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Insolation and Temperature

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1 Insolation and Temperature
Chapter 4 Insolation and Temperature

2 Insolation and Temperature
Solar Energy Basic Processes of Heating and Cooling Heating the Atmosphere Measuring Temperature Mechanisms of Heat Transfer Temperature Patterns

3 Solar Energy Electromagnetic Spectrum Different wavelengths
Electromagnetic Waves Short & Long

4 Solar Energy Electromagnetic Waves

5 Solar Energy The Electromagnetic Spectrum

6 Shorter wavelength = more energy Longer wavelength = less energy
The Energy Spectrum Shorter wavelength = more energy Longer wavelength = less energy

7 Radiation and Life Radiation is energy traveling through space
Sunshine is one of the most familiar forms of radiation. There would be no life on earth without lots of sunlight Sunshine consists of radiation in a range of wavelengths from long-wave infra-red to short-wavelength ultraviolet, Beyond ultraviolet are higher energy kinds of radiation - ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation can cause damage to matter, particularly living tissue. It is necessary to control our exposure.

8 Energy – Heat - Temp Energy – the capacity to do work
Heat – one form of energy Temperature – a way to express how hot or cold something is

9 Atmospheric Energy Balance

10 Albedo: the percentage of solar energy reflected back by a surface

11 Basic Processes of Heating and Cooling
Radiation Absorption Reflection Scattering Transmission Conduction Convection Adiabatic Heating and Cooling

12 Radiation Radiation: energy that is radiated or transmitted in the form of rays or waves or particles

13 Absorption and Reflection

14 Scattering

15 Transmission

16 Transmission The Greenhouse Effect

17 Conduction The transfer of heat from one substance to another by direct contact. Denser is better. The movement of heat from one molecule to another. The flow of heat from one part of a substance to another part. Example: A piece of iron with one end placed in a fire will soon become warm from end to end, from the transfer of heat by the actual collision of the air molecules.

18 Convection

19 Adiabatic Heating/Cooling

20 Heating the Atmosphere
The Earth’s Energy Budget Spatial and Seasonal Heating Variations Latitudinal Differences Day length Atmospheric obstruction Land and Water Contrasts

21 The Earth’s Energy Budget

22 Spatial/Seasonal Variations Latitudinal Differences

23 Day Length

24 Atmospheric Obstruction

25 Land and Water Contrasts Heating Characteristics

26 Land and Water Contrasts Annual Temperature Curves

27 Measuring Temperature
Fahrenheit Scale Celsius Scale Kelvin Scale

28 Heat Transfer Mechanisms Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulation
Figure 4-27

29 Ocean Circulation Patterns

30 Global Temperature Controls
Altitude Latitude Land-Water Contrasts Ocean Currents

31 Seasonal Latitudinal Shift

32 Global Warming Global Warming



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