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Symbols, Distances and Directions

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Presentation on theme: "Symbols, Distances and Directions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Symbols, Distances and Directions

2 What is a map? Maps show a plan view of an area of the world.
This can be a large area – like Australia … … or a small area, like your back yard. What types of maps are you familiar with? What is a map? On click - text appears ‘Maps show a plan view of an area of the world.’ On click - text appears ‘This can be a large area – like Australia …’, image appears ‘Map of Australia’ On click - text appears ‘…or a small area, like your back yard.’, image appears ‘Map of backyard’ On click - text appears ‘What types of maps are you familiar with?’

3 We often use maps in everyday life
We use maps to find our way between cities and towns We often use maps in everyday life On click - text appears ‘We use maps to’, ‘find our way between cities and towns’, image appears ‘Bigtown map’

4 We often use maps in everyday life
We use maps to find our way within a city or town We often use maps in everyday life Text appears ‘find our way within a city or town’, image appears ‘City map’

5 We often use maps in everyday life
We use maps to find our way around a shopping centre We often use maps in everyday life Text appears ‘find our way around a shopping centre’, image appears ‘Shopping centre map’

6 We often use maps in everyday life
We use maps to • find our way around the zoo! We often use maps in everyday life Text appears ‘find our way around the zoo!’, image appears ‘Zoo map’

7 What are the features of maps?
Title Names the place a map is representing Cape Beauty What are the features of maps? On click - text appears ‘Title’ On click - text appears ‘A title names the place a map is representing.’ On click - image appears ‘Cape Beauty map’

8 What are the features of maps?
North pointer Shows the orientation of a map N What are the features of maps? Text appears ‘North Pointer’ On click - text appears ‘Shows the orientation of a map’ On click - north pointer is highlighted.

9 What are the features of maps?
Key or legend explaining symbols Symbols represent features or objects. A key or legend explains the symbols used. What are the features of maps? Text appears ‘Key or legend explaining symbols’ On click - text appears ‘Symbols represent features or objects. A key or legend explains the symbols used.’ On click - key is highlighted.

10 What are the features of maps?
Scale Scale is the relationship between a unit of length on a map and the corresponding length over ground. What are the features of maps? Text appears ‘Scale’ On click - text appears ‘Scale is the relationship between a unit of length on a map and the corresponding length over ground.’ On click - scale is highlighted

11 Using different symbols on maps
Maps use different symbols to represent features. For example: hospitals toilets tourist information accommodation Using different symbols on maps On click - text appears ‘Maps use different symbols to represent features. For example:’ On click - text appears ‘hospitals’, image appears ‘Hospital symbol’ On click - text appears ‘toilets’, image appears ‘Toilets symbol’ On click - text appears ‘tourist information’, image appears ‘Information symbol’ On click - text appears ‘accommodation’, image appears ‘Accommodation symbol’ On click - text appears ‘airports’, image appears ‘Airport symbol’ On click - text appears ‘Have you seen different symbols used to represent these features on maps?’ airports Have you seen different symbols used to represent these features on maps?

12 Using different symbols on maps
There are many ways to draw symbols. For example, an airport could be represented by: Using different symbols on maps On click - text appears ‘There are many ways to draw a symbol.’ On click - text appears ‘For example, an airport could be represented by:’ On click - image appears ‘Airport symbols’

13 Symbols in colour Sometimes symbols on maps are different colours.
What colour usually represents water on a map? Symbols in colour Image appears ‘Cape Beauty map’ On click - text appears ‘Sometimes symbols on maps are different colours.’, ‘What colour usually represents water on a map?’

14 Symbols in colour Sometimes symbols on maps are different colours.
What colour usually represents water on a map? Answer – Blue Symbols in colour Map is shaded blue. On click - answer appears ‘Answer – Blue’

15 Symbols in colour What colour usually represents parkland on a map?
On click - question appears ‘What colour usually represents parkland on a map?’

16 Symbols in colour What colour usually represents parkland on a map?
Answer – Green Symbols in colour Map is shaded green On click - answer appears ‘Answer – Green’ On click - text appears ‘In what other ways could you use colour to identify the features of this map?’ In what other ways could you use colour to identify the features of this map?

