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Equity analysis of Multiculturalism policy

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1 Equity analysis of Multiculturalism policy
In the first part the definition of multiculturalism is presented along with a brief review of the history of shaping multiculturalism policy in Canada. In the second part I provided some different points of view, positive and negative with regards to the efficacy of the multiculturalism in Canada. In the third part, I analysed the implications of the policy in terms of sex and gender and race equity that comes from the human rights perspective.

2 multiculturalism will divide Canadian rather than unite them.
Critics & Supporters: Canadians main concerns are: multiculturalism will divide Canadian rather than unite them. Multiculturalism ignites the fire of racial tension and hatred, rather than leading to a harmonious society.

3 Critics: Neil Bissoondath argues that multiculturalism policy hardens the hatreds, and is a cause of disintegration rather than adherence of the society Official multiculturalism limits the freedom of minority, by holding them in a dominant culture.

4 Daniel Stoffman :cultural practices are incompatible with Canadian and Western culture.
linguistic barriers will lead immigrants to their isolation and cause them not to integrate linguistically into Canadian society. Gunnar K.A.Njalsson : in a multicultural society, sub- cultures may change the value system of the larger society

5 Zolf : all the ethnic groups don’t have equal rights
Zolf : all the ethnic groups don’t have equal rights. He divided Canada to three major ethnic groups of British, French, and the rest whom he calls the “ethnic third”.” Bibby: multiculturalism nurtures separatism, ethnocentrism, and cultural isolation. Wood: multiculturalism will threaten democracy and take away the feeling of belonging among the ethno-racial groups toward Canada.

6 Supporters: Kimlicka: blames the federal government as a main offender of this misunderstanding because it did not clearly define multiculturalism in a Canadian context.

7 As the analysis of the 2001 Census confirms ethno-racial differences are little, when it comes to a felt sense of belonging and attachment to Canada.

8 Kymlicka: since 1971 the rate of naturalization of the immigrants has increased.
The highest rate of naturalization of the immigrants were from non-traditional source countries, rather than to those immigrants who came from the United State or United Kingdom

9 Political participation: not only there is no decline since 1971, but also since then the number of MPs from different ethnic groups have increased.

10 Kimlicka : most of the ethnic voters expressed their commitment to Canada and did not support the separation of Quebec.

11 Kimlicka: if the critics were right then the rate of people who are interested in learning an official language should decline or at least wouldn’t show the remarkable increase.

12 Mixed marriages: increased
Mixed marriages: increased. In 1968, 52% of Canadians disapproved of Black and White marriages, in 1995, a majority of 81% approved it. Kimlicka : Canada’s naturalization rates are almost double that of US and as far as political participation, official language acquisition, and intermarriage approval rate is concerned the Canadian rates are higher.

13 Implication of Gender & Race equity in the policy:
Racism and xenophobia and gender equity are still evident in our society particularly after the events of September 11, 2001.

14 Since September 11th, 2001 or in the case of any other political crises, immigrants, especially “non-white” immigrants, are the most vulnerable citizens.

15 The 2001 census: inequities among ethno-racial groups which most of them are experienced by visible minorities populations , particularly immigrants who arrive to Canada between , in a number of spheres, such as income disparities, employment -Canadian employment experience and the non-recognition of foreign credentials and experience- housing, civic and political participation and representation, and human services that can be directly attributed to racism and/ or other forms of discrimination.

16 Gender equity and multiculturalism has been the issue of many studies conducted by feminist activist and also human rights activists, particularly in the last decades. women who are racialized, find themselves in the ironic position of being both “invisible” and yet all too visible, even “hyper visible” particularly after 9/11 with problematic results. Muslim women, for example, who wear a hijab, niqab or burka are now more visible targets at security checkpoints.

17 Okin : minority women from non-Western cultures are ultimately harmed by the extension of group rights practices which oppress women: Child marriages, divorce systems biased against women, polygamy, forced marriage, and female circumcision

18 multiculturalism means tolerance for other cultures, if the criminal and victim come from “cultures” considered far in the Canadian context, do we go in accommodation? multiculturalism is promoting the expansion of gender discriminatory practices in liberal Western nations Linda Diebel : proof that although it might be easy to assume that multiculturalism is a license to do whatever an individual wants under the premise of cultural freedoms, neither Canadian law, nor the multicultural policy, support this

19 The federal government:
Recommendations: The federal government: should set up a program to fund projects that will investigate immigration restrictions and other discriminatory government measures. should be committed to its policy of multiculturalism and not to be hypocritical

20 should take the role of the custodian and the greatest perpetrator of this policy and should launch a public education campaign to provide information about this policy and also clearer explanations about the multiculturalism terms. should also monitor hate crimes and prosecutions on Canada and report the findings to Parliament.

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