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Rosemount Volleyball 2017 Spring Informational Meeting

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1 Rosemount Volleyball 2017 Spring Informational Meeting

2 Introductions Coaching Staff Varsity- Smokey Vitek
Assistant Varsity – Calla Oftedahl JV – Courtney Mike 10 – Open 9 A – Alicia 9 B – Trevor Trembley RHS Athletic Director Mike Manning Captains Maddie Mackinac, Shae Buchman and Mari Hinkle Booster Club Officers

3 RHS Volleyball Philosophy
Develop student athletes with Championship Behaviors that will aid them in becoming better players and successful citizens. Create an environment that fosters teamwork and builds chemistry at all levels. Ensure ongoing improvement through player development from youth programs through high school. Strive for competitive success at all levels. Have Fun

4 RHS Volleyball - FACTS Volleyball in the state of Minnesota is strong.
The SSC and 3AAA section continue to be the strongest in the state requiring us to compete against the strongest teams in the state. The season is short and intense. It requires preparation followed by commitment.

5 Player Expectations PREPARE COMMIT to a Team First Mentality
Build strength, speed and endurance over the summer. Enter the season mentally ready to focus and work. Get excited! COMMIT to a Team First Mentality On time attendance at ALL team functions unless absence has been previously approved by coaches. Trust your coaches and your teammates. Meet minimum volunteer requirements(season and off-season) No Gossip, No Whining, No Drama Maintain academic eligibility and adhere to all MSHSL policies and guidelines COMPETE , 100% all the time Be Open to learning, engaged in your role and driven to improve.

6 Parent Expectations COMMIT to a Team First Mentality
Support your daughter and her team. Allow the coaches to coach. Respect coaches, players, officials, other parents, etc. No Gossip at home, in the stands, at events. Volunteer.

7 Requirements for Participation
Current Physical on file at RHS Check on SchoolView Free Physicals available, see website. Registration Complete and RHS Participation Fee Paid Via SchoolView Registration begins in July This needs to be completed BEFORE tryouts begin If you are in 7th or 8th grade and want to tryout you must complete the gifted athlete application prior to the season. Please see Smokey.

8 Season & Tryout Information
Tryouts Monday & Tuesday, August 14th & 15th 8am – 11:30am & 1:00pm – 3:00pm Practice Prior to start of School: Monday – Friday 9A/9B 8:00 am – 11:00 am Other teams 2 practices per day During School: Monday – Friday 9A/9B 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm Other teams 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm Competitions First Match are Saturday August 26th Most matches are Tuesday and Thursdays Each team has 2 – 3 weekend tournaments Captains Practices Run by Captains & Returning Varsity Players Adult Supervision will be present First 2 weeks in August Time RHS Not required but good opportunity to get prepared See website calendar for specific dates

9 Team Selection Varsity JV 10th Grade/B Team 9A & 9B Teams
Top players by position any grade Non-starting Seniors who earn role position 10 to 15 players JV Non-Seniors that have potential to play Varsity. 10 – 12 players 10th Grade/B Team 10th Graders that do not make Varsity and JV. 9 – 12 players 9A & 9B Teams 9th Graders only 18 to 20 players

10 Season Begins August 14th Success Starts Now!!
Summer Activities Our Success in the fall is directly linked to how hard we work during the summer. Season Begins August 14th Success Starts Now!! Conditioning, Team Building, Skill Development and Recovering/Resting

11 See website calendar for specific dates
Conditioning Options RHS Volleyball Strength and CrossFit Templar. Tuesday and Thursday (options available) RHS Irish Star Program (BFS) Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at RHS On your own training program (see website) Other See website calendar for specific dates

12 Irish Volleyball Skill Development Series
Focused on the refinement of skills, development of volleyball IQ and introduction of new game strategies. 12-2 hour sessions over 7 weeks. Monday and Wednesdays 3 levels Elite – returning HS Players Rising Star – 6th thru 9th grades 9th graders with significant JO experience are invited to Elite Future Star – 3rd thru 6th grades (only Wednesdays) Solid coach to player ratio, position specific coaching Cost Effective Fun See website calendar for specific dates

13 Other Summer Opportunities
RHS Open Gyms Fridays 8 am – 10 am Rosemount Queens Leagues Sand Leagues Camps Other Sports Leprechaun Days Parade Saturday July 30th Team Camp Saturday July 16th & Sunday July 17th Breakdown Captains’ Tournament Saturday August 6th See website calendar for specific dates

Booster Club Help coordinate support of RHS Volleyball the first Monday of each month at T.O.P.S – 7pm President / VP: Cheryl Mackinac / Ingrid Grutzmacher Treasurer/Secretary: Jill Campbell / Mollie Dukek Program / Ads: OPEN AND YOU: Parents & Fans VOLUNTEER FUNDRAISE DONATE Team Building Events Parade Fill the Stands With Irish Fans Program Ads Event Nights Additional Coaching Uniforms Equipment Nets Balls

15 Parents Players Booster Club Funding Major Events ($) Player Fees
Varsity / JV $125 10th Grade $90 9th Grade $75 Major Events ($) Presidents Day Tournament Cub Bagging (Required for all players) Add’l Volunteer Events ($) Camps, Leagues Requirements Varsity – 5 Events/Player JV – 4 Events/Player 10 – 3 Events/Player 9A/9B – 2 Events/Player Sales Program Love Notes Program Ads Volunteer Contribute Fundraise

16 Prepare > Commit > Compete Follow us on Twitter @rosemountvball
2017 Captains Prepare > Commit > Compete Follow us on

17 Key Reminders Website: Add yourself to Volleyball Group On website under RHS – Program Info Enter your on right side of homepage Click on Subscribe Season / Camp / Schedule information On website under Camps and Training Place your summer team wear order Get Registered at RHS (July) Volunteer On website under RHS - Volunteer

18 Be Driven, Get Prepared, COMPETE The Season starts Now! GO IRISH!
Any Questions Please Contact Coach Smokey Vitek Cell: (651) Be Driven, Get Prepared, COMPETE The Season starts Now! GO IRISH!

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