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The use of video in oral histories of science, technology and medicine

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1 The use of video in oral histories of science, technology and medicine
Mark Stine John Hepp Wilkes University Wilkes-Barre, PA, USA

2 What we do at Wilkes University
Wilkes is a small, primarily undergraduate university in Pennsylvania We often combine our History and Video Production classes to have the students produce local history documentaries At the core of many of these documentaries are oral histories conducted by our students We have done documentaries on pharmacists, trolleys (trams) and trains

3 What we propose … Use video to record oral history interviews
Even if the interviews are not being used in a documentary

4 Traditional oral histories are…
Audio alone Often transcribed

5 Video oral histories help to capture:
Emotions Intonations Pauses Other meaning-conveying (and non- verbal) communications

6 The benefits of video include:
Capturing non-verbal communication Allowing subsequent scholars to “read” the interview in its entirety Allowing the subject to show and to explain objects Humanizing the subjects

7 Disadvantages of video include:
Demands for greater technical proficiency Greater barriers in making the interviewees comfortable and relaxed Longer setup and take down times

8 The Pharmacists Student-produced documentary made in 2003
Collaboration between students in history of pharmacy and video production classes Based on interviews with pharmacists from the Wilkes-Barre area

9 The value of short documentaries
Contextualizes individual events Broadens understanding of complex scientific and technological concepts by presenting them in an approachable narrative Provides (even for participants) a greater “world view” of specific events Can be used at museums or historic sites (and on the web)

10 The use of video in oral histories of science, technology and medicine
Mark Stine John Hepp Wilkes University Wilkes-Barre, PA, USA

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