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Funding Opportunities for Inborn Errors of Metabolism March 31, 2016

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1 Funding Opportunities for Inborn Errors of Metabolism March 31, 2016
Jill Morris PhD Program Director

2 Today's Goals Introduction to NIH Funding at NINDS
NINDS Translational Research Program Clinical Trial Readiness for Rare Neurological and Neuromuscular Diseases 2016 NINDS Nonprofit Forum Questions

3 National Institutes of Health
NIH’s mission is to seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce the burdens of illness and disability.

4 Comments on the NIH Budget
NIH is part of a much larger federal government agency (DHHS). Congress “oversees” all federal agencies. (And sets their budgets!) NIH is NOT immune to political pressures. NIH employees (and other federal employees) are forbidden from lobbying congress for any given area of research. NIH Budget: in Fiscal Year 2016 is around billion

5 NIH is a BIG “place” NIH has 27 Institutes & Centers with:
Different missions & priorities 3-5 letter abbreviations; NINDS, NCI, NIDDK Different budgets Different ways of doing things (e.g. deciding which grants to fund). Total NIH budget was more than $20 B in FY01 There were approximately 40K applications IC’s are thematically organized around disorders (e.g. cancer, diabetes, stroke); organ system (heart/lung/blood, eye, musculoskeletal); or service function (NCRR, CSR, CIT) Different Strategic Plans Different Subcultures

6 NIH Office of the Director
National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke 25 other Institutes and Centers Center for Scientific Review

7 National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Extramural Research Intramural Research Training Etc.

8 Intramural Vs. Extramural
NIH is divided into INTRAMURAL and EXTRAMURAL components Intramural: comparable to an academic medical center and Research Institution Does its “own” research, has investigators testing hypotheses, laboratories, clinical trials (at the clinical center) Extramural: Where I work Manages grants and contracts “Administration” of grants across the country/globally which are funded by NIH

9 Who’s who- Extramural NIH Staff?
Program Staff (PD) - PhD or MD assist applicants, develop initiatives, review progress reports, approve funding Review Staff (SRO) – PhD or MD organizes review of applications (study sections), write summary statements Grants management (GMB) – accounting, administrative send out the checks Assures compliance with regulations of grants, receipt of documents Contracts Branch Works with Program to Manage Contracts


11 NIH Funding Mechanisms
Investigator Initiated Awards NINDS Program Project Awards Exploratory/Developmental Awards Training Awards NINDS Clinical Trial Mechanisms NINDS Translational Program Awards Small Business Awards Basic Science and Early Translation Mechanisms Translational Research Mechanisms Clinical Research Mechanisms Developmental and HyperActive Ras Tumor (DHART) SPORE

12 NINDS Translational Programs
Clinical Trials

13 Translational Funding Opportunities
Discovery Preclinical Development Small Clinical Trials Anticonvulsant Screening Program (ASP) Early Translation - IGNITE Biotechnology Products and Biologics - CREATE Bio Devices - CREATE Device Small Business Program: SBIR & STTR Small Molecules – Blue Print Neurotherapeutics (BPN) Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats (CounterACT) IGNITE: Innovation Grants to Nurture Initial Translational Efforts CREATE: Cooperative Research to Enable and Advance Translational Enterprises 13

14 Preclinical Development
The Office of Translational Research Discovery Preclinical Development Small Clinical Trials “Discovery” Assay development Proof of concept in vitro and/or in vivo Lead optimization and candidate selection Pre-clinical Development Toxicology studies Scalable process development (gram to kg) Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) drug manufacture “Small” Trial Only as part of certain programs with associated pre-clinical components

15 Innovation Grants to Nurture Initial Translational Efforts (IGNITE)
Allows Investigative Teams to meet the entry criteria for the CREATE or Blue Print Neurotherapeutics (BPN) Program Upon completion of IGNITE the Investigative Team will have: appropriate Pharmacodynamic markers/models (RFA-NS ) a well-validated Assay (PAR ): Well-characterized early-stage Agents suitable for Optimization (PAR ) Early phase requires many parts to be built and fixed… Mechanism to allow science evaluation “Translational readiness” IGNITE Website: 15

