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Testosterone in Male and Female

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1 Testosterone in Male and Female
Laura Altin Lambeth College Students Name: …………………………………………………………………..

2 Topic Aims Level Method Equipment Duration
Testosterone in Male and Female Aims To represent graphically the different average amount of testosterone present in adult males & females To construct a graph correctly from assumptions of timing and quantity of testosterone. To discuss/link the graph to the Olympic games winners table Level Level 2 Method PowerPoint slides (all hand-outs) – Individual student assignment, can either hand these in with student answers, or have a group discussion around the answers and thoughts of the Students (teacher to go through answers). Graph analysis Equipment Laptop & Projector All slides Hand-Outs (apart from Slide 2) Pens/Pencils Duration >45 Mins

3 Testosterone in Male & Females
Does it matter? Using Draw an average representation of maximum and minimum testosterone level in males and females assuming their peak is at midday and the minimum is at midnight. Discuss the role of testosterone in males and females in sport performance. Testosterone in average adult male: 270 – 1070 ng/d; in average adult female; ng/dL(available from Assume that the peak of testosterone is at midday and the lowest point at midnight how would your curve look? Think of what values you need to place on the x and y axis and draw the graph. Include labelled axes, keys and title. Read the attached table about some Olympic game winners and their achievements and discuss the role of testosterone in sport in females and males. BEIJING 2008 SOME OLYMPIC GAMES WINNERS NAME SPORT M/F Record Time Cesar Filho Swimming 50m M 20.30sec Britta Stephan F 24.06sec Andrey Silnov High jump 2.36 m Tia Hellebaut 2.05 m Andreas Thorkildsen Javelin 90.57m Barbora Spotakova 70.42m Wilfred Bungei 800m 1:42.34 Pamela Jelimo 1:54.01

4 Testosterone in Male & Females
Does it matter? 1)

5 Testosterone in Male & Females
Does it matter? 2) Discuss the role of testosterone in sport performance between males and females using the Olympic winners data provided below. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 For further information please contact The STEM Alliance or visit

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