17 Reading symbols on maps
Which building is next to the hospital? Answer – Ambulance station Reading symbols on maps Image appears ‘Cape Beauty map’ On click - question appears ‘Which building is next to the hospital?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – ambulance station’

18 Reading symbols on maps
Which feature is at the end of the cape? Answer – A lookout Reading symbols on maps Question appears ‘What feature is at the end of the cape?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – A lookout’

19 Reading symbols on maps
How many shopping centres are shown? Answer – Two Reading symbols on maps Question appears ‘How many shopping centres are shown?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – Two’

20 Reading symbols on maps
Only one type of shop is specified – which one is it? Answer – Post office Reading symbols on maps Question appears ‘Only one type of shop is specified – which one is it?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – Post office’

21 Reading symbols on maps
Which school is the railway line closest to? Answer – High school Reading symbols on maps Question appears ‘Which school is the railway line closest to?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – High school’

22 Directions on maps Maps usually have a north pointer.
It might be a simple arrow. Directions on maps On click - text appears ‘Maps usually have a north pointer. It might be a simple arrow.’ On click - image appears ‘Simple arrow’

23 Directions on maps Maps usually have a north pointer.
It might be a simple arrow. Or a map could show an eight-point compass. This shows the four cardinal points of the compass and the directions halfway between them. Directions on maps Text appears ‘Or a map could show an eight-point compass.’ On click - text appears ‘This shows the four cardinal points of the compass and the directions halfway between them.’ On click - image appears ‘Eight-point compass’

24 Directions on maps Which points on the compass do you think are the cardinal points? orth What do you think cardinal means? Answer – Of main importance est ast Directions on maps Image appears - ‘compass’ On click - question appears ‘Which points on the compass do you think are the cardinal points?’ On click - answers appear on diagram ‘N, E, S, W’ On click - question appears ‘What do you think cardinal means?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – Of main importance’ On click - question appears ‘What do the letters on the cardinal points stand for?’ On click - text appears ‘North’, ‘South’, ‘East’, ‘West’ What do the letters on the cardinal points stand for? outh

25 Directions on maps What are the directions shown between the cardinal points? What is the opposite direction to: North-east • north? • south-west? West • north-west? Directions on maps Question appears ‘What are the directions shown between the cardinal points?’ On click - answers appeas ‘NW, NE, SE, SW’ On click - text appears ‘What is the opposite direction to:’ On click - question appears ‘north?’ On click - answer appears ‘South’ On click - question appears ‘south-west?’ On click - answer appears ‘North-east’ On click - question appears ‘north-west?’ On click - answer appears ‘South-east’ On click - question appears ‘east?’ On click - answer appears ‘West’ • east? South-east South

26 Working out directions
In what direction is the church from the doctor? Working out directions On click - map appears ‘Town map’ On click - question appears ‘In what direction is the church from the doctor?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – South’ Answer – South

27 Working out directions
In which directions does Johnson St run? Working out directions On click - question appears ‘In which directions does Johnson St run?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – East–west’ Answer – East–west

28 Working out directions
Which streets run north–south? Working out directions On click - question appears ‘Which streets run north–south?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – High St and Brown St’ Answer – High St and Brown St

29 Working out directions
In which direction is the Fire station from Blair College? Working out directions On click - question appears ‘In which direction is the Fire station from Blair College?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – north-east’ Answer – North-east

30 Working out directions
Imagine you are outside the Fire station. In which directions would you walk to get to the Church? Working out directions On click - question appears ‘Imagine you are outside the Fire station. In which directions would you walk to get to the Church?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – West and south’ Answer – West and south

31 Working out directions
Now make up your own direction questions. Try them out on your classmates. Working out directions On click - text appears ‘Now make up your own direction questions. Try them out on your classmates.’

32 Compasses What is a compass? What is it used for?
What other devices do we now have that provide this information? Compasses On click - image appears ‘Hand holding compass’ On click - text appears ‘What is a compass?’ On click - text appears ‘What is it used for?’ On click - text appears ‘What other devices do we now have that provide this information?’

