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2 What do you mean by following?
The medical community indicates that a program of downsizing average total daily caloric intake is maximally efficacious in the field of proactive weight-reduction methodologies. (25 words)


4 Do you mean? Doctors say that the best way to lose weight is to eat less (13 words) The medical community = Doctors a program of downsizing average total daily caloric intake = to eat less maximally efficacious in the field of proactive weight-reduction methodologies = to lose weight

5 Vocabulary :One word Substitution
Why? To increase vocab To express an entire idea in more concise way For brevity To save time, energy and paper

6 Examples: One word substitute
A person who believes in God = Theist A student who stays away from school without telling his/her parents = Truant Someone’s life history written by another person = Biography One’s own written life history = Autobiography Tendency to favor one’s relatives = Nepotism

7 Examples: One word Substitute
A series of three novels/works by a writer/artist = Trilogy One takes pleasure in torturing others = Sadist A story in which ideas are symbolized as characters = Allegory Killing one’s own father = Patricide Killing one’s own mother = matricide A medicine that cures all diseases = Panacea

8 Examples: One word substitute
A place where wild animals/birds are kept in a protected area = Sanctuary One who totally abstains from drinking = teetotaller /teetotaler One who understands the finer aspects of art, music etc = Connoisseur One who eats in large quantities = Glutton Compulsive desire to steal = Kleptomania

9 Examples: One word subsitute
A screen or pen name adopted by an artist or writer = Pseudonym Someone who travels with devotion to a sacred place = Pilgrim A person who has beautiful and elegant handwriting = calligrapher A person with strange and peculiar habits = eccentric

10 MCQ Exercise: One word substitute
Find apt word for One who can’t read or write Uneducated b) illiterate c) ill mannered 2. What do you mean by Panacea? Medicine b) cure for all problems c) Eating too much

11 Answers 1 b 2 b

12 MCQ Find meaning of sycophant One who is mentally upset
A killer on street A thief One who praises to get money 1.What are you going to do now? 2.What are your chances to get correct option? According to probability =25%

13 Tip to find correct option for MCQs
When you do not know correct option Increase your probability How? What is your probability to find incorrect option? 75% So focus on incorrect options And eliminate

14 Tip to find correct option for MCQs
When you eliminate 1 wrong possibility Probability to find correct option 33% When you eliminate 2 wrong possibilities? It’s 50% Lets do it practically, now.

15 MCQ Find meaning of sycophant One who is mentally upset
A killer on street A thief One who praises to get money Look at the spellings of the word given Which is least correct possibility? Try to eliminate another

16 Answers I will think like
I have never heard/read a word like sycophant used for a killer or a thief Psycho and scycho are different So answer is one who praises to get money

17 Exercises: One word substitute
A person who believes in God Pilgrim b) Atheist c) Theist d) Eccentric 2. Habit of favoring own relatives Truant b) Pseudonym Calligrapher d) Nepotism

18 Exercises: One word substitute
3. A story which is symbolic Allegory b) trilogy c) Biography d) Sadist 4. Dilip Kumar, tragedy king of bollywood, is ……… of Yousaf Khan. Eccentric b) Pseudonym c) Theist d) Connoisseur

19 Exercises: One word substitute
5. He is rich but has a compulsive desire to steal. a) Gluttony b) Kleptomania c) Calligraphy d) Sanctuary 6. If you do not drink, you are …………….. Teetotaler b) theist c) Pilgrim d) Sadist

20 Answers 1 c 2 d 3 a 4 b 5 b 6 a

21 Exercises: One word substitute
If you have refined taste for art, you are ……… a) Glutton b) Connoisseur c) Philanthropist d) Painter 2. Act of killing one’s father is ……………. Matricide b) Pesticide c) Patricide d) Regicide

22 Exercises: One word substitute
3. One who bunks classes Sadist b) Cosmopolitan c) Truant d) Dullard 4. Something that is unnecessary Feminist b) Lexicographer c) Credulous d) Superfluous

23 Answers 1 b 2 c 3 c 4 d

24 One word substitute A woman who never gets married = Spinster
One who deserts one’s religion = Apostate One who hates woman = Misogynist An animal story with a moral =Fable

25 One word substitute A general official pardon given to many = Amnesty
Someone who compiles a dictionary = Lexicographer A long narrative poem written in grand style = Epic An agreement between two parties = Pact

26 One word substitute A particular method used to achieve something
= Tactic An artist’s most outstanding and memorable artistic creation = masterpiece


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