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Delivery Process Training

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1 Delivery Process Training
Contact Center Management

2 Definition of Terms Shuttler TAT Turn Around Time Manifest
Shuttler is responsible for pick-up of accepted shipments from the NCR branches. TAT Turn Around Time Manifest - is a printed hard copy of the list of shipment that were scanned in the system Central Exchange - is the place where shipments are turnover for sorting and forwarding to concern Teams. Hangar - is the place where Central Exchange and Money Dept. are located. Branch - is the place where shipments and monies are accepted- - is responsible for the withdrawal and receiving of shipments from Central Exchange, Money Department, and Sea Freight Cargo Operations group.

3 Definition of Terms Sort -is a process of segregation of shipments DDR - Delivery Dispatch report POD -Proof of Delivery Delivery Hub -it is the place where all shipments bound to specific destination Team are forwarded for actual delivery. Delivery Zone -is the delivery coverage of each Delivery Associate Discrepancy -the state or quantity of being discrepant; difference; inconsistency Sample of discrepancy: damage / pilferage Handheld -is an automated device where encoding and posting of delivery details are inputted.

4 Definition of Terms Pending Coral
-is the designated area inside the Hub where shipments subject for pendency are stored or safe keep. Unscanned Items - Shipment was scanned out for the specific Destination Team but the actual shipment does not arrive at the Destination Team Scanned Items w/o Data -Shipment was scanned in at the Destination Team but was not scanned out by Central Exchange to designated team TDC ( Timed Delivery Contract ) Domestic Courier products ( NPR , NPXL and NPSS ) CTDC ( Commercial Timed Delivery Contract ) Cargo products ( NPS, NPL , KBS, KBM , KBL and Day 1 ) PPs, SCs and SQs Pesopak , Speed Cash and Speed Cheque

5 Who runs Delivery Operations ?
Function Responsibility Delivery Manager over all in charge of delivery operations. Team Head manages day to day delivery operations. Cash Custodian does the accounting function for cargo or remittance. Delivery Associate is responsible for the delivery of shipments and updating its delivery status.

6 Acceptance and Field Delivery Process
1. Receive shipments & monies from Shuttler 2. Check and validate completeness of shipment 3. Prepare a discrepancy report 4. Routing shipments & creation of DDR 5. Proceed to actual field delivery 6. Require recipient to fill in necessary details in POD 7. Encode given info in handheld device 8. Ask recipient to sign in POD & handheld Device prior to actual handover of shipment. 9. After delivery proceed to delivery hub for uploading of delivery status and required data

7 Movement of Shipments – Air Cargo / Land
Total travel duration may vary from 1 to 2 days depending on destination and provided that at every leg, everything went smoothly. 1.Pickup at Acceptance branch 2. Sorting at Central Exchange 3. Forwarding to Destination 4.Received at Delivery Hub 5. Delivery to Consignee 6. Received by Customer

8 Movement of Shipments – Sea Cargo
Total travel duration may vary from 8-15 days depending on destination and provided that at every leg, everything went smoothly. 1.Pickup at Acceptance branch 2. Sorting at Vitas 3. Forwarding to Destination 4.Received at Distribution /Delivery Hub 5. Delivery to Consignee 6. Received by Customer

LEAD TIME = Delivery Date (Destination) – Transaction Date (Origin) TARGETS: VISAYAS Lead time within the city - 8 days from the acceptance date MINDANAO Lead time within the city - 9 days from the acceptance date VISAYAS Lead time for ODZ - 13 days from the acceptance date (plus 5 days from the regular lead time) MINDANAO Lead time for ODZ - 14 days from the acceptance date (plus 5 days from the regular lead time) PORTS with once a week sailing - 10 days from the acceptance date (BXU,TAG,ZAM,SUG,OZC,DPL,DGT,PPS,CBO,PAG) Date of Delivery for Pier deliveries – date when cargoes are available for release to consignee (stripping). Date of Delivery for Door deliveries – date when cargoes are delivered to consignee at first attempt. Acceptance Date is Day 0. Sundays are included in the counting of lead time when it has already been accepted in Manila (cargo is planned for stuffing) or while in transit (cargo is loaded onto vessel until it reaches branch) Sundays and Holidays are not included in the counting of lead time if it is the 7th day for pier deliveries, or 8th day for door deliveries. (e.g. VISAYAS Lead time within the city )

