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Welcome Parents and Carers to the Year 1 Phonics Meeting and Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents and Carers to the Year 1 Phonics Meeting and Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents and Carers to the Year 1 Phonics Meeting and Workshop


3 Aims Develop your confidence in helping your child/children with phonics and reading. To teach the basics of phonics and some useful phonics terms. To outline the different stages in phonic development. To show examples of activities and resources we use to teach phonics. To look at the assessment and reporting arrangements (Year 1 Phonics Screening Check)

4 What is Phonics? Children are taught to read by breaking down words ‘graphemes’ into separate sounds or ‘phonemes’. They are then taught how to blend these sounds together to hear and read the whole word. /b/ /e/ /d/ = bed

5 Key Facts The English Alphabetic Code
The English language uses approximately 44 sounds. (20 vowels and 24 consonants) The English Alphabet has 26 letters English uses combinations of letters to represent single sounds. There are 140 ways of combining letters to create the 44 sounds. .

6 Daily Phonics Every day the children have 25 minute
sessions of phonics. • Fast paced approach. Lessons encompass a range of games, songs and rhymes. We use the Letters and Sounds planning document to support the teaching of phonics. There are 6 phonics phases which the children work through at their own pace. Phoneme frames, sound buttons, full circle, countdown, flashcards, buried treasure

7 Cerater


9 Phase 1: Getting ready for phonics
1. Tuning into sounds. 2. Listening and remembering sounds. 3. Talking about sounds Music and movement Rhythm and rhyme Sound effects Speaking and listening skills

10 Phonic terms your child will learn at school
Phonemes: The smallest units of sound that are found within a word e.g. c, t or sh Grapheme: The spelling of the sound e.g. Th Diagraph: Two letters that make one sound when read, e.g. sh. Trigraphs: Three letters that make one sound, e.g. ear. CVC: Stands for consonant, vowel, consonant, e.g. cat. Segmenting is breaking up a word into its sounds, e.g. c-a-t. Blending : Putting the sounds together to read a word, e.g. cat. Tricky words: Words that cannot easily be decoded. A list of these have been provided at the back of your child’s Homework Book.

11 t ai igh A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in a word.
Grapheme Letter(s) representing a phoneme. t ai igh

12 sh ck th ll ai ee ar oy igh ear Digraph
Two letters, which make one sound A consonant digraph contains two consonants sh ck th ll A vowel digraph contains at least one vowel also known as long vowel phoneme ai ee ar oy Trigraph Three letters, which make one sound igh ear

13 Phase 2: Learning phonemes to read and write simple words
Children will learn their first 19 phonemes: Set 1: s a t p Set 2: i n m d Set 3: g o c k Set 4: ck (as in duck) e u r Set 5: h b l f ff (as in puff) ll (as in hill) ss (as in hiss) They will use these phonemes to read and spell simple “consonant-vowel-consonant” (CVC) words: sat, tap, dig, duck, rug, puff, hill, hiss All these words contain 3 phonemes (3 sounds).


15 Saying the sounds Sounds should be articulated clearly and precisely.

16 Phonic Words Your children will learn to use the term: Blending Children need to be able to hear the separate sounds in a word and then blend them together to say the whole word .

17 Blending /b/ /e/ /d/ = bed /t/ /i/ /n/ = tin /m/ /u/ /g/ = mug

18 Phonics Words Segmenting
Your children will learn to use the term: Segmenting Children need to be able to hear a whole word and say every sound that they hear .

19 Segmenting bed = /b/ /e/ /d/ tin= /t/ /i/ /n/ mug= /m/ /u/ /g/

20 How can I help at home? Oral blending: the robot game
Children need to practise hearing a series of spoken sounds and blend them together to make a word. For example, you say ‘b-u-s’, and your child says ‘bus’. “What’s in the box?” is a great game for practising this skill.

21 Phonics Words Phoneme Phonemes are sounds that can be heard in words
Your children will learn to use the term: Phoneme Phonemes are sounds that can be heard in words e.g. c-a-t.

22 Phonics Words Grapheme This is how a phoneme is written down.
Your children will learn to use the term: Grapheme This is how a phoneme is written down.

