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Marta Guzmán and Pedro Cuesta

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1 Marta Guzmán and Pedro Cuesta
Decroly Diversity Attention Plan Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU Marta Guzmán and Pedro Cuesta 26 th Apr2012

2 “Attention to Diversity is the core of teachers and teacher educators’ training”
LOE (Act of Education) Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

3 Quality of education for everybody through
EDUCATION PRINCIPLES Quality of education for everybody through Equity Equal opportunities. Facing new challenges and difficulties. Attending students’ necessities. Respecting students’ physical, cognitive and affective development. Respecting students’ learning styles and the way they are doing it Providing them with the required educational support. Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

4 Different cognitive styles Different personality
Being diverse means: Each student has his own different individual characteristics which will affect his learning process: Different aptitudes Different interests Different cognitive styles Different personality Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

5 Attention to Diversity Programme (PAD)
To achieve this education principles Decroly: Attention to Diversity Programme (PAD) Objectives To improve our student’s achievements To reduce dropout rates To attend the individual needs with the purpose of finding a post To promote vocational studies Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

6 Attention to Diversity Programme (PAD)
Analysis of the situation in Decroly Proposed Measures to achieve the established objectives in the PAD Special resources Method of monitoring, assessment and checking the PAD Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

7 Analysis of the situation
The context Socio-economic and cultural characteristics of the area Analysis of the educational community Students of initial vocational qualification programs: Students at Intermediate level Vocational training courses: Upper level Vocational Training courses: Educational implications arising from the analysis of the context Teachers Parents Students Work Placements Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

8 Analysis of the situation
We find diversity attending to: cultural origin familiar context learning styles Socioeconomic background mother tongue disability Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

9 Foreigners Students: Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

10 WHAT DO WE DO? Evaluate psicopedagogical situations related to the development of training programmes. Once we detect the problem, we advice and intervene in difficult situations related to the learning and training process. We analyze training context, detecting and getting involved in measures that may affect school effectiveness and social cohesion. We work within networks with other professionals like the Regional Ministry of Education; AMICA, … Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

11 Measures Unity in Diversity 2011-1-DE2-GRU06-07803 2 Measures Common
General Organizational Curricular Coordination Individual Specific Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

12 Common measures (for all the students group) Individual measures
General Measures General Measures: focus to prevent potential difficulties and where appropriate facilitate the overcoming of them and elaborate deeply the curriculum, organization and actions coordination and the adaptation without significantly altering its essential elements. Common measures (for all the students group) Individual measures Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

13 General Common Measures
Organizational Adapting the composition and number of students to the characteristics and needs Staff coordination Curricular Modification non-significant of content, objectives and assessment criteria of the ordinary curriculum Encourage the participation of the students by the use of methodological strategies Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

14 General Common Measures
Coordination Initial meeting with the group of students and parents Individualized follow-up of each students Monthly coordination meetings Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

15 Individual Common Measures
Adapted to the student with special needs Tutorship support Adapting the assessment to the individual capacities of each student Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

16 Specific Measures Specific Measures: focus to prevent potential difficulties and where appropriate facilitate the overcoming of them and elaborate deeply the curriculum, organization and actions coordination and the adaptation with significantly altering its essential elements. Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

17 Specific Measures To support of learning for students with language difficulties and/or cultural grounds or with low standard of general education Apply to the Regional Ministry of Education increase the number of examinations sessions Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

18 Self-learning: Free courses funded by the regional Ministry
Other Measures Teacher training: Cooperation between teachers from different schools Self-learning: Free courses funded by the regional Ministry Workshops, conferences, congresses... public or private funded, to exchange experiences and good practices Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

19 Monitoring and assessment
A group of teachers (CESPAD) carry out the monitoring of the PAD. They will have meetings twice monthly Quarterly they will make a report about the monitoring of the PAD to the Pedagogical Coordination Commission and to the rest of the teachers At the end of the course, Decroly will send a report to the Regional Ministry of Education. Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

20 Any questions Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

21 Thank you very much for your attention
Marta Guzmán and Pedro Cuesta Apr2012 Unity in Diversity DE2-GRU

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