynamic geometry is worth using Are these steps in the right order? Are there any steps missing?

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