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Presentation on theme: "Overview of ADVISORY SERVICES & ANALYTICS (ASA) PRODUCT LINE"— Presentation transcript:

July , Washington, DC

2 What is ASA? 2

3 What is ASA? & Advisory Services Analytics
Inform the Bank’s engagement strategy with clients Stimulate or inform a debate at the country, regional or global level Contribute to the design or implementation of policies Strengthen the capacity of institutions involved in policy-making or in managing investments Core diagnostics: Country Economic Memorandum (CEM) Public Expenditure Review (PER) Public goods such as Turn Down the Heat report Sector studies In-depth analyses or tailored recommendations for policies Hands-on support for policy implementation Capacity building for government organizations Exchange of experiences with other countries Advisory Services Analytics & Note: ASA replaces 5 product lines: ESW, TA, IE, TE and PA. All ASA launched after July 1 are subject to the new ASA Directive / Procedure which is available here. Discrete and programmatic activities that produce clearly defined deliverables within a specific timeline for external clients and audiences to advance a clearly defined development objective. What is ASA? Start by asking trainees whether they are currently working on ASA tasks. Were these tasks created before July 2016 and take the shape of ESW, TA, etc? Or were they created after July 2016, and they are in the new AA product line? Ask them for what it is that they are doing with these tasks: which country/region…or global? Is there a client? What is the content of the activity? Based on these examples (if the trainees give them), highlight that ASA covers broad range of activities, from in depth studies (former ESW type activities), to hands-on assistance to clients (former TA-type activities). 3

4 & Note: New ASA product line replaces 5 former ASA product lines (ESW, TA, IE, TE and PA) How does ASA fit into the overall portfolio of products and services of the WBG? WBG PforR Advisory Services and Analytics (ASA) → “AA” code DPF IPF Financing Instruments IFC MIGA World Bank and joint GPs Investment Advisory Services Asset Mgmt. Country Partnership Frameworks are implemented through a combination of WB, IFC and MIGA instruments Highlights: ASA is not part of lending products. However, up to 75 percent of ASA may lead to financing operations, financed through the Bank or other development partners. ASA is different to AS from IFC. However, some activities are done jointly and could done through ASA or AS. The decision to use one system (ASA in Ops Portal or AS in ASOP) will usually come down to where is the funding coming from. If it’s an IFC TF, it will have to be processed as AS in ASOP, at least for that part of the funding. Activities that have both IFC and WB TFs funding them will need to be created in both systems. 4

5 How do we fund Advisory Services & Analytics?
Bank Budget Donors EFOs Trust Funds Advisory Services & Analytics EFOs 7% Highlights: One ASA activity can be funded through these 3 funding types. About 60% of funding comes from donors, 10% through RAS and 30% through BB. Caveat: if the activity has TF and RAS funding, different P codes for each of these funding sources are required. The team will need to create a program with subtasks. RAS (Clients) 5

6 IO GP KP What is NOT ASA and how to code such tasks
& What is NOT ASA and how to code such tasks Process tasks to (re)engage in new areas or to maintain dialogue and relationship Trust Fund management and administration Knowledge capture for internal audiences IO GP KP For example: Business development Establishing a Trustee TF and its administration Knowledge databases, toolkits, etc. for staff. A few examples of what is not ASA: Description Examples Code There are many codes in the Bank, and these three usually get confused with ASA. 6

7 1. Initiation 2. Implementation 3. Completion CNR ACS AIN PR DR The new instrument merges ESW, TA, IE, TE, and PA product lines, and establishes a flexible lifecycle for all ASA Implementation Develop, review and provide deliverable(s) to client and/or disseminate to target audience Key actions: Finalize deliverables Finalize admin work Assess the activity in ACS form Submit documents to WBDocs and external publication (as needed) Initiation Provide key information, including client or target audience; funding sources, etc. AIN: Activity Initiation Note CNR: Concept Note Review PR: Progress Review DR: Decision Review ACS: Activity Completion Summary Completion Finalize deliverables and activity records Select optimal processing track and timeline Define Development Objective and whether results will be tracked Decide on deliverables and which of them will require Decision Review Manage deliverables, subtasks and results (as needed) Track status in Progress Reviews Conduct Decision Review of deliverables (if needed) The ASA Lifecycle 7