VISAYAS Lead time within the city SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 Accepted at LBC Branch 2 Day 01 3 Day 02 4 Day 03 5 Day 04 6 Day 05 7 Day 06 8 Day 07 Turnover to consignee for Pier Deliveries 9 Day 08 Delivery to consignee for Door Deliveries 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

VISAYAS Lead time within the city SUNDAY ( MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 Accepted at LBC Branch 6 Day 01 7 Day 02 8 Day 03 9 Day 04 10 Day 05 11 Day 06 12 SUNDAY 13 HOLIDAY 14 Day 07 Turnover to consignee for Pier Deliveries 15 Day 08 Delivery to consignee for Door Deliveries 16 17 18

Note: subject for delivery based on the turnaround time upon forwarding by the Warehouse MM – 3 to 5 days LUZON – 5 to 7 days VISAYAS/ MINDANAO – 10 to 15 days

13 Delivery Requirements-Domestic Courier
Anyone residing at the given address

14 Delivery Requirements-Domestic Cargo
Ultimate Consignee or Authorized Representative at the given address with LOA

15 Delivery Requirements- Remittance
Ultimate consignee at the given address

16 Delivery Requirements- Balikbayan Box
Ultimate consignee or authorized representative / immediate family member at the given address.

17 General Information in All Types of Delivery Services
1. Printed name and signature of the recipient 2. Relationship to the Consignee (if recipient is not the Consignee) 3. Date and Time received 4. Type of valid ID presented 5. All shipments with discrepancy must be clearly noted in the POD and DDR and must be duly acknowledged by the recipient upon delivery 6. If LOA (Letter of Authorization) is required, such should be attached to the duly acknowledged POD

18 POD – PROOF OF DELIVERY Karen : CHANGE POD with hand written ID details




22 10. Credit Card with Picture
Valid IDs acceptable 1. Passport 2. SSS /GSIS / Philhealth / TIN 3. Company or School ID 4. Driver’s License 5. Postal ID 6. Senior Citizen ID 7. PRC 8. NBI Clearance 9. Voter’s ID 10. Credit Card with Picture 11. Firearms Permit Note: Note: Valid Identification Document (I.D.) must contain a valid picture, valid signature of the recipient, with I.D no., and with validity date which is not expired upon presenting it to the Delivery Associate.

23 Delivery Attempt 1st attempt 2nd attempt RTA CLO INC OFC MOV NID CNK

24 Guidelines on the notification & pending shipments
Reason for Pendency: 1. House/Office Closed 2. Consignee Out 3. Incomplete Address 4. Incorrect Address 5. Out of Delivery Zone 6. Refused To Accept 7. Moved To Unknown Address 8. Consignee Not Known 9. Unclaimed (for pick-up)

25 FORMS TO BE USED Notice of Delivery (First Attempt)

26 FORMS TO BE USED Notice of Delivery (Second Attempt)

27 Notice of Disposition for Non-Delivery Form
FORMS TO BE USED Notice of Disposition for Non-Delivery Form Notice used to inform the Origin Team of the non-delivery of a particular shipment

28 Notice of Shipper’s Disposition Form
FORMS TO BE USED Notice of Shipper’s Disposition Form Notice used to inform the Shipper of the non-delivery of the shipment and to secure the latter’s disposition.

