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Physics deals with objects ranging in size from the very smallest…

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2 Physics deals with objects ranging in size from the very smallest…

3 …to the very largest.

4 Physics describes the universe using the language of mathematics

5 Units Fundamental physical quantities (dimensions): Time Length Mass (Current)

6 Units Fundamental physical quantities (dimensions): Time: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years, etc. Length: inches, feet, meters, astronomical units, lightyears, etc. Mass: slugs, grams, atomic mass units, tonnes, etc.

7 SI Units Fundamental physical quantities: Time: seconds (s) time required for 9,192,631,770 cycles of a transition in 133Cs Length: meters (m) distance light (in vacuum) travels in 1/299,792,458 second Mass: kilograms (kg) mass of a particular cylinder of Pt-Ir alloy kept in Paris

8 The standard kilogram

9 You must know these prefixes!


11 Example 1) How many nanometers in one kilometer?

12 Which distance is longest?
A) 100,000 mm B) 10 km C) nm D) 10–3 Mm E) m

13 Example 2) A rod is 34.5 inches long. What is its length in meters?

14 Example 3) One acre is 43,560 ft2. How many square centimeters are there in one acre?

15 Example 4) How many gallons are there in one cubic foot?

16 Example 5) A cylindrical barrel is 3
Example 5) A cylindrical barrel is 3.5 feet tall and 26 inches in diameter. Water flows into it at a rate of 1.75 gallons per minute. How many seconds will it take for the barrel to fill?

17 Every equation we write MUST have the same dimensions on either side
(Otherwise, how could the two sides be equal?)

18 Every equation we write MUST have the same dimensions on either side
(Otherwise, how could the two sides be equal?) For example: d = v t

19 Given that the units of energy are , the units of mass are kg, and
the units of velocity are ,which equation is dimensionally consistent? A B. C D. E.

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