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DL #15 Morning Agenda June 12th, 2013

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1 DL #15 Morning Agenda June 12th, 2013
Directing Your Personal & Professional Success in the ALPS Principal Licensure Program DL#15 Students & Dr. Connie Kicking off DL#15

2 Expected Morning Outcomes
1. Students will meet with DL#15 colleagues (first introduced by letter and photo on the CANVAS) and Dr. Connie to begin the journey and gain confidence in their ability to direct personal and professional success in the ALPS Principal Licensure Program. 2. Students will understand that there are five PBAs PBA 1: Leadership PBA 2: School Improvement PBA 3: Instructional Leadership and Evaluation PBA 4: Equity and School Law PBA 5: Clinical Practice In this program all PBAs start in the summer and continue each semester until the conclusion of the program until all parts are completed. Students will be able to locate key places in CANVAS (Modules, Assignments, Discussions, Calendar, Syllabus and the overall design of the ALPS program within the CANVAS environment. Students will indicate at morning’s end a level of confidence in their ability not only to survive but to thrive and be SUCCESSFUL in this ALPS Principal Licensure Program.

3 DL#15 Student Introductions
Please share key points from letter of introduction posted in CANVAS. 1. What I Do Now and Where I Do It (My Day Job) ! 2. Why I Enrolled in the ALPS Principal Licensure Program ! 3. Something Interesting about You (that you are willing to share) !

4 Text Books


In fact, the picture is not real. It is a digital composite by Ralph Clevenger, a nature and underwater photographer who finds the stories circulating about his "impossible" picture amusing. Four separate images were used; the sky, the background, the top iceberg (shot in Antarctica), and the underwater iceberg (shot above water in Alaska and flipped upside down). The picture does, however, accurately represent the amount of an iceberg that is hidden underwater. It was designed to illustrate the concept of "what you see is not necessarily what you get".

7 Design Principles of Program
Backward Design * Six Facets of Understanding * 1. Explanation 2. Interpretation 3. Application 4. Perspective 5. Empathy 6. Self-Knowledge Uncoverage vs. Coverage * State and National Standards Technical, Contextual, Critical Perspectives * Wiggins. G., & McTighe, J. (1998). Understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

8 Emergent Proficient Exemplary
CRITERIA ELEMENTS & PROFICIENCY LEVELS of RUBRICS for GRADING LEARNING NARRATIVES AND REFLECTIVE JUSTIFICATIONS Use of Standard (CDE) Reference to Relevant Literature Discussion of Specific School Context Proposed Response Repertoire - “I” Statements Emergent Proficient Exemplary Not Acceptable … please redo and resubmit Acceptable Polished by including all Six Facets of Understanding


10 Let’s Practice These Criteria Elements ….
RJ-C1 Use of Standard RJ-C2 Relevant Literature RJ-C3 Context of My School RJ-C4 Response Repertoire ( “I” Statements ) How I look and feel when I don’t know what is expected of me !


12 DL#15 LIVETEXT ENVIRONMENT (… just a small part …)

13 10 ALPS Templates Available in LIVETEXT for PBA 1 and PBA 3.
ALPS Templates Available in LIVETEXT for PBA 1 through PBA 5.

Add equal parts of gold from the readings + valuable life experiences + new learning from PBA requirements + a strong desire to lead change in school to create better environments for students and teachers = a successful learning narrative completed with relevant standard citations.

15 CANVAS GUIDED TOUR Tour of Boot Camp Module Home Courses
Left Navigation Bar Tools (Top of Page) Home Courses Announcements Assignments Syllabus Grades Modules Canvas Assignments Discussions Grades People Conferences Tour of Boot Camp Module

16 Denver Dates for DL#15 September 6th and 7th -- 1st Weekend (9-4) December 6th and 7th -- 2nd Weekend (9-4) February 7th and 8th -- 3rd Weekend (9-4) April 18th and 19th  -- 4th Weekend (9-4) July 25th – Final Session & Celebration (9-2)   

17 Grades, Grading, Due Dates, & Attendance
A, A-, B+, B, B- (that’s all folks) Grading Due Dates Attendance at Denver Weekends presence in eCollege shell

18 Sticky Notes & Questions

19 !!! Lunch Break !!!

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