8 Choosing the Task Processing Track at Initiation
Operations Portal Navigation Implementation Choosing the Task Processing Track at Initiation Use this roadmap step to update deliverables, i.e., to add/delete deliverables, change deliverable status, process decision review, etc. Progress Review is mandatory if a task lasts more than 12 months from AIN release for track 1 and CN approval for track 2.

9 Choosing the Task Processing Track at Initiation
Operations Portal Navigation Implementation Choosing the Task Processing Track at Initiation Deliverable Listing Page Deliverable Detailed Page An ACS can be recommended for concurrence and approval when: All deliverables are in “Delivered” status; All Subtasks, if any, are in “Closed” status. To complete a deliverable, update the deliverable status in the detailed page of a specific deliverable. Deliverable without DR: Manually change the deliverable status to “Delivered”. Deliverable with DR: Capture DR via mini roadmap. Upon approval, the status is automatically switched to “Approved”. Manually change the status to “Delivered” upon completion of dissemination and outreach.

10 What is RAS? 10

11 RAS

12 Processing RAS Tasks RAS ASA shares the same operational process with two additional processing steps: RAS Legal Agreement stage during Initiation; Amendment (“AM”) of Legal Agreement (if needed) during Implementation 1. Initiation 2. Implementation 3. Completion CNR ACS AIN PR DR LA AM RAS require additional information in Portal forms and documentation during Initiation phase (AIN and/or CNR): Client Request; and Costing Sheet Mandatory Optional RAS specific steps 12

13 Operations Policy and Country Services
Resources OPCS ASA & RAS sites with instructions, guidelines, resources, e-learning, RAS Brochure RAS Community of Practice on Spark for collaboration, fast problem solving and online follow-up – join here: RAS Spark Community Training Operational Learning Clinics at OpsLearn/ RAS Training on demand → Send an to Hooman Dabidian Operations Help Desk: us any questions ADM: ADM

14 14

15 Operations Portal Navigation
Creating an ASA task To create an ASA task, select the AA code in the system Use alternative codes for non-ASA work, including, relationship management, partnerships, Trust Fund administration, etc.

16 Processing ASA Tasks 16

17 Choosing Tracks at Initiation
AIN Choosing Tracks at Initiation 1. Initiation CNR As part of the Initiation (AIN), the TTL recommends a processing track, which makes the production of a concept note, or the need for a concept note review meeting, optional Scenario A e.g., quick response, through PPT or policy note, to a client request Scenario B e.g., capacity building workshop series, within technical area of a GP Scenario C e.g., analytical task with innovative methodology and/or multi-sector scope Task does not need a Concept Note. All basic information is provided through the Activity Initiation Note. RAS cannot be processed under this Scenario Task has a Concept Note that does not require a formal technical review. Concept Note is attached to the Activity Initiation Note and reviewed by PM and Decider. RAS can be processed under this Scenario. Peer review of the Concept Note is essential. AIN is shorter, and its approval allows for budget to be released to develop the Concept Note. Programmatic tasks and project- related* RAS always follow this track Track 1 Track 2 Standard processing with separate milestone for Concept Note Review (which can be virtual or face to face) Faster processing, with optional Concept Note No additional milestone for CN review * In “project-related” RAS the Bank provides preparation and implementation support services for client-financed investment projects. 17

