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The Educational Exchange Service (PAD) Structure and programs

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1 The Educational Exchange Service (PAD) Structure and programs
Günter Jacob – PAD Teacher Programs Seminar 6 December 2016, Utrecht, NL

2 Pädagogischer Austauschdienst (PAD) – Aims and Functions
Origin: The PAD was founded in 1952 and is the only governmental institution acting on behalf of the Länder in the field of international exchange in the school sector. Aim: to serve intercultural dialogue and international understanding by promoting international school cooperation. Financing: our programs are mainly financed by the Länder, the European Commission and the Department for Foreign Affairs

3 National Agency for the European Education Programme Erasmus+
Further education and in-service training measures for teachers in participating countries (Key Action 1) Strategic Partnerships for schools to carry out joint projects (Key Action 2) eTwinning: A European network for school to realize joint school projects via internet platforms.

4 Programmes for Pupils Internationales Preisträgerprogramm: Pupils from around the world (90 countries), who have proven their excellence in German classes, are invited to Germany (4 weeks). Deutschland-Plus: A language course program in Germany for pupils from many countries. Voltaire: A year long student exchange of German and French students.

5 School Partnerships (outside EU)
The German American Partnership Program (GAPP) is a school exchange program between Germany and the USA Mercator School partnership funds German-Chinese school partnerships School partnerships between Germany und Israel Junior Engineer-Academy-School Partnership in collaboration with Deutsche Telekom-Stiftung

6 Programs for teachers Work shadowing and teaching experience
Foreign language teachers attend classes in Germany for a period of 3 weeks (Hospitations-Programm) German teachers attend schools in Spain, France, UK for 2 or 3 weeks German language teachers take part in a 12-months in-service training program (Weiterbildungsprogramm) in German schools.

7 Programs for future teachers
Foreign Language Assistants (ETA) – Fremdsprachenassistenzkräfte (FSA): German students assist in German language classes in schools abroad and gain insights in the language and culture of the host country.

8 ETA Exchange Basic Philosophy
to prepare future teachers of foreign languages Benefits A. for the FLTA: - improves his/her language of host country - experiences life, work, society in host country - gains educational knowledge and skills B. for the host school: - students meet young native speakers of target language - FLTA boosts motivation for language learning - FLTA represents home country and raises interest in culture an language

9 ETA – tasks in schools Take over part of lesson (Team teaching)
Take over part of students / full lessons Take part in subject other than English (History, Geography,…) Work with individuel students Create teaching material Teach about home country (US elections) Prepare exams / participate in or conduct oral exams Carry out educational projects (related to home country) Offer extracurricular activities (debate club, film evening, theater…) Participate in other school activities (sports, music, art…) Help with and organize school partnerships and school exchanges And more…

10 ETA-Programs: International Partners and Languages
English: UK Ireland Canada USA Australia New Zealand French: France Belgium Switzerland Québec Spanish: Spain Mexico Italian: Italy Chinese: China

11 University graduates (BA, some MA)
Why an American ETA? University graduates (BA, some MA) Professional experience (in various fields) Genuine interest in Germany / Europe Mature and responsible Resourceful and reliable Support network home and abroad (Fulbright) Strict selection process (personal interviews) High reputation of Fulbright Program

12 Fulbright Exchange Program for ETA
In Germany Fulbright Commission - looks after ETA (incoming, outgoing) - organizes interviews and orientation for outgoing ETA - provides grants for special groups of ETA - supports ETA financially PAD - recruits and preselects candidates - places selected candidates in Ländern - conducts induction seminars In the USA State Department - budget - supervision Institute for International Education (IIE) - program admin - recruiting of US FLTA - looking after FLTA (incoming and outgoing)

13 Thank you for your attention!
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