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Medicare Access and Chip Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA)

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1 Medicare Access and Chip Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA)
Paul A. Martin DO FACOFP dist. CMO/VP Grandview/Southview Medical Centers

2 Which current physician payment adjustment will sunset after December 31, 2018?
Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative (CPCI) EHR Meaningful Use program (MU) Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+) 10

3 By not participating in the MIPS Quality Payment Program in the 2017 transition year, what negative payment adjustment would eligible physicians incur? Negative .5% payment adjustment Negative 4% payment adjustment Negative 1% payment adjustment Negative 9% payment adjustment 10

4 MACRA Background

5 Medicare Payment Prior to MACRA
Fee-for-service (FFS) payment system, where clinicians are paid based on volume of services, not value. The Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) Established in 1997 to control the cost of Medicare payments to physicians > IF Overall physician costs Target Medicare expenditures Physician payments cut across the board Each year, Congress passed temporary “doc fixes” to avert cuts (no fix in would have meant a 21% cut in Medicare payments to clinicians)

6 MACRA Background Goal – Move physician payment from volume-based to value-based Signed into law April 2015 Supported by organized medicine Passed with over 90 percent support in both the House and Senate Rare example of bi-partisan legislation Strong indication Medicare value-based payment is here to stay Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 6 6

7 Impact on the MPFS Instead of a 21 percent payment cut
No increase in MPFS (January – June 2015) Increase 0.5 percent (July 2015 – December 2015) Increase 0.5 percent per year (2016 – 2019) No increase (January 2020 – December 2025) 2026 and beyond: APM participants – percent annual increase MIPS participants – percent annual increase Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 7 7

8 Impact on Current Medicare Payment Adjustments
Sunsets current payment adjustments after December 31, 2018 Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) EHR Meaningful Use (MU) program Value-based Payment Modifier (VBM) Some features of PQRS, MU, and VBM are part of the new MIPS criteria Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 8 8

9 MACRA created the Quality Payment Program
The Quality Payment Program policy will: Reform Medicare Physician Fee Schedule payments for more than 600,000 clinicians Improve care across the entire health care delivery system Clinicians have two tracks to choose from: The Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) If you decide to participate in traditional (fee-for-service) Medicare, you may earn a performance-based payment adjustment through MIPS. Advanced Alternate Payment Models (APMs) If you decide to take part in an Advanced APM, you may earn a Medicare incentive payment for participating in an innovative payment model. OOR

10 Quality Payment Program Strategic Goals
Improve beneficiary outcomes Enhance clinician experience Increase adoption of Advanced APMs Maximize participation Improve data and information sharing Ensure operational excellence in program implementation For additional information on the Quality Payment Program, please visit QPP.CMS.GOV

11 Here is a graphical representation of the MACRA path you will be venturing on.
11 11

12 Alternative Payment Models (APMS)

13 What are APMs? Payment approachs that incent clinicians to provide high- quality, cost-effective care Examples: Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) CMS Innovation Center Models CMS Demonstration Programs Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 13 13

14 2017 Advanced APMs MSSP Track 2 MSSP Track 3
Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+) Next Generation ACO Comprehensive ESRD Care Model Two sided Oncology Care Model-Two sided Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 14 14

15 Advanced APMs Eligibility Criteria
At least half of the clinicians must use certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT) Base payment on quality measures comparable to MIPS quality measures Be a medical home model or require participants to bear more than a nominal amount of financial risk Only medical home that qualifies for Advanced APM (AAPM) is CPC+ Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 15 15

16 Payment and Patient Thresholds for AAPMs
Participants earn an annual lump sum payment of 5 percent of the MPFS from if they receive at least 25 percent of their Medicare Part B payments OR see at least 20 percent of their Medicare patients through an AAPM Participation requirements increase in 2019 and 2021 Performance Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 and later Percentage of Medicare payments through an Advanced APM Percentage of Medicare patients through an Advanced APM 25% 25% 50% 50% 75% 75% 20% 20% 35% 35% 50% 50% Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 16 16

17 Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)