33 Compasses Compasses show bearings.
A bearing is the direction defined by the angle measured from north. On this picture, you can see that south has a bearing of 180O. Compasses Text appears ‘Compasses show bearings. A bearing is the direction defined by the angle measured from north.’ On click - text appears ‘On this picture, you can see that south has a bearing of 180o.’ On click - text appears ‘What else does this picture tell you about bearings?’ What else does this picture tell you about bearings?

34 Compasses Bearings are measured from the north point, which has a bearing of 0O. Bearings are measured in degrees, moving clockwise from the north point. Just like a circle, compass bearings have a total of 360O. Compasses On click - text appears ‘Bearings are measured from the north point, which has a bearing of 0°.’ On click - text appears ‘Bearings are measured in degrees, moving clockwise from the North point.’ On click - text appears ‘Just like a circle, compass bearings have a total of 360°.’ On click - text appears ‘How many degrees are there between the cardinal points on a compass?’ How many degrees are there between the cardinal points on a compass?

35 Compasses What bearing is west? Answer – 270O
What bearing is south-east? Answer – 135O What bearing is north-west? Compasses On click - question appears ‘What bearing is west?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – 270º’ On click - question appears ‘What bearing is south-east?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – 135º’ On click - question appears ‘What bearing is north-west?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – 315º’ Answer – 315O

36 Compasses Which direction has a bearing of 45O? Answer – North-east
Answer – South Which direction has a bearing of 225O? Compasses On click - question appears ‘Which direction has a bearing of 45º?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – north-east’ On click - question appears ‘Which direction has a bearing of 180º?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – south’ On click - question appears ‘Which direction has a bearing of 225º?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – south-west’ On click - question appears ‘Which direction has a bearing of 360º?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – north’ Answer – South-west Which direction has a bearing of 360O? Answer – North

37 Scale Maps show features of the physical world, smaller than they really are, but in the correct proportions. The area shown by this map is scaled down. Scale tells you the relationship between the distances shown on a map and the actual distances. Scale On click - text appears ‘Maps show features of the physical world, smaller than they really are, but in the correct proportions.’ On click - image appears ‘Map of Australia’ On click - text appears ‘The area shown by this map is scaled down.‘ On click - text appears ‘Scale tells you the relationship between the distances shown on a map and the actual distances.’ On click - text appears ‘What do you think the scale might be for this map?’ What do you think the scale might be for this map?

38 Scale A linear scale is a scale shown on a line of measurement. Scale
Image appears ‘Bigtown map’ On click - text appears ‘A linear scale is a scale shown on a line of measurement.’ On click - linear scale is highlighted.

39 Scale A linear scale is a scale shown on a line of measurement.
A ratio scale is a scale expressed as a proportion. Scale On click - text appears ‘A ratio scale is a scale expressed as a proportion.’ On click - ratio scale is highlighted.

40 Scale On this map, the ratio scale is 1:500 000.
This means that 1 cm on the map represents cm on the ground. cm is equal to 5000 m or 5 km. Scale On click - text appears ‘On this map, the ratio scale is 1: ’ On click - text appears ‘This means that 1 cm on the map represents cm on the ground.’ On click - text appears ‘ cm is equal to 5000 m or 5 km.’

41 Scale Assume that Dry Town and Port Town are 3 cm apart, as the crow flies. How far apart are they on the ground? Answer – 15 km Scale On click - question appears ‘Assume that Dry Town and Port Town are 3 cm apart, as the crow flies. How far apart are they on the ground?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – 15 km’

42 Scale If the two towns are 3.5 cm apart by road, how far is it to drive between the towns? Answer – 17.5 km Scale On click - question appears ‘If the two towns are 3.5 cm apart by road, how far is it to drive between the towns?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – 17.5 km’

43 Scale Assume that Bigtown and Queenstown are 7 cm apart on the map.
How far apart are they on the ground? Answer – 35 km Scale On click - text appears ‘Assume that Bigtown and Queenstown are 7 cm apart on the map. How far apart are they on the ground?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – 35 km’

44 Scale Scale can be written in different ways on maps.
On the map you’ve been looking at, it was written like this: This scale can also be written as a sentence: 1 cm on the map represents 5 km on the ground. Scale On click - text appears ‘Scales can be written in different ways on maps.’ On click - image appears ‘Map scales’ On click - text appears ‘On the map you’ve been looking at, it was written like this:’ On click - text appears ‘This scale can also be written as a sentence: 1 cm on the map represents 5 km on the ground.’ On click - text appears ‘Or even as an equation: 1 cm = 5 km’ Or even as an equation: 1 cm = 5 km

