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1920’s Review $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 This is Easy 20’s Lingo

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1 1920’s Review $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 This is Easy 20’s Lingo
Terms Events People $600

2 Answer $100 People Lowered cost of Automobiles, and developed the assembly line.

3 Question $100 Who is Henry Ford

4 Answer $200 People Most famous gangster of 1920’s that was eventually arrested on tax evasion. Make sure you click directly on the hyperlink.

5 Question $200 Who is Al Capone?

6 Answer $400 People Famous trumpet player that used personal expression in his songs.

7 Question $400 Who is Louis Armstrong?

8 Answer $500 People Biggest celebrity of 20’s. First person to make transatlantic flight.

9 Question $500 Who is Charles Lindbergh?

10 Answer $600 People Was known as spokesman for Jazz Age, and revealed the negative side of the 20’s in his books.

11 Question $600 Who is F. Scott Fitzgerald?

12 Events $200 Answer When Secretary of Interior Fall secretly gave oil drilling rights on government oil fields for more than $300,000 in payments and gifts.

13 Events $200 Question What is the Teapot Dome Scandal?

14 Answer $300 Events Trial over a robbery and murders in which faulty material evidence was used and they were executed.

15 Question $300 Who was Sacco and Vanzetti?

16 Answer $400 Events A period of anticommunist hysteria in the 1920’s which led to a mistrust of foreigners.

17 Question $400 What is the Red Scare?

18 Answer $500 Events Was over the teaching of evolution in public schools. The teacher was found guilty and fined $100.

19 Question $500 What is the Scopes Trial?

20 Answer $600 Events Series of mass arrests and deportations of immigrants who were suspected of being leftists or radicals.

21 Question $600 What were the Palmer Raids?

22 Answer $100 Terms Allowed for consumers to pay for items over time.

23 Question $100 What are installment plans?

24 Answer $300 Terms Transition from wartime to peacetime production levels.

25 Question $300 What is demobilization?

26 Answer $500 Terms Based on idea that every kind of work could be broken down into a series of smaller tasks.

27 Question $500 What is scientific management?

28 Answer $600 Terms Protestant movement that believed every word of the Bible should be regarded as literally true.

29 Question $600 What is Fundamentalism?

30 Answer $ ’s Lingo Illegal smuggling of alcohol; huge profits were made.

31 Question $100 What is bootlegging?

32 Answer $ ’s Lingo The new woman of the 1920’s that enjoyed defying traditional standards of female behavior.

33 Question $200 What were flappers?

34 Answer $ ’s Lingo Coined by Gertrude Stein; period from the end of WWI til the Great Depression.

35 Question $300 What is the Jazz Age?

36 $ ’s Lingo A group of writers whose work reflected the horrors of death and destruction of WWI, and criticized consumerism and superficiality.

37 20’s Lingo Answer What is the Lost Generation?

38 Answer $ ’s Lingo Flourishing of artistic development in the 1920’s because of so many black writers, musicians, and artists from this city.

39 Question $600 What is the Harlem Renaissance?

40 Answer $100 This is Easy Biggest business in the 1920’s.

41 Question $100 What is the auto industry?

42 Answer $200 This Is Easy Who did advertisers target?

43 Question $200 What are women?

44 Answer $300 This Is Easy Most powerful communications medium of the 20’s.

45 Question $300 What is radio?

46 Answer $400 This Is Easy The first talking movie.

47 Question $400 What is the Jazz Singer?

48 Answer $500 This Is Easy The 3 Presidents of the 1920’s in order.

49 Question $500 Who are Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover?

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