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April 27, 2016 INCS Sped Coop Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "April 27, 2016 INCS Sped Coop Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 27, 2016 INCS Sped Coop Meeting

2 Best Practice in IEP Completion
IEP WRITING Scheduling Goals, Minutes, & LRE Transportation Best Practice in IEP Completion

3 Maximum Number of Subject Minutes Listed on IEPs
Scheduling Always have a special education representation at the planning and scheduling meetings. Plan for general education and special education needs and schedules at the same time (do not plan gen ed and try to fit in services for IEPs). Complete the Maximum Number of Subject Minutes Listed on IEPs by Grade Level first. Maximum Number of Subject Minutes Listed on IEPs by Grade Level Grade Language Arts Gen Ed Sep Mathematics Science Social Science K 900 600 300 450 1 200 2 400 150 3 4 5 100 6

4 Direct Service in a Separate Class Direct Service in a Gen-Ed Class
Scheduling Complete Minutes Grid by grade level. Include identifying information, each subject area, any other areas of need. Complete minutes required per student in each area (this is how you will justify a new position!). Direct Service in a Separate Class Direct Service in a Gen-Ed Class Teacher Room # First Last ID Birthday Grade PDIS LRE IEP Date Reeval. Date LA Math W SS S SS/Sci Agustin 112 K DD 2 (50%) 6/17/2015 6/17/2018 600 450 3 (37%) 3/4/2015 3/5/2017 415 300 Kamego 114 1 (12%) 6/16/2015 7/21/2017 250 DD, SLP 1 6/2/2018 900 Deremo 117 2 (49%) 4/17/2015 6/3/2016 400 Crowe 121 VI, OHI 1 (4%) 6/19/2015 Cavataio 128 SLP, DD 1(3%) 12/16/2014 12/16/2017 150 4/28/2015 4/28/2018 DelVecchio 207 1 (2%) 5/29/2015 3/20/2016 LD 1 (0%) 6/3/2015 6/3/2018 2 (57%) 6/9/2015 6/9/2018 750 ED 2 (60%) 4/27/2015 3/10/2018 200 DD, OHI, SLP 3 (80%) 11/18/2014 11/18/2017

5 Goals and LRE Start with the end in mind. The team should ask:
What do we want the student to be able to do by the end of the IEP year? Where is the student currently functioning in this area? What types of supports need to be in place for the student to meet the goal? Can the student work on the goal in the general education setting? Always Never Plan for the individual needs. Plan for what the school already has in place. Utilize LBS 1 teachers to their maximum potential. Establish set roles as “the inclusion teacher” or “the middle school special education teacher.” Be creative! Leave off minutes in the IEP because you don’t have room to support the student in that capactity.

6 Transportation

7 Justifying Transportation
Transportation is: A team decision Based on student need: Does the student’s disability prevent the student from transporting him/herself to and from school in the same manner as nondisabled students? Examples include: Visually Impaired Non-ambulatory/Needs assistance walking Medical conditions impacting ability to travel to school Unable to understand traffic signals and signs Danger to self Be sure the transportation is justified in other sections of the IEP (is it listed in section 7, general accommodations, FBA/BIP…).

8 IEP Completion

9 IEP Completion Establish norms and best practice in beginning of year.
Annual IEP and Evaluation Completion Timeline Revisit during regular team meetings. Provide written documentation. Ensure that RSPs and special education teachers have contact information and are accessible to each other for collaboration. Establish expectations for communication with team members. Time frame Document/Activity Person responsible Notes At least 3 weeks before meeting Open new IEP document Case manager At least 10 school days before to parents, clinicians, teachers Conference Notification Will send an Outlook invite to the team. At least 1 week before meeting Cover page (sec. 1-5) At least 2 weeks before meeting Send teacher participation form to gen ed teacher or complete together during collab. meeting Special education teacher Areas of Need (sec. 9) Special education teacher, RSPs Section 7: Language & general considerations Medical concerns Communication needs RSPs (Nurse, SLP, OT, SW) Accommodations & Modifications: general (sec. 10b) Special education teacher, RSPs (SW, Nurse, SLP, OT)

10 IEP Meetings and Main Files
Cover page: Make sure everyone on the conference notification is present, checked off, and signed in. If a team member is not present prepare and have the Parent Excusal form signed (or another representative). Conference recommendation form: Check off all relevant areas Have parent check off, sign, date Ill Medical Card form: Ask parent, print, have parent sign Main Files: Have copies of all originals with signature in the main file Current IEP & evaluations, previous IEPs and evaluations Have a sign-out sheet in the front of the main file Communication log

11 Questions

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