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Inspection and Examination techniques in animal

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1 Inspection and Examination techniques in animal

2 Types General inspection Distance examination Close examination

3 General examination Behaviour and general appearance Depression status
Excitation status Voice Appetite and eating Prehension, mastication, swallowing, regurgitation, eructation, vomiting, excretion.

4 Contd… Abnormal posture
Horse shifting its weight from limb to limb indicates laminitis. Dog downwards arching of the back and ‘saw horse’ straddling of the leg charecteristic of severe abdominal pain. It can be manifested by a ‘dog sitting’ posture. A dog with acute pancreatitis may assume as ‘praying position’. Elevation and rigidity of tail, ear and limb suggest tetanus in animal. Abduction of elbow indicates thoracic pain or difficulty in breathing.

5 Body condition Obese Normal Thin Confirmation Symmetry Shape Size

6 Skin Change in hair or wool. Presence of discrete or diffuse lesion.
Evidence of discharge and itching. Abnormalities of foot pad, nails, hooves, and horns.

7 Distance examination Head Neck Thorax Abdomen Limbs and feet.
Respiratory noises includes coughing, snorting, weezing, roaring due to paralysis of vocal cord. Grunting Abdomen Limbs and feet.

8 Close physical examination
Consist of audio-visual inspection. Palpation Auscultation Percussion Ballottment

9 Examination method and sequesence
Vital sign- temperature, pulse and respiration. Thorax including heart and lung. Abdomen and GI tract. Head and neck. Visible mucous membrane. Arterial pulse.

10 Contd… Eye Ectropion – eversion of eyelid.
Entropion – inversion of eyelid. Ptosis – drooping of upper eyelid. Menace reflex. Occular discharge.- two types. Unilateral – due to local inflammation. Bilateral – due to systemic diseases.

11 Contd… Corneal inflammation – keratitis- due to ulceration and visualisation. Nystagmus – abnormal eye movement.

12 Nervous system Mental status. Head posture and movement.
Gait and posture. Function of trunk and hind limbs.

13 Thank you students!

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