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Unit 3 Biology EL: To go over some exam tips and what you need to take with you on Tuesday.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Biology EL: To go over some exam tips and what you need to take with you on Tuesday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Biology EL: To go over some exam tips and what you need to take with you on Tuesday

2 What you need to take 2B or 4B pencils, sharpener and rubber for multiple choice section Blue or black pen for short answer section Ruler No pencil cases unless they are transparent Clear water bottles and tissues!!!

3 Reading time is important
Go straight to section B and start mentally answering the questions. Work out which questions you are going to answer first and which ones you will come back to later if you have time. If time, go to section A and do the same thing Use ALL of reading time

4 Exam time Go to Section B questions you have mentally flagged in your head to do first Read question CAREFULLY again and underline/highlight key words. Look at how many marks they are looking for and what sort of question it is – name, describe/define or explain If you make a mistake and run out of room, cross it out and indicate where the correct answer can be located

5 Exam time Don’t write answers to questions you are unsure of in the hope that you’ll get mark – go on to another question you are more confident with When you have completed the questions you are happy with in Section B, go back to Section A.

6 Exam time Once again, complete questions you are confident with first.
Read question carefully, underlining and highlighting key words When you have finished, go back through paper and try to answer any incomplete questions. Don’t leave ANY multiple choice questions unanswered!!!

7 Proof read!!! Make sure you proof read your work at the end – you might find silly mistakes! Also check your spelling!!! Also, make sure the examiner is going to be able to read your writing, better to take your time and write legibly than to complete the whole paper and the examiner can’t read iut anyway!

8 Exam time – other tips You should spend around a minute on each mark
Don’t space out and spend a long time thinking about one question – move on to something else and come back to it at the end IF you have time

9 Don’t forget scientific method
There is ALWAYS a scientific method question on the unit 3 exam, so make sure you are familiar with it (see chapter 3 powerpoint) IV and DV Controls Constants Experimental group size/repeats Safety precautions

10 Reflection On the piece of paper, write down:
What you would really like to get on your exam What you think you will get on your exam, based on tests and practice exams Give it to me and I’ll give it back to you when you get your results.

11 And don’t forget…. You have all worked really hard this semester.
All you can do now is have the confidence and faith in yourself that I have in you!

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