18 MIPS Overview First MIPS performance year-2017
First MIPS payment year-2019 Combines three current Medicare performance incentive programs PQRS MU VBM New measure: Improvement activities Provides both upside and downside adjustments to the MPFS Maximum adjustments: 2019: 4 percent 2020: 5 percent 2021: 7 percent 2022 & beyond: 9 percent 4x% 5x% 7x% 9x% Threshold -4x% -5x% -7x% -9x% Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 18 18

19 MIPS Eligible Clinicians (ECs)
Physicians (MDs and DOs) Podiatrists Optometrists Chiropractors MIPS applies to individual ECs and group practices Dentists Physician Assistants Nurse Practitioners Clinical Nurse Specialists Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 19 19

20 Who is excluded from MIPS?
Clinicians who are: Significantly participating in Advanced APMs Newly-enrolled in Medicare Below the low-volume threshold Medicare Part B allowed charges less than or equal to $30,000 a year OR See 100 or fewer Medicare Part B patients a year Enrolled in Medicare for the first time during the performance period (exempt until following performance year) Receive 25% of your Medicare payments OR See 20% of your Medicare patients through an Advanced APM

21 When Does the Merit-based Incentive Payment System Officially Begin?
submit adjustment Performance year Feedback available 2017 Performance Year March 31, 2018 Data Submission Feedback January 1, 2019 Payment Adjustment Performance: The first performance period opens January 1, 2017 and closes December 31, During 2017, you will record quality data and how you used technology to support your practice. If an Advanced APM fits your practice, then you can provide care during the year through that model. Send in performance data: To potentially earn a positive payment adjustment under MIPS, send in data about the care you provided and how your practice used technology in 2017 to MIPS by the deadline, March 31, In order to earn the 5% incentive payment for participating in an Advanced APM, just send quality data through your Advanced APM.  Feedback: Medicare gives you feedback about your performance after you send your data.  Payment: You may earn a positive MIPS payment adjustment beginning January 1, 2019 if you submit 2017 data by March 31, If you participate in an Advanced APM in 2017, then you could earn 5% incentive payment in 2019.

22 Reporting Individual – defined as a single NPI tied to a single TIN
CEHR Registry Qualified clinical data registry Group – must share a common TIN CMS web interface – must register by June 30, 2017 Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 22 22

23 What is the Merit-based Incentive Payment System?
Performance Categories Quality Cost Improvement Activities Advancing Care Information Moves Medicare Part B clinicians to a performance value-based payment system Provides clinicians with flexibility to choose the activities and measures that are most meaningful to their practice Reporting standards align with Advanced APMs wherever possible

24 MIPS Category Measures Over Time
A score of developed for each eligible clinician based on performance in four categories: Quality Advancing Care Information Improvement Activities Cost Replaces PQRS Replaces MU New (PCMH) Replaces VBM 2017 60% 25% 15% 0% 2018 50% 10% 2019+ 30% Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 24 24

25 Flexible Start for Clinicians: Pick Your Pace
MIPS Participate in an Advanced Alternative Payment Model Test Pace Partial Year Full Year Some practices may choose to participate in an Advanced Alternative Payment Model in 2017 Submit some data after January 1, 2017 Neutral or small payment adjustment Report for 90-day period after January 1, 2017 Small positive payment adjustment Fully participate starting January 1, 2017 Modest positive payment adjustment Not participating in the Quality Payment Program for the transition year will result in a negative 4% payment adjustment.

26 MIPS: Choosing the Test Pace for 2017
Submit minimum amount of 2017 data to Medicare Avoid a downward adjustment You Have Asked: “What is a minimum amount of data?” OR OR 4 or 5 Required Advancing Care Information Measures 1 Quality Measure 1 Improvement Activity

27 MIPS: Partial Participation for 2017
Submit 90 days of 2017 data to Medicare May earn a positive payment adjustment If you’re not ready on January 1, you can start anytime between January 1 and October 2 Need to send performance data by March 31, 2018

28 MIPS: Full Participation for 2017
Submit a full year of 2017 data to Medicare May earn a positive payment adjustment Best way to earn largest payment adjustment is to submit data on all MIPS performance categories