45 Scale What do you think the difference is between a large-scale map and a small-scale map? Which shows more detail – a small-scale map or a large-scale map? In what situations would a large-scale map be more useful than a small-scale map? Scale On click - text appears ‘What do you think the difference is between a large-scale map and a small-scale map?’ On click - text appears ‘Which shows more detail – a small-scale map or a large-scale map?’ On click - text appears ‘In what situations would a large-scale map be more useful than a small-scale map?’ On click - text appears ‘In what situations would a small-scale map be more useful than a large-scale map?’ In what situations would a small-scale map be more useful than a large-scale map?

46 Scale Using the linear scale, estimate the distance from Bigtown to each of the other towns, by road. Which scale do you think is easier to use – the ratio scale or the linear scale? Why? Scale On click - map appears ‘Bigtown map’ On click - text appears ‘Using the linear scale, estimate the distances from Bigtown to each of the other towns, by road. ‘ On click - text appears ‘Which scale do you think is easier to use – the ratio scale or the linear scale? Why?’

47 Representing height on maps
Maps are printed on a flat surface. But many maps show the heights of different places on land, and the depths of different places in water. Cartographers use several different ways to show 3D shape on a 2D map. Representing height on maps On click - image appears ‘Cliff face’ On click - text appears ‘Maps are printed on a flat surface. But many maps show the heights of different places on land, and the depths of different places in water.’ On click - text appears ‘Cartographers use several different ways of showing 3D shape within the 2D map.’ On click - text appears ‘Why is it useful to show heights and depths on a map?’ Why is it useful to show heights and depths on a map?

48 Showing elevation – spot heights
What are the spot heights shown on this map? Suggest why names are often included with spot heights. Spot heights are a type of point symbol. What do you think this means? Showing elevation – spot heights On click - map appears ‘Pearl Island’ On click - text appears ‘What are the spot heights shown on this map?’ On click - text appears ‘Suggest why names are often included with spot heights.’ On click - text appears ‘Spot heights are a type of point symbol. What do you think this means?’

49 Showing elevation – hachures
A hachure is a short, hand-drawn line. Drawing a series of hachures on a map can give the idea of mountains, hills, valleys and rivers. Hachures might not give exact heights, just a general impression. Showing elevation - hachures On click - text appears ‘A hachure is a short, hand-drawn line.’ On click - text appears ‘Drawing a series of hachures on a map can give the idea of mountains, hills, valleys and rivers.’ On click - image appears ‘Hachures’ On click - text appears ‘Hachures might not give exact heights, just a general impression.’

50 Showing elevation – hachures
A hachure is a short, hand-drawn line. Drawing a series of hachures on a map can give the idea of mountains, hills, valleys and rivers. Hachures might not give exact heights, just a general impression. Showing elevation - hachures Text appears ‘On a small-scale map, hachures might look like this:’, image appears ‘Small-scale map hachures’ On a small-scale map, hachures might look like this:

51 Showing elevation – contour lines
On click - image appears ‘Contour lines’ On click - text appears ‘A contour line represents an imaginary line on the ground, above or below sea level.’ On click - text appears ‘All points on the contour line are at the same elevation or depth.’ A contour line represents an imaginary line on the ground, above or below sea level. All points on the contour line are at the same elevation or depth.

52 Showing elevation – contour lines
On click - arrow appears at 500 contour line, text appears ‘What is the elevation here?’ What is the elevation here?

53 Showing elevation – contour lines
On click - arrow appears at 700 contour line, text appears ‘What is the elevation here?’ What is the elevation here?

54 Showing elevation – contour lines
On click - arrow appears between the 400 and 500 contour lines, text appears ‘What is the elevation here?’ What is the elevation here?

