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Musculoskeletal system

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1 Musculoskeletal system
Chapter 21

2 Howjsay Abduction Adduction Amputation Arthritis Bursae Bursitis
Cartilage Flexion Fracture Full weight-bearing FWB Ligaments

3 Howjsay Muscles Muscular dystrophy Non-weight-bearing NWB
Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Partial Weight-bearing PWB Phantom limb pain Phantom sensation Prosthesis

4 Howjsay Rheumatoid arthritis Sling Tendons Total hip replacement THR
Total knee replacement TKR

5 Abbreviations 1. FWB full weight bearing 2. PWB partial weight bearing
3. NWB non-weight-bearing 4. THR total hip replacement 5. TKR total knee replacement 6. ORIF open reduction internal fixation 7. CPM continuous passive motion machine 8. RICE rest ice compression elevation 9. SCD sequential compression device

6 Severe degenerative vs rheumatoid arthritis

7 Total hip replacement THR
Hip replacement is a surgical procedure in which the hip joint is replaced by a prosthetic implant. Radical treatment for severe arthritis or injury which prevents patient from walking without having pain.

8 Osteoporosis

9 Osteoporosis

10 Hip fracture The combined lifetime risk for hip, forearm and vertebral fractures coming to clinical attention is around 40%, equivalent to the risk for cardiovascular disease

11 Hip fracture

12 ORIF Definition: O.R.I.F. is an abbreviation for Open Reduction Internal Fixation. It is a method of surgically repairing a fractured bone. Generally, this involves either the use of plates and screws or a rod to stabilize the bone. If you are having a broken bone treated by ORIF, you will be taken to the operating room, given anesthesia so that you will not feel the surgery, and have your bones repaired by an orthopedic surgeon.

13 Hip protection m/watch?feature=ends creen&NR=1&v=SM2 Y7S_hWh8

14 Hip fracture pre and post operative care
Pre and post operative care by Nursing Assistant m/watch?v=XZq1gEx Gh8k

15 Rehabilitation after hip replacement
Read the article g/surgical-care/hip- precautions-after-hip- replacement-surgery/ Name at least two rules for a standing and sitting positions. Name at least three rules for lying patient. What is NAC role in care in nursing home and home health settings? Demonstrate NWB, PWB and FWB transfers.

16 CPM machine after total knee replacement
m/watch?v=QWfyspe9 2n0

17 Atrophy - Decrease in size or wasting away of a body part or tissue

18 Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – genetic disorder
Our boy Christopher 35 min om/watch?v=SeRfWp0 eNGM

19 Fractures - classification
om/watch?v=tXFFaM dNNJk&list=PLdsqqX ltsisGaWCw75lv53bW BA7o2vjow 3 min First Aid with an open fracture 5 minhttps:// IjnIsMo

20 Ankylosing Spondylitis -and- medicine/muscular- skeletal- diseases/arthritis/v/an kylosing-spondylitis 10 min

21 Test of context 1. What is voluntary and involuntary muscle?
2. What is dystrophy, atrophy, contracture, dislocation? 3. What is phantom sensation? 4. What is open and closed fracture? 5. After the THR the hip cannot be flexed more than _____ degrees. 6. Fluids after surgery can prevent urinary tract infection True or False

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