29 Quality – 60% 60 Points Select 6 measures to report on from about 300 quality measures Or choose to report on a set of specialty specific measures Group practices using the web interface will report on 15 set measures Must report for at least 90 days to be eligible for a positive adjustment Physicians receive points for each measure based on performance against a benchmark 60 possible points Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 29 29

30 MIPS Scoring for Quality (60% of Final Score)
Bonus Points Clinicians receive bonus points for either of the following: Submitting an additional high-priority measure Using CEHRT to submit measures to registries or CMS 1 2 1 bonus point for submitting electronically end-to-end 2 bonus points for each additional outcome and patient experience measure 1 bonus point for each additional high-priority measure

31 MIPS Scoring for Quality (60% of Final Score in Transition Year)
Points earned on required 6 quality measures Any bonus points Total Quality Performance Category Score + = Maximum number of points* Quick Tip: Maximum score cannot exceed 100% *Maximum number of points = # of required measures x 10

32 Quality: Requirements for the Transition Year
Test Pace means... Submitting a minimum amount of data for one measure set for 2017. Partial and Full Participation means… Submitting at least six quality measures, including at least one outcome measures, for a full year. For a full list of measures, please visit

33 MIPS Performance Category: Advancing Care Information
Promotes patient engagement and the electronic exchange of information using certified EHR technology Ends and replaces the Medicare EHR Incentive Program for eligible professionals (not for Medicaid or hospitals) Greater flexibility in choosing measures In 2017, there are 2 measure sets for reporting based on EHR edition: 2017 Advancing Care Information Transition Objectives and Measures Advancing Care Information Objectives and Measures

34 MIPS Performance Category: Advancing Care Information
Advancing Care Information Objectives and Measures: Base Score Required Measures 2017 Advancing Care Information Transition Objectives and Measures: Base Score Required Measures Objective Measure Protect Patient Health Information Security Risk Analysis Electronic Prescribing e-Prescribing Patient Electronic Access Provide Patient Access Health Information Exchange Send a Summary of Care Request/Accept a Summary of Care Objective Measure Protect Patient Health Information Security Risk Analysis Electronic Prescribing e-Prescribing Patient Electronic Access Provide Patient Access Health Information Exchange

35 MIPS Performance Category: Advancing Care Information
Advancing Care Information Objectives and Measures: Performance Score Measures 2017 Advancing Care Information Transition Objectives and Measures Performance Score Measures Objective Measure Patient Electronic Access Provide Patient Access* Patient-Specific Education Coordination of Care through Patient Engagement View, Download and Transmit (VDT) Secure Messaging Patient-Generated Health Data Health Information Exchange Send a Summary of Care* Request/Accept a Summary of Care* Clinical Information Reconciliation Public Health and Clinical Data Registry Reporting Immunization Registry Reporting Objective Measure Patient Electronic Access Provide Patient Access* View, Download and Transmit (VDT) Patient-Specific Education Secure Messaging Health Information Exchange Health Information Exchange* Medication Reconciliation Public Health Reporting Immunization Registry Reporting

36 Advancing Care Information Requirements for the Transition Year
Test pace means… Partial and full participation means… Submitting 4 or 5 base score measures Depends on use of 2014 or 2015 Edition Submitting more than the base score in year 1 Reporting all required measures in the base score to earn any credit in the advancing care information performance category For a full list of measures, please visit

37 MIPS Scoring for Advancing Care Information Bonus Score
for reporting on any of these Public Health and Clinical Data Registry Reporting measures: Syndromic Surveillance Reporting Specialized Registry Reporting (14) Electronic Case Reporting (15) Public Health Registry Reporting (15) Clinical Data Registry Reporting(15) 5% BONUS for using CEHRT to report certain Improvement Activities 10% BONUS

38 MIPS Scoring for Advancing Care Information (25% of Final Score)
Advancing Care Information Performance Category Score = Base Score Performance Score Bonus Score Quick Tip: Maximum score will be capped at 100%

39 Advancing Care Information – 25%
50 90 15 Required base score (50) Performance score (up to 90) Bonus score (up to 15) Security risk analysis e-Prescribing Provide patient access Send summary of care Request/accept summary of care Submit nine measures for 90 days for performance credit 5 percent per measure for public health/clinical data registry reporting 10 percent for improvement activity alignment Category score includes: Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 39 39

