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Brain scanning Writing a short essay. The BIG question: which part of the brain does what and how do we know?

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Presentation on theme: "Brain scanning Writing a short essay. The BIG question: which part of the brain does what and how do we know?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The BIG question: which part of the brain does what and how do we know?

2 Brain scanning Writing a short essay

3 Essay writing Helps us understand ideas better because we have to connect up our knowledge and put it to work solving a problem (deep processing). Allows us to see how well we’re mastered the course content. Helps us become better writers, thinkers and arguers.

4 What strikes you as important?
Sangeeta and Jeff are planning an investigation into which brain areas are involved in mental arithmetic. They have decided to scan their participants’ brains whilst they do two tasks: (1) working out sums of three figure numbers and (2) repeating back lists of common words. However, Sangeeta and Jeff disagree about which sort of brain scan they should use. Jeff thinks they should use PET, whilst Sangeeta thinks they should fMRI. Discuss PET and fMRI as ways of investigating brain function. You must refer to the context in your answer.

5 Things to notice... The command word: ‘discuss’.
There is a context and we’re expected to refer to it. We need to DECODE the question - what are we actually being asked to do?

6 We need to write an essay in which we...
...present an argument for which (out of PET and fMRI) is more appropriate for this scenario. ...discuss, so we need to consider different points of view. ...apply our understanding to the scenario, so our points are relevant. our reasoning with factual knowledge about the two techniques.

7 Structuring an essay Start by stating what your answer to the question is (i.e. your conclusion). Develop each point of your argument. Link each point to the conclusion. Return to the conclusion at the end. Say what you’re going to say, say it, then say you’ve said it.

8 Plan your essay Group: Discuss what your conclusion should be and why.
Individual: Sketch a plan that covers the points you will make, and how you will support them.

9 Writing time

10 Reflection What has happened? What have you learned?
What does it make you think or feel? What are you going to do?

11 Preparation Next topic - neurons and neural transmission. See Google Classroom for assignment details.

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