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The power of stories: connecting through compassion

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1 The power of stories: connecting through compassion
Dr Dorothy Armstrong Patient Opinion Education Workshop

2 Stories build connection acknowledge emotions promote relationships

3 Overview of session

4 A good death?

5 Activity read alone reflect in silence
Choose an image card/s that best describes your thoughts and feelings Discuss in pairs Finally pause again and think about how you might use the 3Rs and the CALM tool in your own area of practice. Discuss in small groups and share.

6 Key points Process points - Check out with group Truly experiential
Explores learning and emotions Builds relationships / connections / empathy / compassion

7 Reflections from Dr Gordon
I felt exposed and vulnerable and it was difficult to respond “What would I say to her?” It gave me a degree of freedom to respond in a different way – I was amazed at the response - lots of support from peers and even the Chief Executive of the NHS in Scotland retweeted! It’s made me think and we’ve done a lot – provoked more of a response and actions than if it had been a complaint!

8 Stories in education Places the person (student and patient) at the centre [Roberts 2000] Adds richer learning and understanding [Rugggles 2002, Charon 2009] Engenders empathy [Fairbairn 2002, Hardy 2007] Encourages reflection [Hardy 2008] Shares perspective [Reissman 2000] Promotes resilience [East et al 2010]

9 “As a student nurse and service user, I believe the increasing ease of communicating with health services will give the public more confidence to share their experiences and that this sharing will promote honesty, equality and trust. Tevendale and Armstrong (2015)

10 References Charon R (2009) Narrative Medicine as witness for the self-telling body. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 19 (5), 2-14 Drumm M (2013) The role of personal storytelling in practice, IRISS Insights, no 23, December East L Jackson D Obrien l & Peters K (2010) Visual storytelling :a beneficial but challenging method of health research with young people. Qualitative Health Research, 20 (12), Hammond S A (1998) The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry, Thin Book Publishing, 2nd Edition Hardy P (2007) An investigation into the application of patient voices digital stories in healthcare education, Belfast, University of Ulster. Reissman C K (2000) Analysis of personal narratives in J F Gubrium & JA Holstein (eds) Handbook of editing, Sage Publishing. Roberts G A (2000) Narrative and severe mental illness Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 6, Ruggles R (2002) The Role of Stories in knowledge management, Storytelling Foundation Tevendale F, Armstrong D (2015) Using patient storytelling in nurse education Nursing Times 111 (6) 15 – 17

11 @dorothy_Daprof
Thank you @dorothy_Daprof

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