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Presentation on theme: "AP U.S. HISTORY EXAM REVIEW"— Presentation transcript:

Beginnings of a Modern American Democracy

2 Why is the Election of 1824 a turning point in presidential elections?
Who were the three main candidates for president in 1824? What was the immediate outcome of this election? What was the “corrupt bargain”? The Election of 1824

3 President John Quincy Adams
What problems did Quincy Adams experience as president? What happened to Quincy Adams after his tenure as president? President John Quincy Adams

4 Jackson Becomes President
Which political party was formed by Jackson and his supporters? What was the focus of the 1828 campaign? What is unique about Andrew Jackson’s presidency? Whose interests was Jackson believed to support? What was the spoils system? Jackson Becomes President

5 Jacksonian Democracy Define universal white manhood suffrage.
What did Jackson believe about the presidency? Jacksonian Democracy

6 When was the Indian Removal Act passed by Congress?
What were the “Five Civilized Tribes”? What did the Indian Removal Act state? How did the Cherokee choose to fight the Indian Removal Act and what was the outcome? How did President Jackson react to this? What was the “Trail of Tears”? The Indian Removal Act

7 The Nullification Crisis
Define nullification. What had the Supreme Court said about nullification? What issue sparked the debate over nullification in 1828? What was Jackson’s stance on nullification? The Nullification Crisis

8 Jackson’s Economic Policies
Who did Jackson not trust? Why did the Bank of the United States fail? What was the Specie Circular and what did it cause? Jackson’s Economic Policies

9 Slavery in the Era of Jackson
What did slave revolts lead to? What was Nat Turner’s Rebellion? What happened as a result of Turner’s Rebellion? What were the black codes? Slavery in the Era of Jackson

10 The Election of 1836 and the Rise of the Whigs
What did the Whigs all have in common? What did the Whigs believe about the role of government and how did this belief differ from that of the Democrats? Who won the election of 1836? What happened during his first year in office? Who won the election of 1840? What happened to him? Who was John Tyler? Why was Tyler abandoned by the Whigs? The Election of 1836 and the Rise of the Whigs

11 Beginnings of a Market Economy
What kind of economic system existed in the colonies? What two developments changed that system and how? Define market economy. Why do market economies make people more interdependent? What are boom and bust cycles? Beginnings of a Market Economy

12 Advances in Manufacturing
Who invented the cotton gin and when was it created? How did the cotton gin revolutionize Southern agriculture? What are interchangeable parts and how did this innovation change manufacturing? Advances in Manufacturing

13 The North and the Textile Industry
What spurred the development of textile mills in the North? Why was the textile industry forced to entice workers to the factories? What was the Lowell system? What happened when labor conditions began to deteriorate? The North and the Textile Industry

14 Transportation Explain the significance of the National Road.
Explain the significance of the Erie Canal. What eventually replaced the canal as the main mode of transporting goods? Why did shipping remain an important industry? When were America’s first railroads built? What was the major problem with connecting the railroads and how was it often solved? In which area of the country were more railroads built? What did the telegraph do? Transportation

15 What continued to be the main source of livelihood throughout the first half of the nineteenth century? How did mechanization affect agriculture? Why did the North focus more on manufacturing? Which area became America’s chief source of grains? Describe agriculture in the South. Farming

16 Westward Expansion Define Manifest Destiny.
Why was Western settlement dangerous? What were the terms under which American settlers migrated to Texas? How did Texas come to be an independent nation? Why was Texas not admitted to the Union until 1845? Which territorial dispute with the British was settled when President Polk signed a treaty with England? What was the Gold Rush? Westward Expansion

17 Economic Reasons for Regional Differences
What were the three sections of the country? Define sectional strife. Describe the economy of the North. Describe the economy of the South. Describe the economy of the West. Economic Reasons for Regional Differences

18 What was the result of the development of commerce?
What was the result of industrialization? What was the result of westward migration? Who favored tariffs and who opposed them? Social History

19 The North and American Cities
List the problems faced by American cities. What benefits came with city life? What was the cult of domesticity? Who was most likely to live in poverty? From where did the majority of immigrants come in the early 1800s? Why did these immigrants face discrimination? Why did riots tend to break out in American cities? The North and American Cities

20 The South and Rural Life
Where did the majority of Southerners live? What two things played a dominant role in social life? Why did the South not develop a strong market economy like the North? Describe the planter aristocracy. What percentage of the population owned more than 100 slaves? What percentage of Southerners owned no slaves? Define Southern paternalism. What was life like for the typical slave? Describe slave culture. Explain the hierarchy of Southern society. How many free blacks lived in the South? The South and Rural Life

21 The West and Frontier Living
How did the United States government encourage westward settlement? Who were squatters? Which area became known as the nation’s breadbasket? Besides agriculture, list other means of livelihood on the frontier. Describe frontier life. Why did the West come to symbolize freedom and equality to many Americans? The West and Frontier Living

22 Native American Resistance to Westward Expansion
How was land acquired from the Indians? What was the difference between accomodationists and traditionalists? Who were Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa and what happened to them? Native American Resistance to Westward Expansion

23 Religious and Social Movements
What was the Second Great Awakening? What were burned over districts? What were the results of the Second Great Awakening? Which group was very active in reform movements? What did Temperance societies do? What other social vices did reformers fight against? Who was Dorothea Dix? What did the Shakers believe? What did Transcendentalists believe? Who were some notable Transcendentalists? Who were the Hudson River School painters? Who were the Mormons and what did they believe? What happened at Seneca Falls in 1848? Who was Horace Mann? Religious and Social Movements

24 The Abolition Movement
What persuaded more whites that slavery was a great evil? What was the difference between moderates and immediatists? Who was the most prominent white immediatist and what did he do? Why were many Northerners persuaded to join the abolition movement? Who was Frederick Douglass? Who was Harriet Tubman? What was the Underground Railroad? Who was Sojourner Truth? What forced the issue of slavery into the political spotlight? The Abolition Movement

25 In what ways did the Second Great Awakening in the North influence TWO of the following?
Abolition Temperance The cult of domesticity Utopian communities Compare the experiences of TWO of the following groups of immigrants during the period 1830 to 1860. English Irish German Essay


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