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Marens Engelhard & Karel Velle

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1 Marens Engelhard & Karel Velle
Archives and the EU How to be informed? How to be influential? Marens Engelhard & Karel Velle

2 EAG/EBNA survey spring 2016
Objectives Score % Coordination and knowledge exchange 8 11,6% Following-up of the work referred to in the Council Recommendation 12 17,4% Networking with colleagues 2 2,9% Identifying opportunities for future collaboration 20 29% Advising the Commission and influencing EU policy and legislation regarding archives 27 39,1% Other… please specify 0% Total 69 100%

3 New role EAG- The Hague Develop a common agenda for European archive institutions Inform and advise the Commission about this archival agenda and try to have it reflected in EU policies and strategies: see paper Professor Arco Timmermans + plenary discussion: How can we increase our influence in Europe

4 Part I. Marens Archival agenda EU agenda where they meet

5 How to increase the impact of Archives on EU level
Part II. Karel How to increase the impact of Archives on EU level

6 Options Engage our own EAG/EBNA lobbyist but: no budget available
Engaging in lobbying activities ourselves but: an archivist is no lobbyist Trying to join in with lobbying activities of ‘sister organizations’ (libraries and museums) but: archival interests not always identical Make use of the Permanent Representation (PR) to the EU of each state but: No guarantee that PR follows the ideas of the archivists

7 Combined approach on 2 tracks
I. The part EAG/EBNA wishes to play in advising the EC and influencing EU legislation: this is an agenda that reflects our needs and activities as information managing institutions II. The possibilities that we, as keepers of cultural heritage collections, would like to have in participating in EU heritage and research projects

8 I. Archives as information managing institutions
Agenda: Digital Single Market Issues: Improved copyright rules Re-use of Public Sector Information Digitisation an digital preservation eIDAS (electronic identification and trust services)

9 How to proceed? 1. Via the formal ‘Commission expert groups’
2. Via ‘sister organizations’ with common interests 3. Make use of the Permanent Representation of each MS 4. Cooperate more closely with EURBICA 5. Try to actualize and increase the mission and tasks of EAG

10 1. Via the formal ‘Commission expert groups’
Define our own agenda in the matter Have a close look at the ideas, policies and strategies of the EC Contact the Commission expert group in charge Try to have representatives in relevant expert groups

11 2. Via ‘sister organizations’ with common interests
Investigate the field LIBER, EBLIDA, IFLA… ICOM, NEMO… networks Use our network to contact leading persons in those organizations Try to Become a partner of the organization Have specific archive issues added

12 3. Make use of the Permanent Representation (PR) of each MS
Establish a connection with functionaries holding key positions Approach the distinct PR in a homogeneous and coherent way Agree upon which country and which PR will take the lead in a specific file

13 4. Cooperate more closely with EURBICA
Similar interests and members represented in both organizations Link with ICA Eurbica is developing a facebook page = opportunities for communication

14 5. Update the mission and tasks of EAG
Try to actualize and increase the mission and tasks of EAG: defined 10 years ago Explore with Julien & Jef what is possible and how to proceed ‘mission’: broaden the field of action in a flexible way ‘task’: more active role

15 How to organize ourselves?
Create a working group for each topic Clearly divide roles and tasks Make and hold engagements Regular contacts between the WG Report on each EAG/EBNA meeting

16 II. Archives as cultural heritage and service oriented research organizations
Agenda ‘Culture & Education’ Creative Europe Europe for the citizen 2018 – European year of cultural heritage Agenda ‘Research’ Horizon 2020 (Europe in a changing world)

17 How to proceed? 1. Participate in stakeholders events organized by EC to have input on content 2. Archivists should more often register as ‘experts’ in the EC expert-database 3. Influence the framework programme that will succeed to Horizon 2020 4. Follow the priorities of the ‘Culture and education’ department

18 How to organize ourselves?
Permanently keep a close look on the EC cultural and research agendas Delegate members to matchmaking events and specific stakeholder meetings Have a meeting with the SAM - Scientific Advice Mechanism (Research agenda) Follow closely the programme set up for 2018-European Year of Cultural Heritage

19 To conclude It is important and necessary to make this a multifaceted effort and to engage in it as a group, in which each member has a part to play – given the fact there is so much information to be gathered and studied, and there are so many networks and interested groups to approach and to influence

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