16 Innovation Grants to Nurture Initial Translational Efforts (IGNITE)
RFA-NS Development and Validation of Model Systems and/or Pharmacodynamic Markers to Facilitate the Discovery of Neurotherapeutics (R21/R33) Entry Criteria: Translational rationale for the proposed model system/or pharmacodynamics marker and evidence of value for drug development End Goal: Improved animal models, human tissue ex vivo systems, or endpoints for translational efforts Mary Ann Pelleymounter

17 Two Phases in Each Grant
IGNITE RFA (Models and Markers) Two Phases in Each Grant Planning/Development Phase R21  Meet Milestones Execution Phase R33 R21 R33 Budget per year < $0.25M DC/year Duration No more than 2 years (three total) Budget total (R21/R33) 0.75M for Entire 3 Year Period

18 Entry Criteria: R21 phase R33 phase End Goal: IGNITE PAR-15-070
(Assays and Agents) PAR Innovation Grants to Nurture Initial Translational Efforts (IGNITE): Assay Development and Therapeutic Agent Identification and Characterization to Support Therapeutic Discovery (R21/R33) Entry Criteria: Rationally selected assay(s) and therapeutic agents R21 phase Initial development, refinement, and validation of assays R33 phase Iterative screening of potential therapeutic agents, further preparation and characterization Characterization of promising therapeutic agents from the screen End Goal: Testing funnel to triage candidates, a battery of assays and starting agents that are well profiled Examples of activities for R21 Development of assay(s) to support a succinct testing funnel, to measure specificity, potency, stability to protease and/or other metabolic enzymes, and cellular uptake. A combination of assays may be developed to demonstrate relevant biological activity when a single assay may not provide adequate measurement of overall potency due to a complex mechanism Development of in vitro or ex vivo potency/efficacy assay designed to indicate the specific ability of an agent to achieve a desired biological effect, for example: structural changes that may impact product quality, stability, and efficacy. Development of assays to evaluate cellular uptake, engagement, infection, aggregation, downstream functional measures in vitro or ex vivo, purity, and specificity. Assays to measure DNA, RNA, and protein levels of either endogenous genes or delivered products, downstream in vitro or ex vivo functional read-outs, viral titer, viral particle load stability and specificity. Development of assays to evaluate purity and identity of the therapeutic by surface markers or specific proteins, morphological measures, differentiation, purity, functional measures vitro or ex vivo, stability, and immunogenicity 18

19 (Pharmcodynamics, Efficacy)
IGNITE PAR (Pharmcodynamics, Efficacy) PAR Innovation Grants to Nurture Initial Translational Efforts (IGNITE): Pharmacodynamics and In vivo Efficacy Studies for Small Molecules and Biologics/Biotechnology Products (R21/R33) Entry Criteria: A validated/characterized animal model and pharmacodynamic measure(s) A testing protocol and Therapeutic agent(s) to test R21 Phase: Preparation, characterization of tx agent, dosage forms Confirm that target is reached R33 Phase: Execution of the PD and/or in vivo efficacy studies Target Engagement End Goal: Well-characterized early-stage agents suitable for optimization Overall Goal: to conduct pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and in vivo efficacy studies to provide evidence of biological activity of a proposed therapeutic agent(s) 19

20 IGNITE PARs (Assay-Target and Pharmacodynamics) Two Phases in Each Grant
Planning/Development Phase R21  Meet Milestones Execution Phase R33 R21 R33 Budget per year < $0.25M/per year < $0.25M/year Duration No more than 2 years (three total) Budget total (R21/R33) <0.75M for Entire 3 Year Period

21 Hao Wang, PhD

Discovery Track U01 (PAR ) Development Track Uh2/UH3 (PAR ) Purpose Optimization of Therapeutic Leads IND-Enabling and Early phase clinical trials End Goals Characterize and select a candidate with: stability, bioavailability, in vivo efficacy and/or target engagement An IND application submitted to the FDA. Mechanism U01 (4 years)-milestones UH2/UH3 (5 years)-milestones Funds Available <$500K DC/year <$1M DC/year for 2 years (UH2) <$1.5M DC/year (UH3)