55 Showing elevation – contour lines
Contour lines are used on a special type of map called a topographic map. What does topography mean? The height difference between the contour lines is called the contour interval. Contour lines On click - text appears ‘Contour lines are used on a special type of map called a topographic map.’ On click - image appears ‘Contour lines’ On click - text appears ‘What does topography mean?’ On click - text appears ‘The height difference between the contour lines is called the contour interval.’ On click - question appears ‘What is the contour interval on this map?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – 100 m’ What is the contour interval on this map? Answer – 100 m

56 Showing elevation – contour lines
B Showing elevation - contour lines On click - diagram appears ‘contour lines’ On click - text appears on diagram ‘A’ at 200 contour line, ‘B’ at 500 contour line. On click - question appears ‘If you walked from point A straight to point B, by how much would the elevation increase?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – 300 metres’ If you walked from point A straight to point B, by how much would the elevation increase? Answer – 300 metres

57 Showing elevation – contour lines
B C Showing elevation - contour lines On click - text appears on diagram ‘C’ at 900 contour line. On click - question appears ‘If you walked from point B straight to point C, by how much would the elevation increase?’ On click - answer appears ‘Answer – 400 metres’ If you walked from point B straight to point C, by how much would the elevation increase? Answer – 400 metres

58 Showing elevation – contour lines
B C Showing elevation - contour lines On click - question appears ‘Which part of the walk would be steeper – between point A and point B, or between point B and point C? How do you know?’ Which part of the walk would be steeper – between point A and point B, or between point B and point C? How do you know?

59 Showing elevation – contour lines
B C Showing elevation - contour lines On click - answer appears ‘Answer – Between point B and point C is steeper, because there is a shorter distance between the contour lines.’ Answer – Between point B and point C is steeper, because there is a shorter distance between the contour lines.

60 Mapping activities – Peaceful Cove
On click - map appears ‘Peaceful Cove’ On click - text appears ‘What is the scale on this map?’ What is the scale on this map?

61 Mapping activities – Peaceful Cove
On click - text appears ‘Estimate the longest distance from the island to the shore.’ On click - text appears ‘Now estimate the shortest distance.’ Estimate the longest distance from the island to the shore.

62 Mapping activities – Peaceful Cove
On click - text appears ‘Estimate the longest distance from the island to the shore.’ On click - text appears ‘Now estimate the shortest distance.’ Now estimate the shortest distance.

63 Mapping activities – Peaceful Cove
On click - text appears ‘On the map, identify each feature shown in the key.’ On the map, identify each feature shown in the key.

64 Mapping activities – Peaceful Cove
On click - text appears ‘Indicate the place that has the highest elevation.’ On click - text appears ‘Indicate the area that has the lowest elevation.’ On click - text appears ‘What is the contour interval?’ Indicate the place that has the highest elevation. Indicate the area that has the lowest elevation.

65 Mapping activities – Peaceful Cove
On click - text appears ‘Indicate the place that has the highest elevation.’ On click - text appears ‘Indicate the area that has the lowest elevation.’ On click - text appears ‘What is the contour interval?’ What is the contour interval?

66 Mapping activities – Peaceful Cove
On click - text appears ‘Mobile telephone coverage cuts out 140 km from the Post Office. Indicate the area that does not have mobile telephone coverage.‘ Mobile telephone coverage cuts out 140 km from the Post Office. Indicate the area that does not have mobile telephone coverage.

67 Mapping activities – Peaceful Cove
On click - text appears ‘Imagine you are standing at the highest point, looking north. What does the landscape look like?’ Imagine you are standing at the highest point, looking north. What does the landscape look like?

68 Mapping activities – Peaceful Cove
On click - text appears ‘Imagine you are standing at the highest point, looking north. What does the landscape look like?’ Imagine you are standing at the Post Office, looking west. What does the landscape look like?

69 Mapping activities – Peaceful Cove
On click - text appears ‘List what you would see if you started at point A, and walked on a bearing of 100°.’ List what you would see if you started at point A, and walked on a bearing of 100O.

70 Mapping activities – Peaceful Cove
PO Mapping activities – Peaceful Cove On click - text appears ‘On what bearing would you walk to reach point A from the Post Office?’ On what bearing would you walk to reach point A from the Post Office?

71 Mapping activities – Peaceful Cove
On click - text appears ‘Make up your own question and answer about the map, and test it out on a classmate.’ Make up your own question and answer about the map, and test it out on a classmate.

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