18 Configuring Programmatic Tasks
AIN 1. Initiation CNR Essential Elements Major change: the concept of programmatic is no longer linked to necessarily having subtasks; it focuses on the nature of the engagement instead. 1. Programmatic or not? A task is Programmatic when the answer to these questions is “yes”: Is it a multi-year engagement that follows a phased approach? Is the program designed around one main engagement to achieve a specific development objective(s) and outcome(s)? 2. Subtasks or Deliverables - or a combination? Major changes: Subtasks should only be used in these cases. Subtasks have to be created under the programmatic ASA as a subtask (i.e., independent ASA tasks cannot be adopted into a program) Subtasks for a program are optional. Create subtasks (which will have separate P#’s) when: Components of the program will be implemented through multiple GPs. The program targets multiple countries. Components of the program have different budget sources and require separate reporting. Components of the program are complex and require a Concept Note review 18

19 Tracking the Progress of Tasks throughout the Lifecycle
With Outliers, Review of Individual Milestones, & Progress Reviews Overdue ACS Outliers >$50k without CN CN Overdue: Planned vs Actual No Progress Review in last 12 months since last approval <5K spent in last 12 months Progress Reviews assess whether the ASA task remains relevant and on track concerning: Deliverables, Timelines, Budget, and Results indicators (if applicable) 1. Initiation 2. Implementation 3. Completion ACS AIN PR DR CNR Major changes: All ASA tasks will be subject to PRs, not just programmatic tasks During Implementation phase, most changes can be done in Core Data, without initiating a PR (e.g., adding subtasks) 19

20 Completing a Task Assessing and disseminating the task’s outcomes and lessons learned Client survey 1. Initiation 2. Implementation 3. Completion ACS AIN PR DR CNR GP/Regions survey During the Completion stage, the team and the Decider reflect on the task’s developmental outcomes. Key actions include: Finalize deliverables and subtasks including documents upload and dissemination; Finish admin work including paying consultants etc.; Prepare and approve the Activity Completion Summary (ACS). 20

21 More comprehensive CN Package form
Information provided in each track is the same AIN 1. Initiation CNR Scenario A e.g., quick response, through PPT or policy note, to a client request Scenario B e.g., capacity building workshop series, within technical area of a GP Scenario C e.g., analytical task with innovative methodology and/or multi-sector scope Track 1 Track 2 Faster processing, with optional Concept Note. No additional milestone for CN review. Standard processing with separate milestone for Concept Note Review (virtual or face to face). More comprehensive AIN Light AIN More comprehensive CN Package form

22 Choosing the Task Processing Track at Initiation
Operations Portal Navigation AIN 1. Initiation CNR Choosing the Task Processing Track at Initiation NOTE: The track selection cannot be changed once the AIN has been approved by management.

23 Scenario 2 (Track 1 with CN) and Scenario 3 (Track 2)
ASA Tasks with Concept Note Document AIN 1. Initiation CNR Scenario 2 (Track 1 with CN) and Scenario 3 (Track 2) Upload the Concept Note Template from the Roadmap section of the Portal NEW HYBRID CONCEPT NOTE DOCUMENT Combines data from the Portal with the features of a Word document. Five editable fields in the Word document: Context/Statement of Problem; Activity Description; Risk; Dissemination and Outreach Strategy; Expected Results and Outcomes. The rest of the fields are all filled in automatically with the portal’s data. Process: i) download the system-generated Word template from the portal; ii) complete text fields directly in the editable fields; iii) upload the document back into the portal; iv) non-editable fields in the Word document are updated with latest data from portal forms. IF Multiple Deliverables: main body of CN document includes a list of Deliverables; Annex includes details of Deliverables.

24 Working with Deliverables
AIN 1. Initiation CNR 2. Implementation PR DR Key Features Every task (or subtask) can have multiple deliverables (these will fall under the same P#) Decision Review for deliverables is decided during CN Review (need to be selective) and can be adjusted during Implementation For example, small scale, low risk outputs should not require a decision review Deliverables can be organized by Pillars (optional) NEW: ASA tasks can now have multiple deliverables under the same P code. NEW: Deliverables can be assigned to different TTLs 24

25 Concept Note Review Milestone -- Processing
AIN 1. Initiation CNR Agreed updates & revisions to CN package need to be made at this point, BEFORE requesting approval of the CNR milestone!