23 Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network
Combines; NIH, Academic, Industry Expertise Modality: Small Molecule Discovery: Hit-to-lead and lead optimization Development: Formulation, scale up and manufacture, IND-enabling studies, and first-in-man clinical trials End Goals Discovery: Characterize and select a preclinical candidate Development: Complete IND-enabling studies file an IND Complete first-in-human trial Advance projects for “hand-off” Website: Amir Tamiz, PhD Program Director 23

24 Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network
Funding for work in Your Lab-assays, models Access to NIH-funded contract research organizations (CROs) Access to consultants-drug discovery and development Your institution gets assignment of the intellectual property rights to compounds discovered and developed within the program

25 Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network (BPN)

26 A Few Final Points
Start with your end goal in mind, and “work backwards” Team approach is essential Contact Program Directors “early” Use Multiple approaches in order to accomplish goals “Parent” R01, OTR mechanisms, advocacy, industry Check out the “Decision Tree”; it will walk you through to find which program may be the best fit x.htm

27 PAR-16-020: Clinical Trial Readiness for Rare Neurological and Neuromuscular Diseases
Validated biomarkers and clinical outcome measures, knowledge of disease course, effective recruitment strategies Clinical Research Infrastructure Supported through NeuroNEXT or other networks Goals of this new initiative: To acquire knowledge and refine tools that facilitate design of upcoming trials To develop accurate, sensitive and reliable biomarkers and outcome measures that enable future trials to be well-powered and shorter in duration To characterize clinical cohorts and test recruitment strategies that will increase the likelihood of successful trials Candidate Therapeutics Supported through OTR and other sources Clinical Trials

28 Description of the Initiative
Types of studies that would be supported through this initiative: Rare neurological or neuromuscular diseases (<200,000 pts in US) Needed to facilitate one or more upcoming trials Aims may include: Biomarker or clinical outcome measure validation/qualification Patient cohort characterization Testing of recruitment strategies through above studies Newly recruited participants or ancillary to an ongoing clinical trial Types of studies that would be outside the scope of this initiative: Natural history studies without direct relevance to upcoming trials Biomarker discovery, pathophysiology or GWAS studies Support for establishing clinical research infrastructure or patient registries

29 Description of the Initiative (continued)
Specialized peer review administered by NINDS: Attention to significance for that rare disease, unmet need and urgency in relation to ongoing therapy development efforts Reviewer expertise on rare neurological diseases, biomarker/outcome measure validation, multi-site clinical data management and biostatistics Milestones for enrollment targets and biomarker/outcome measure performance evaluated by reviewers and throughout life of the grant by program Success in this initiative would lead to increased success in future clinical trials for rare neurological and neuromuscular diseases.

30 2016 NINDS Nonprofit Forum September 13-14th
Provides an opportunity for nonprofit leaders to network with colleagues and to engage in discussions with NINDS staff Videocast Available

31 2016 NINDS Nonprofit Forum 2015 Agenda
Lessons Learned and Case Studies in Patient Registries NIH 101: Priority Setting, Decision making, NIH basics and Discussion An Overview of the NIH Strategic Plan and Discussion Strategies for Stimulating a Basic Research Portfolio Working with Government and Industry Partners on Translational Research Partnering Effectively with Industry in Clinical Trials

32 Thank you! Questions?

33 Discovery Track Optimization in Preparation for Development of Biotechnology Products and Biologics (U01) (PAR ) Entry Lead(s) show in vivo efficacy and/or target engagement Lead(s) have been sufficiently characterized Well characterized in vitro and in vivo assays exist Required end goals-completion of: Optimization: structure, selectivity, stability, manufacturability, etc.(quantitative) Candidate characterization: dose, time and duration of treatment pharmacokinetics/bioavailability at the relevant site of action pharmacodynamics Feasibility for production and reproducible production of the candidate

34 Development Track Entry (same as end goals of “Discovery Track”)
Preclinical and Early-phase Clinical Development for Biotechnology Products and Biologics (UH2/UH3) (PAR ) Entry (same as end goals of “Discovery Track”) Optimization: structure, selectivity, stability, manufacturability, etc. Candidate characterization: dose, time and duration of treatment pharmacokinetics/bioavailability at the relevant site of action, and pharmacokinetics pharmacodynamics Feasibility for production and reproducible production of the candidate End Goal IND (Small clinical trial-optional)

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