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Lighting Bridges Through Collaborative Spaces

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1 Lighting Bridges Through Collaborative Spaces
New England Association of Schools and Colleges Annual Conference: “Educational Effectiveness through Accreditation” Paula L. S. Rees Director of Diversity Programs College of Engineering, UMass Amherst December 8, 2016 College of Engineering

2 Overview The allure and promise
UMass Amherst Engineering’s blended & collaborative approach Departmental spaces Courses “Town-Gown” initiatives Motivations Looking forward College of Engineering

3 Allure and Promise Work-life model of youth (neoliberal economy)
The “Maker” movement represents: A logical extension or synthesis of current trends in education An emerging work-life model of youth (neoliberal economy) What is the proper role in our formal versus informal learning environments? The “Maker” movement represents a logical extension or synthesis of current trends in education Active learning, problem based learning Team based learning Flipped classrooms Community-service learning Important component of education mission, as reflected in accreditation standards Space where classroom knowledge transforms into practice Retain “passion” for engineering through sequence of traditional rigorous courses Enhance quality of teaching and learning Work-life model of youth (neoliberal economy) Constructing a living from many contingent relationships Associated with "allure and promise" I might also include something about the current trends in our neoliberal economy, in which young people are trying to construct a living from many contingent relationships and the role a Maker community plays in helping people network, build connections, and engage in entrpreneurship. College of Engineering

4 Our Approach: Departmental Spaces
Electrical & Computer Engineering “M5” is an educational initiative of the department designed to provide new dimensions to the UMass Amherst ECE experience. “M5” is an educational initiative of the department designed to provide new dimensions to the UMass Amherst ECE experience Integrates laboratories, meeting rooms and a demilounge to support a broad range of individual and collaborative activities to advance technical experimentation, exploration, interaction and entrepreneurship Supports Classes (e.g., freshman lab, group mtgs, workshops) Studio M5 (audio, video, photographic recording & production) Café M5 (Technical talks) Outreach (Senior Design Day, workshops) Community building (student gathering, study space) Spin-offs (other spaces, Hack-a-thon) Student staff; Faculty lead (Baird Soules) College of Engineering

5 Our Approach: Departmental Spaces
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering The Exploratorium and Innovation Makerspace are designed to facilitate student collaboration, professional development, and support both academic and personal projects. Exploratorium 2500-sq-foot Computer Lab, teleconferencing, guest speaker, and meeting space Funded by alumni donations Innovation Makerspace Student run initiative to provide space, tools and parts to work on explorational projects, enabling students to create, collaborate and innovate Supports both academic and personal projects 3D printing services College of Engineering

6 Our Approach: Courses 1-credit “Maker” courses
ECE 297 & 497 – Design Project NRC 497MS Special Topics Faculty lead courses Meets once a week for 2 hours, P/F NRC 497MS Special Topics Applications in Do-it-Together, Environmental Monitoring Technologies ECO, BIO, Publ. Policy, Architecture & Design Building from town-gown initiative To provide opportunities for students to Pursue own interests around environmental monitoring Learn the “Maker approach” Participate in a ‘live’ online maker community around ‘open source science’ ( Learn through active, team-based, and flipped pedagogies Work in interdisciplinary teams Participate in town-gown ‘service learning’ Example Projects Arduino-based air- and water-pollution monitors OpenROV open source research submarine Invasive plan species mapping with aerial photos Aruduino based wildlife tracker College of Engineering

7 Our Approach: Courses ECE 297B Queer Lights
A collaboration between Engineering, the Stonewall Center, and the Student Union Craft Center. No prior experience with computers or electronics needed Provides space for students from across campus to learn about and discuss contemporary LGBTQIA+ topics while learning how to make and program electronic lights Projects are individual expressions of their LGBTQIA+ connections Key: co-taught by experts in engineering and LGBTQIA+ A student from the class is now working with a weekly LGBTQIA+ support group to make light up buttons at CMASS College of Engineering

8 Our Approach: Makers @ Amherst Media, Outreach
Drop in program TV shows and showcases “Maker Meetup” workshops After school program Goals Forge a positive relationship with town of Amherst Engage youth in STEM Provide role models and pathways to STEM degrees Retain u.g. students in STEM fields Parallel training pathways Interdisciplinary collaboration and entrepreneurism College of Engineering

9 Motivations: Engineering the future
University educational impact Spaces Students’ passion for engineering Skills K12 educational impact Role models Enrichment Joy of exploration Promoting diversity Engagement Discussion University educational impact Spaces where classroom knowledge transforms into practice Retaining current students’ passion for engineering Allowing students to demonstrate real-world design/build skills and use those skills to advance their careers after they graduate K12 educational impact Role models What is engineering? Enrichment of traditional curriculum Joy of exploration Diversity College of Engineering

10 Looking forward University level Amherst Regional School District
Maker Saturdays (or Sundays) Courses Outreach Amherst Regional School District Help develop a “maker” course within their curriculum Mentors Amherst Media Summer camp(s) Workshops Drop-in support Campus is struggling HARD with diversity College of Engineering

11 Looking forward What is the proper balance - curriculum versus club house? How do we create environments that are welcoming of all? What are the key elements? Where are we putting resources? Why? Do town-gown making efforts make sense? Are we doing any good? How do we know? College of Engineering

12 Looking forward – Lighting Bridges
College of Engineering

13 Acknowledgements MIE and ECE Departments Dave McLaughlin (Engineering)
Charlie Schweik (ECO/Pub Policy) Steve D. Brewer (Biology) Christine Olson (Communications) Amherst Media Lots of students!

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