26 Tracking the Progress of Tasks throughout the Lifecycle
i. Monitoring page in the portal Keep your projections up-to-date. Ensure realistic time and budget estimates for individual deliverables and the task overall 26

27 Track 2: Indicate if the Task is Programmatic at CNR stage
Configuring Programmatic Tasks AIN 1. Initiation CNR Track 2: Indicate if the Task is Programmatic at CNR stage Subtasks have separate code and are tracked in corporate reporting. Program subtasks are related to one main task and, like any other tasks, go through Initiation, Implementation, and Completion. The Program TL oversees the preparation and implementation of the Program, including subtasks. If the Program is trust funded, main task and each of its subtasks need to separately apply for a grant (BEA grant type used). Indicate if this is a programmatic ASA and if it needs subtasks NOTE: once the CNR is approved by management, the programmatic choice cannot be changed 27

28 Configuring Programmatic Tasks
AIN 1. Initiation CNR B. Structure Possibilities A wide range of options: with no subtasks, with multiple deliverables and subtasks… Main Task – P# Main Task – P# Main Task – P# Deliverable #1 Deliverable #1 Deliverable #1 Deliverable #2 Deliverable #2 Deliverable #2 Deliverable #3 Subtask 1 – P# Subtask 1 – P# Deliverable #1 Deliverable #1.1 Subtask 2 – P# Deliverable #1.1 Deliverable #2.2 Subtask 3 – P# Deliverable #3.1

29 Tracking the Progress of Tasks throughout the Lifecycle
ii. ASA Dashboard to monitor portfolio:

30 Operations Portal Navigation
Processing Activity Completion Summary: Assessment Mandatory Section

31 Accountability and Decision Making Framework
Decider depends on Geographic Scope of ASA Task Responsible Unit Requesting Unit 1. Single Country/ Single CMU * TTL (Practice) Manager Country Director R Cn D 2. Regional Activity TTL (Practice) Manager Regional VP R Cn D 3. Global Activity TTL (Practice) Manager (Sr. Practice) Director R Cn D CNR PR ACS CNR ACS NEW: Automatic approval past 5 business days in some milestones

32 Accountability and Decision Making Framework
Hardwired Roles & Responsibilities for Requesting Units Automatically populated

33 Accountability and Decision Making Framework
Obtaining approvals: Concurrer and Decider roles automatically populated in the Portal 33

34 Processing RAS Tasks RAS specific roles are also automatically populated RAS specific ADM roles are hardwired for Country Lawyer, Regional CAO and RAS Data Verifier throughout the task’s lifecycle

35 Obtaining Approvals 35

36 Accountability and Decision Making Framework
Clear ADM Roles to Improve Efficiency in Decision-Making R Recommender Cn Concurrer D Decider C Clearer A Adviser Have to be different persons Only one Decider is allowed Typical ADM for ASA Activities TTL (Practice) Manager CD, Regional VP or (Sr. Practice) Director R Cn D CNR ACS CNR PR ACS NEW: Automatic approval past 5 business days in some milestones.

37 Accountability and Decision Making Framework
ASA ADM when Task is Flagged as Joint WB-IFC 1. Initiation 2. Implementation 3. Completion CNR ACS AIN PR DR 1.Single Country/ Single CMU (Practice) Manager TTL Cn Country Director R D IFC Reg Director Cn 2. Regional Activity (Practice) Manager TTL Cn Regional VP R D IFC Reg Director Cn NEW: Automatic approval past 5 business days in 3 milestones (PM); 2 milestones (Decider) CNR PR ACS 37