40 MIPS Performance Category: Improvement Activities
Attest to participation in activities that improve clinical practice Examples: Shared decision making, patient safety, coordinating care, increasing access Clinicians choose from 90+ activities under 9 subcategories: 1. Expanded Practice Access (4 activities) Population Management (16) 3. Care Coordination (14) 4. Beneficiary Engagement (23) 5. Patient Safety and Practice Assessment (21) Participation in an APM Achieving Health Equity (4) 8. Integrating Behavioral and Mental Health (8) 9. Emergency Preparedness and Response (2)

41 Examples of Improvement Activities
After hours access to care Same day appointments Extended office hours Test tracking system Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 41 41

42 Improvement Activity Requirements for the Transition Year
Partial and full participation means… Choosing 1 of the following combinations: 2 high-weighted activities 1 high-weighted activity and 2 medium-weighted activities At least 4 medium-weighted activities Test Pace means… Submitting 1 improvement activity Activity can be high weight or medium weight

43 Improvement Activities – 15%
Full credit for clinicians in CPC+, in a certified PCMH, or in similar specialist practice PCMH certifications for MIPS include: a national program, a regional or state program, a private payer, or other body that certifies at least 500 practices Participation in the Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative grant is a high-weighted activity earning 20 points 40 possible points Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 43 43

44 Cost – 0% Clinicians are not required to submit cost data to CMS
CMS assesses clinicians based on Medicare claims data CMS compares resources used to treat similar care episodes and clinical condition groups across practices Cost measures adjusted for geographic payment rates and beneficiary risk factors ECs earn a maximum of 10 points per episode cost measure Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 44 44

45 MIPS Final Score for 2017 Performance Year
Payment Adjustment Positive adjustment Eligible for exceptional performance bonus – minimum of additional 0.5% 4-69 points Not eligible for exceptional performance bonus 3 points Neutral payment adjustment 0 points Negative payment adjustment of -4% 0 points = does not participate MIPS 2017 performance year and 2019 payment year: Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 45 45

46 Additional Incentive Payments and Support
For , maximum of $500 million per year in additional incentive payments may be available to distribute to ECs who have “exceptional performance” Final score of 70 or higher qualifies for an additional payment in 2017 (2019 payment year) Not budget neutral Technical support for small and rural practices Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 46 46

47 Performance Adjustments After 2017
CMS will publish a “performance threshold” score at the start of each year Each EC’s final score compared to the performance threshold score No MIPS adjustment made to ECs with a score exactly at threshold ECs with a score below threshold receive a negative payment adjustment ECs with a score above threshold receive a positive payment adjustment factor Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 47 47

48 MIPS Adjustments to the MPFS
Final score based on: Quality measures Cost Improvement activities Advancing care information THRESHOLD 0% 0% Final Score 100% -9% -7% -5% -4% 4x% 5x% 7x% 9x% 2022+ 2021 2020 2019 Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 48 48

49 Budget Neutrality >> Amounts accrued from penalties assessed against ECs with scores below the threshold will fund payments for ECs with scores above the threshold Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 49 49

50 (MIPS) APM Scoring Standard
Quality Measures report through APM Cost 0% Indefinitely ACI Must report – same as all eligible physicians Improvement Activities Automatic 100% (annual review of model) *CMS will calculate the final score for MIPS APM at the APM Entity level. MIPS APMs are MSSP (All Tracks), Next Gen ACO and CPC+ All advanced APMs could be a MIPS APM but not all MIPS APM can’t be a advanced APM Still get credit –but fall back into MIPS – Different Scoring Mechanism within MIPS Use Measure reported to APM models as Quality, Cost is zero percent now and in the future 2017 will get 100% in IA - Will review model annually against improvement activities and score – possibly to attest to get higher score Only required to report ACI – will aggregate all score ups to APM entity level 50 50

51 Physician Compare Website
MIPS composite scores and individual performance category scores available on the CMS Physician Compare website Patients can see health care providers rated on a scale of 0 to 100 and how physician compares to peers nationally Value Driven. Health Care. Solutions. 51 51

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