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Keys to the Continuity/Change Over Time Essay

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1 Keys to the Continuity/Change Over Time Essay

2 Change-over-time essay 1 question 40 minutes
T H E E X A M Overview The AP World History Exam is 3 hours and 5 minutes long and includes both a 55-minute multiple-choice sec tion and a 130-minute free-response section. The multiple-choice section of the examination accounts for half of the student’s exam grade, and the free-response section for the other half. Document-based question (DBQ) 1 question 50 minutes (includes a 10-minute reading period) Change-over-time essay 1 question 40 minutes Comparative essay 1 question 40 minutes

3 What is the CCOT essay? THE BASICS
An essay discussing characteristics that changed and stayed the same in a given region between two time periods. (Comparison essay, but across time rather than region) Know the required tasks & how they’re scored the rubric

4 What is the CCOT essay? THE BASICS – the rubric
Strong statement stating your central argument and describes 3 controlling ideas (likely 2 changes and 1 continuity) Provides multiple specific examples for each controlling idea. At least once, places the discussed events in the broader scope of history by including related events At least once, the essay identifies the likely cause of a specific change BASIC CORE EXPANDED CORE Pts 2 1 Has earned all 7 pts of basic core with opportunity to earn up to 2 additional pts if any of the tasks are performed with excellence. TOTAL 9 Identifies at least 1 change & 1 continuity accurately Addresses all parts of the question Has acceptable thesis Substantiates thesis with evidence Analyzes process of change Uses historical context

5 Fundamentals of CCOT ANSWER THE QUESTION: Thesis
Remember continuities, not just changes Establish a baseline before describing the changes that occur Thesis Establish time period boundaries & address entire period Substantiating Thesis: Give specific examples to support thesis claims (requires that you know history)

6 Complexities of CCOT Analyzing process of change:
Identifying a cause for continuity is weak – stick to changes What are some common triggers for change: Consider that change happens unevenly in places and overtime…often speeding up & slowing down Are there steps to the change? Intermediate points between the beginning & end of period are important

7 Complexities of CCOT Historical context
Remember that changes & continuities in a particular region do not happen in a vacuum Use varying scope – global trends v. regional v. local Don’t be afraid to note exceptions to a trend

8 Direct approach – body ¶ org
Ways to Answer CCOT - #1 Direct approach – body ¶ org Bases body paragraphs around the changes and continuities you identify Topic sentence Baseline Cause of change or context Evidence (early, middle, late) Summary of change and continuity (status at end of period) & significance

9 Narrative approach – body ¶ org
Ways to Answer CCOT - #2 Narrative approach – body ¶ org Describes the flow of history from beginning of period to end w/ embedded changes/continuities. Bases body paragraphs around sub-periods Topic sentence Context Characteristics, events, & processes that change/stay the same Cause of changes seen in period & significance

10 Expanded Core Points Expands beyond basic core of 1–7 points. The basic core score of 7 must be achieved before a student can earn expanded core points. Examples: • Has a clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis. • Analyzes all issues of the question (as relevant): global context, chronology, causation, change, continuity, effects, content. • Provides ample historical evidence to substantiate thesis. • Provides links with relevant ideas, events, trends in an innovative way.

11 Common Mistakes Wrong Regions Wrong Time period
Not saying what stays the same No/or little analysis – what did change and why did they NOT change Not making a global or world connection – mention something that is happening in another region or something that is worldwide(World War, migration, Cold War, decolonization) Not addressing the question (or all parts of the question)

12 Regions – HUGE DEAL Middle East – Egypt, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Turkey Southeast Asia – Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia Sub Sahara Africa – Nigeria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Africa

13 CCOT - Music American music through the ages – Dani California
What changed and what stayed the same?

14 Practice:Changes & Continuities in Life
CCOT – Your Life World History Section II Part B Write an essay that: -Has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis with appropriate historical evidence. -Addresses all parts of the question. -Uses historical context to show change over time and/or continuities. -Analyzes the process of change over time and /or continuities Directions: You are to answer the following question. Describe the changes and continuities in your life from elementary school through high school. Tonight I would like you to begin the process of writing a CCOT essay by creating a timeline of your life with major events, changes and continuities that happened from your elementary years through your high school years. What changed? (clothing, school, where you lived) What stayed the same?

15 My Life Elementary Years -Lived at 2818 Royal Street
-3 sisters, brother born in 1961, another sister in 1963 -Learned to make my bed and do dishes -Attended Asbury Methodist Church -Joined the church when I was 8 -My younger sister Beth was my best friend, we shared a room -Got very sick over the summer between 2nd and 3rd grade -Was a Brownie and then a Girl Scout -Had long hair that I wore in a pony tail -Went to Forest Hills Elementary -Dad drove us to school on his way to work -Wore dresses to school, pants not allowed -Had only one teacher a year -Took ballet -Loved to read -Loved to spend time at the Lake during the summer

16 My Life Junior High -Moved to 588 Martin Lane -New baby sister 1966
-Started cooking whole meals at home at 12 -Began to baby sit at home and in the neighborhood -Attended Langford Junior High -Changed classes every period in school -Got to take French, Home Economics and Typing -Walked to school -Got to wear makeup in the 8th grade -Integration of Schools in Augusta in the 8th grade -Sang in chorus at school and church -Best friends were at church and in my neighborhood -Took Social Dancing -Loved to read -Was in MYF at Asbury Methodist Church -Summer vacations at Sullivan’s Island and Clark Hill

17 My Life -Was in Chorus then Senior Choir and church choir
High School -Went to the Academy of Richmond County -Was in Chorus then Senior Choir and church choir -President of UMYF -Took care of my younger brother and sisters while parents worked, cooked, cleaned Helped them do homework -Cut my hair shoulder length -In the 10th grade we could wear pants suits and mini skirts -Road to school with my older sister and friends -Friends were in my classes and clubs -Vice President FHA -Vice President of Future Voters League -Loved to read anything on history -Great Grandmother passed away -Riots in Augusta May of 1970 -Graduated May 1972 -Went to Disney World after graduation -Worked for my Dad for the summer

18 Handout for Assignment

19 Credits I found this power point at: This power point has been modified for the purposes of this assignment

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