38 Additional considerations
for Trust Funds and RAS 38

39 Window/ Program Manager
Grant Funding Request (GFR) Creation - 2 options in the Portal GFR can be requested as part of a milestone or independently in between milestones 1. Initiation 2. Implementation 3. Completion CNR ACS AIN PR DR GFR is created together with a milestone Advantage One approval process following ADM rules GFR is created as a standalone request between the milestones Advantage Flexible timing Additional funding when needed In both cases, the request follows operational ADM for ASA tasks, plus a step to obtain clearance from the Window/Program Manager TTL Window/ Program Manager (Practice) Manager Country Director, RVP or (Sr. Practice) Director R C Cn D Peer reviewers (only if GFR is requested as part of CNR) A AIN: Activity Initiation Note CNR: Concept Note Review 39 PR: Progress Review DR: Decision Review ACS: Activity Completion Summary Mandatory Optional

40 Processing RAS Tasks TTL Hardwired RAS-specific ADM roles
1. Initiation 2. Implementation 3. Completion CNR ACS AIN PR DR LA AM Mandatory Optional RAS specific steps ADM is the same as for other ASA tasks, plus additional roles in some milestones TTL CD, Regional VP or Director BPS Center of Expertise (Practice) Manager R Cn Verifies D LA BPS Center of Expertise Country Lawyer & Regional Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) C A C ACS CNR LA AM R Recommender Cn Concurrer D Decider C Clearer A Adviser 40

41 Budget – requesting TFs as part of a milestone
AIN 1. Initiation CNR Each GFR is linked to one P code #: → For programmatic tasks with subtasks – need to do a GFR for each Subtask.

42 Budget – requesting TFs in between milestones
AIN 1. Initiation CNR Each GFR is linked to one P code #: → For programmatic tasks with subtasks – need to do a GFR for each Subtask.

43 Updating Deliverables: Outputs upload and Review
Operations Portal Navigation Updating Deliverables: Outputs upload and Review If Decision Review is required, approvals will need to be obtained in the system Upload latest versions of deliverable documents in Documents section of the form or provide a summary of outputs in the form. Change the status to “delivered” to complete the deliverable

44 Configuring Programmatic ASA
Annex: Configuring Programmatic ASA with Subtasks 44

45 Configuring Programmatic Tasks - Adding Subtasks
AIN 1. Initiation CNR

46 Configuring Programmatic Tasks
Initiating Subtasks in Core Data CNR 2. Implementation PR DR Once CNR has been approved, go to Core Data to initiate a Subtask. Click on the Subtask Click Edit Click Initiate Subtask 1 2 3 “Initiate Subtask” will generate a P# for the Subtask & link it to the program

47 Configuring Programmatic Tasks
Launching AIN form of Subtasks (Option A – from Core Data) CNR 2. Implementation PR DR Click on the name of the Subtask. Click on “Go to Subtask”

48 Configuring Programmatic Tasks
Going to AIN form of Subtasks (Option B – from Monitoring page) CNR 2. Implementation PR DR

49 Recap on Configuring Programmatic Tasks with Subtasks
AIN Select Track 2 CNR Select Programmatic & Subtasks Add Subtasks, if known Core Data Click Initiate Subtask (for those created in CNR) Add more Subtasks as needed during Implementation Go to Subtask Submit AIN Option A: through Core Data Option B: through Monitoring page 49

50 Resources ASA Spark Group site
ASA site on Spark with: Training schedule Guidance and learning resources Policy Documents Latest Updates on Ops Portal and Migration Issues Discussion space - post your comments as you start to use the new product line! Links to other ASA related Spark groups

51 RAS Community of Practice
The RAS Community of Practice is an online collaboration platform supporting training and learning activities on RAS. Members of the RAS CoP can… Learn about and share RAS event information Read and post RAS stories and blogs Access RAS BBL materials Find RAS expertise for fast problem solving & follow-up Find guidance from experienced TTLs Discover RAS guidance and training materials Join the RAS Spark Community!


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