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High energy beam transport.

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Presentation on theme: "High energy beam transport."— Presentation transcript:

1 High energy beam transport.
Jens Stadlmann / Synchrotrons

2 Overview Introduction and specialties of the HEBT
Example of present planning status. Conclusion

3 HEBT: mod 0 Connection from SIS 18 to SIS100

4 HEBT: mod 1 Connection from SIS 18 to SIS100 APAR, DUMP, CBM

5 HEBT: mod 2 Connection from SIS 18 to SIS100 SFRS, DUMP, CBM
SFRS, connection SFRS-SIS18

6 HEBT: mod 3 Connection from SIS 18 to SIS100 SFRS, DUMP, CBM SFRS

7 HEBT: mod 4 Connection from SIS 18 to SIS100 SFRS, DUMP, CBM SFRS

8 HEBT: mod 5 Connection from SIS 18 to SIS100 SFRS, DUMP, CBM SFRS

9 HEBT: mod 6 Connection from SIS 18 to SIS100 SFRS, DUMP, CBM SFRS
PBAR, CR, HESR, P-LINAC NESR, FLAIR RESR Line for PP, low energy SFRS, electron ring, SIS > Full FAIR layout

10 HEBT: mod 3 Connection from SIS 18 to SIS100 SFRS, DUMP, CBM SFRS

11 Main components of the HEBT
Magnets: 617 Magnets, 345 in module 0-3. 31 types of dipoles, 6 different yoke cross sections. 18 types in module 0-3. 12 types of quads, 9 different yoke cross sections. 7 types in module 0-3. Cold magnets in module 6. Power converters: Most magnets have to be individually powered. Beam diagnostics 311 pieces of different beam diagnostics, 213 in module 0-3. 9 types of diagnosis. Three different screen sizes. Vacuum system Magnets and diagnosis devices are assembled with vacuum chamber.

12 Points to consider The HEBT magnets can be installed in any order. The tunnel allows to bypass already installed magnets anywhere but a few intersections. In contrary to SIS100 the warm magnet's power supplies can be tested as soon as magnets and cabling are installed. Some beam diagnostics components are not needed on day on of the commissioning somewhat relaxing the schedule. Mobile radiation protection walls blocking the transportation ways can only be erected after installation of the main HEBT components.

13 Magnets: Basics The basis of the schedule:
18 month till first magnet is done after contract signature. 1 every month for DP (different types with same cross section on one line). 2 every month for QP. 3 every month for correctors. Magnet testing done by manufacturer (except few magnets).

14 Magnets

15 Dipoles: How many production lines
To stay in the time frame of the presented schedule we produce all 6 dipole cross section separately dividing the most abundant one into two batches according to the two bending radii. -> 6 production lines needed. One "CR type" magnet produced together with CR. 3 of the "lines" may start later or work sequentially at the same site.

16 Quadrupoles Two main types on two production lines
CR + SFRS -> produced together with the other machines CBM focussing + figure of eight on one line each. -> 6 production lines needed.

17 Power converters

18 Beam diagnostics Not needed at day 0.

19 Vacuum chambers Most vacuum chambers are bundled with magnets and beam diagnostics. Complete modules are to be installed in the tunnels. Remaining chambers have to be cut into suitable batches. Non critical path. Pumps, valves and diagnostic follow the same schedule. Total production time estimated two years plus three month delivery time of the first components.

20 Conclusion The main critical path is the series production, testing and installation of the HEBT magnets. To finish in time a sufficient number of parallel production lines have to be used determining the number of batches in the procurement (6+6 for main magnets) . The final acceptance tests of the components are somewhat relaxed compared to the cold SIS100 because work can already start before the complete system is finished.

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