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3/14/12 Chapter 17, Political Issues Following WWI Aim: What role did prosperity and Republican policies play in government scandals of the early 1920’s?

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Presentation on theme: "3/14/12 Chapter 17, Political Issues Following WWI Aim: What role did prosperity and Republican policies play in government scandals of the early 1920’s?"— Presentation transcript:

1 3/14/12 Chapter 17, Political Issues Following WWI Aim: What role did prosperity and Republican policies play in government scandals of the early 1920’s? Objective: Students will identify how Harding’s and Coolidge’s presidency’s were very different. Students will analyze visuals on the topic. Standards: 2.2e, 2.3a, 4.1b, 4.1c, 4.1d, 4.1f Do Now: What was the “spoils system”? Which former president used it? Work Period: “Analyzing Visuals” 1&2 p.591 Close: “Analyzing Visuals” 1&2 p.593

2 Warren G. Harding: Slogan: “Return to Normalcy”
Spoils system, “Ohio Gang”: Harding appointed old friends from Ohio to cabinet positions. “Teapot Dome Scandal” (p.591): Harding’s secretary of the interior leased out private lands that contained U.S. Navy oil. He received $300,000 in bribe money. He spent the rest of his life in prison

3 Calvin Coolidge Slogan: “Keep Cool with Coolidge”
Economic Prosperity for the United States. Coolidge balanced the budget (p.593), reduced the government’s debt and cut taxes.

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