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A Method for Describing Disease

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1 A Method for Describing Disease

2 Disease An interruption, cessation, or disorder of body function, system, or organ. Literally: Dis-ease, the opposite of ease, when something is wrong with a body function or tissue.

3 Examples Thrush Sole Bruise Laminitis Sidebone Epiphysitis Splint Curb
Sprained suspensory ligament. Torn check ligament Bone fracture Quarter crack Founder Abscess

4 DACCT D – Description of the condition
A - Anatomy of structures involved C - Clinical signs of the condition C - Cause of the condition T - Treatment of the condition, including prognosis








12 Sidebone D – Swelling/hardness on the medial or lateral coronary band area at the quarters. A – The collateral cartilages of P.3, the wings of P.3, the ligaments of P.3, the hoof and corium. C – Cartilages are hard when palpated, radiograph reveals ossification. Shape of hoof may be altered. C – Trauma due to use and conformation, a natural process in older horses, hereditary predisposition. T – Trimming to minimize stress, shoe made to resemble worn shoe, pad.

13 Thrush D – Common bacterial infection of the frog sulci
A – Frog and possibly the frog corium. C – Rarely lame, foul smelling black necrotic exudate in the frog sulci. C – Stabling in filthy conditions, trapped anaerobic bacteria. Incorrect trimming. Poor conformation. T – Removal of diseased tissue, scrub, cover with a pad, topical medication, antibiotics.

14 Self Test Why is a method necessary to describe disease?
What is the definition of the word “disease”? What does DACCT stand for? Give one example of a bone disease, hoof disease and a tendon disease. Use the DACCT system to explain a disease.

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