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Chapter 25 sec 1 The war effort. The power of production.

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1 Chapter 25 sec 1 The war effort. The power of production.
Using pearl harbor as a rallying cry, Americans of all races joined to fight the axis. Apx. 15 million men and women served in some facet for the military. The power of production. In the American automobile industry came to a halt and the American war machine started. Ships tanks and planes rolled off the assembly lines by the thousands (B-17 bomber every 10 min, transport ships as few in 4 days). The costs of this mobilization would be near the $300 billion mark by the end of the war.

2 Chapter 25 The federal government.
Hired film directors to make pro American films to help sell the war effort to the American people The government instituted the old WWI programs to control raw materials, stabilize wages, raise money, and curb strikes The government also rationed consumer goods such as food and gas. Many capitulated, but a thriving black market began selling rationed goods at inflated prices

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