29 General Rules on Pending Shipments
All undelivered or unclaimed TDC or CTDC shipments that have reached TEN (10) days pendency at Destination Teams must be returned to Pending Cargo Department, in Hangar, for safekeeping. All undelivered PPs/SCs/SQs that have reached THREE (3) days (Metro Manila) or FIVE (5) days (Provincial) pendency at Destination Teams shall be returned to the Pending Pesopak Department, in Hangar, for safekeeping. All undelivered or unclaimed International shipments such as Balikbayan Boxes that have reached THIRTY (30) days at Destination Teams shall be returned to Mundial in Port Area, Manila via sea freight forwarding and/or land shuttling, for safekeeping. All undelivered International air cargo / document shipments that have reached THIRTY (30) days shall be returned to International Services Office, in Hangar for safekeeping

30 Notice of Shipper’s Disposition Process
1. Origin shall Provide Shipper’s Disposition to Destination Team w/in 10 days 2. If after TEN (10) days still no reply and disposition from the Origin Team, the Destination Team should return (RTM) the subject shipment to the Pending Cargo Department, in Hangar, for safekeeping. 3. If the Shipper responds to the notice, his disposition must be coordinated to Destination Team immediately. 4. If the disposition of the Shipper is for the shipment be delivered to an alternative address that does not require re-forwarding, the shipment shall be delivered free-of-charge.

31 Notice of Shipper’s Disposition Process
5. If the disposition of the Shipper is for the shipment to be returned to the Origin Team, he shall pay the same cost of freight as the shipment was sent. (Applicable to CTDC and International shipments ) 6. If the disposition of the shipper is for the shipment to be delivered to an alternative address that requires re-forwarding the Shipper shall pay the same cost of freight as the shipment was sent, pull-out fee, and re-delivery fee. ( Applicable to TDC,CTDC, air and sea cargo balikbayan box ) 7.Upon receipt of the Shipper’s disposition & photocopy of the Official Receipt, the Destination Team shall forward the shipment following the usual forwarding procedures with clear instructions as to where the shipment would be returned. 7. If shipment is PERISHABLE (i.e., Foods, Flowers etc.) and it is already emitting bad odor, same shall be disposed of at the Destination Team after THREE (3) days.

32 Shipment will be forwarded to PENDING CARGO, or SCS RTS - HANGAR
Counting of RTM Pendency DAY 10: Shipment will be forwarded to PENDING CARGO, or SCS RTS - HANGAR ACCEPTANCE DAY 0: 1ST DELIVERY ATTEMPT 1ST FAILED PICK-UP DAY 1: 2ND DELIVERY ATTEMPT DAY 2: PENDING (Including Sundays and Holidays) DAY 3(1-10 days): Note: If in case, there will be a disposition to deliver the shipment but again failed to be delivered due to Consignee/Representative is not available or could not be traced, continuous counting of pendency shall be followed.

33 Shipments with Commercial Value (CTDC)
Disposal of Shipments Shipments with Commercial Value (CTDC) Pending Cargo Department, in Hangar, shall send a Final Notice of Shipper’s Disposition to the Shipper through Registered Mail with Return Card upon receipt of the pending shipment from the Destination Team. Simultaneous to the sending of the Final Notice of Shipper’s Disposition to the Shipper, Pending Cargo Department, in Hangar, shall notify the Origin Team, Area Head Office concerned and DDC of the shipment subject for Disposal. All pending shipments with declared value shall be disposed THIRTY (30) days after the date of return (RTM) from the Destination Teams. These shipments shall be manifested by the Pending Cargo Department using the Disposal Manifest and shall be endorsed to the Office of the LBC Foundation to effect the Disposal

34 Shipments No Commercial Value (CTDC)
Disposal of Shipments Shipments No Commercial Value (CTDC) All products with no commercial value shall be disposed THIRTY (30) days from the date of return (RTM) to the Pending Cargo Department, in Hangar. These shipments shall be turned-over to the Office of the LBC Foundation, in Hangar, for Disposal..

35 Thank You!

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