23 Phonics Words digraph This means that the phoneme comprises of two
Your children will learn to use the term: digraph This means that the phoneme comprises of two letters e.g. ll, ff, ck, ss

24 Phoneme frame and sound buttons
Phonics words Phoneme frame and sound buttons c a t f i sh _

25 Phoneme frames activity
l o g d u ck _ f i ll _

26 Tricky Words There are many words that cannot be blended or segmented because they are irregular. These tricky words are displayed at the back of the Homework Book. the was said you some

27 These can be created together, at home.
Some tricks can be found on:

28 Work together to create a mnemonic for:

29 Phase 3: Learning the long vowel phonemes
Children will enter phase 3 once they know the first 19 phonemes and can blend and segment to read and spell CVC words. They will learn another 26 phonemes: j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er They will use these phonemes (and the ones from Phase 2) to read and spell words: chip, shop, thin, ring, pain, feet, night, boat, boot, look, farm, fork, burn, town, coin, dear, fair, sure


31 Phonics Words Trigraph
Your children will learn to use the term: Trigraph This means that the phoneme comprises of three letters e.g. igh , ear, ure.

32 Phase 4: Introducing consonant clusters: reading and spelling words with four or more phonemes
Children move into phase 4 when they know all the phonemes from phases 2 and 3 and can use them to read and spell simple words (blending to read and segmenting to spell). Phase 4 doesn‘t introduce any new phonemes. It focuses on reading and spelling longer words with the phonemes they already know. These words have consonant clusters at the beginning: spot, trip, clap, green, clown …or at the end: tent, mend, damp, burnt …or at the beginning and end! trust, spend, twist

33 Phase 5 Teach new graphemes for reading:
ay, ou, ie, ea, oy, ir, ue, aw, wh, ph, ew, oe, au, a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e Learn alternative pronunciations of graphemes (the same grapheme can represent more than one phoneme): Fin/find, hot/cold, cat/cent, got/giant, but/put, cow/blow, tie/field, eat/bread, farmer/her, hat/what, yes/by/very, chin/school/chef, out/shoulder/could/you.


35 Learning all the variations!
Learning that the same phoneme can be represented in more than one way: burn first term heard work

36 Learning all the variations!
Learning that the same grapheme can represent more than one phoneme: meat bread he bed bear hear cow low

37 Teaching the Split Digraph
tie time toe tone cue cube pie pine

38 Phase 6 Phase 6 focuses on spellings and learning rules for spelling alternatives. Children might learn about past tense, rules for adding ‘ing’ and irregular verbs ‘tion’ and ‘sion’ words

39 Why Year 1? Every Year 1 child in the country will be taking the statutory phonics screening check in June. The check is very similar to tasks the children already complete during phonics lessons and it will be done with the class teacher. The focus of the check is to ensure that all children can read by the end of year 2. The year 1 screening (mid point) will provide evidence to help teachers plan for year 2.. It is not a reading test!

40 The check will take 4 to 9 minutes to complete.
The children will be asked to ‘sound out’ a word and blend the sounds together. e.g. d-o-g – dog. The check will consist of 40 words and non-words . Children will be told if the word is a real or ‘alien’ word, with a corresponding alien image.

41 Examples of words

42 How will it be administered?
Teachers will conduct all of the screening checks with the children. The children are familiar with this routine. The children will complete the check one to one in a quiet area of the school. We are not permitted to indicate to the children at the time whether they have correctly sounded out and / or blended the word.

43 And the results? The children will be scored against a national standard (determined by DfE). We will inform you of the results during the summer term. If your child’s score falls below the national standard they will be supported and will complete the screening in Year 2.

44 How can you help? Encourage your child to use their knowledge of sounds to work out the words when reading and writing. Digraph- 2 letters making one sound cow the children should say this as c-ow and not c-o-w. Trigraphs- 3 letters making one sound night the children should say this as n-igh-t and not n-i-g-h-t which does not sound like night. Split digraphs- 2 vowels with a consonant in between. Use to be known as the magic e! spine i_e home – o_e cube – u_e

45 How can you help. Phonic Play: Username: Highgate19
How can you help? Phonic Play: Username: Highgate19 Password: stjosephs Children can practise their phonics by playing games online. They can choose phase 3, 4, or 5 * Buried Treasure * Poop deck Pirates * Dragons’Den

46 How can you help? REMEMBER: Phonics is not the only way you become a good reader. Continue to read with your child each night and encourage them to: *Sound out the words and blend the sounds together. *Re-read to check it makes sense, and use pictures for clues. * Ask questions about the book. * And most importantly ENJOY READING!

47 How can I help at home? tray trai rain rayn boil boyl boy boi
When spelling, encourage your child to think about what “looks right”. Have fun trying out different options…wipe clean whiteboards are good for trying out spellings. tray trai rain rayn boil boyl boy boi throat throwt snow snoa

48 Thank you We would like to thank you for making yourself available for our Phonics Meeting. We hope that you will enjoy phonics at home and how it enables your child to make wonderful progress.

49 Phonics Lesson Now you will have the opportunity to experience a phonics lesson. You may sit around at the children’s desk while they remain in the carpet. Please remain quiet while the children show you how they learn! Enjoy!

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