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Social Marketing & Behavior Change Communication

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1 Social Marketing & Behavior Change Communication
Presentation Sol Farm NCSSC- 7th June 2017 Blessings Mwale, DCOP USAID/Malawi Protecting Ecosystems and Restoring Forests in Malawi (PERFORM)

2 Brief introduction to PERFORM Why Social Marketing
Presentation lay out Brief introduction to PERFORM Why Social Marketing Some concept definitions Presentation on the e-model of social marketing Application of Social Marketing under PERFORM Key findings Lessons learnt and recommendations from PERFORM fuel efficient stove assessment HC: One demo has not done well because most of the vines died due to water shortage. Farmers irrigated.

3 Brief Introduction of perform
PERFORM is entirely funded with sustainable landscapes funding pot of USAID, so all activities must be tied to a climate change mitigation impact. What it means is that the project supports implementation of those activities that will target the agents and drivers of deforestation and degradation. These interventions address both the supply side (forest production/productivity—and the demand side , agriculture expansion unsustainable wood extraction (in terms of fuel production and consumption). Working in five sites: Liwonde Forest Reserve, Liwonde National Park, Ntchisi FR, Thuma FR and Perekezi FR Implementation approach has been one of education and through awareness campaigns and other learning by doing approaches. With the aim of influencing people to stop old behaviors or add new behavior that has positive impact to the environment HC: One demo has not done well because most of the vines died due to water shortage. Farmers irrigated.

4 Rationale: why do we need social marketing instead of communication only to promote adoption of fuel efficient stoves? Despites our efforts, still observe environmentally degrading behavior. Long standing wisdom suggests that if you educate, you change behavior. However, it would appear that information and awareness are not necessarily leading to intended behavior change. Still some people have not exchanged their old habit of using “ Three Stone Fire”, “Mafuwa” Am sure many of us may also be experiencing the same in out cook stoves promotion efforts Some have argued giving up old habits is hard or changing behavior is difficult . Someone said, “Giving up drinking is easy – I’ve done it hundreds of times” In an effort to bring about the behavioral change needed to improve the adoption of improved cook stove technologies, PERFORM has chosen to use environmental social marketing. It is an innovative techniques that try to connect the project better to what people want in order to influence positive behavior change. HC: One demo has not done well because most of the vines died due to water shortage. Farmers irrigated.

5 Some conceptual definitions about social marketing
Social Marketing is not Social Media Social Marketing is not building awareness Social Marketing is not about education or converting people. Government and NGOs have been trying that for decades with little success Social Marketing is about creating positive human behavior! Using what it takes, respecting ethical approaches, to bring about behavior change Social marketing is always about an exchange. in most cases, it is an old behavior being exchanged for a new behavior HC: One demo has not done well because most of the vines died due to water shortage. Farmers irrigated.

6 Using the “e” Model

7 “e” Model: A Simple 5 -Step Process
The social marketing model chosen to bring about behavior change, is the “e” model, First developed under a previous USAID project best known as GreenCOM – the USAID Global Project for Environmental Education and Communication. The model uses a five-step process to bring about behavior change There are many models for describing the process of social marketing. This 5-step methodology has been developed and refined over the past decade and has been applied in over 30 countries. Although simple, it makes the process of thinking through a behavior change communication project very straight forward. Many of us who have used and applied this model, collaborated to write the book Heating Up Society to Take Environmental Action to identify key points for application. Most of the rest of this PowerPoint presentation will be an explanation of these five steps. I encourage you to look over the Heating Up book as you work on this week’s assignment to develop your own application.

8 1. Assessment: hopefully you didn’t assume you had the answers
The success of any social marketing effort depends largely on the quality of its initial assessment. The first step, an “audience assessment”, is developed through qualitative research. Conduct the qualitative research through a series of Focus Group Discussions if we want to get people to change their behavior, it is not about convincing them. It is about connecting to them and using their own perceptions about barriers  and benefits to develop a message that gets them to respond. A stage we identify why people you want to influence behave the way they do. There are many models for describing the process of social marketing. This 5-step methodology has been developed and refined over the past decade and has been applied in over 30 countries. Although simple, it makes the process of thinking through a behavior change communication project very straight forward. Many of us who have used and applied this model, collaborated to write the book Heating Up Society to Take Environmental Action to identify key points for application. Most of the rest of this PowerPoint presentation will be an explanation of these five steps. I encourage you to look over the Heating Up book as you work on this week’s assignment to develop your own application.

9 2. Plan & Design or Strategy Development: use the assessment as your guide
Take what we learned from assessment, compare it to our goals and design our message; Often people ask, “ what’s in it for me?” Do it WITH Rather Than For Negotiate Actions that Are Feasible for People to Do Remove Barriers and Provide Incentives Establish a Baseline and Indicators of Success Build Training into the Plan There are many models for describing the process of social marketing. This 5-step methodology has been developed and refined over the past decade and has been applied in over 30 countries. Although simple, it makes the process of thinking through a behavior change communication project very straight forward. Many of us who have used and applied this model, collaborated to write the book Heating Up Society to Take Environmental Action to identify key points for application. Most of the rest of this PowerPoint presentation will be an explanation of these five steps. I encourage you to look over the Heating Up book as you work on this week’s assignment to develop your own application.

10 3. Pretest & Revise: prevent costly mistakes
In the pre-test and revise stage, we actually test our draft campaign strategy with a sub-set of the target audience. Can save enormous time and money Pretest Strategies, Messages, and Materials Main purposes for presetting To avoid very expensive mistakes. To ensure the effectiveness of your materials and messages. To help determine which of multiple creative directions or messages may be the most effective. There are many models for describing the process of social marketing. This 5-step methodology has been developed and refined over the past decade and has been applied in over 30 countries. Although simple, it makes the process of thinking through a behavior change communication project very straight forward. Many of us who have used and applied this model, collaborated to write the book Heating Up Society to Take Environmental Action to identify key points for application. Most of the rest of this PowerPoint presentation will be an explanation of these five steps. I encourage you to look over the Heating Up book as you work on this week’s assignment to develop your own application.

11 4. Implement & Monitor Here we look at our research or where the audience get their information and we deliver Learn by Doing Implementation is Dynamic and Flexible Implementation Happens in Stages Use Indicators to Measure Progress Be Prepared to Innovate Make sure you are being heard Heating Up - Promote and Build on Success There are many models for describing the process of social marketing. This 5-step methodology has been developed and refined over the past decade and has been applied in over 30 countries. Although simple, it makes the process of thinking through a behavior change communication project very straight forward. Many of us who have used and applied this model, collaborated to write the book Heating Up Society to Take Environmental Action to identify key points for application. Most of the rest of this PowerPoint presentation will be an explanation of these five steps. I encourage you to look over the Heating Up book as you work on this week’s assignment to develop your own application.

12 Implementation Happens in Stages
Stages of behavior change continuum NON-DOER DOER & ADVOCATE Unaware I don’t know anything about it. I don’t intend to change. Contemplative I know about it and I’m thinking about trying it. Preparing/Making Decisions I’ve decided that I’m prepared to give it a try. Trying I’ve tried it a few times—sometimes successfully, sometimes not. Maintaining Behavior I try to do it all of the time. The more I do it, the easier it is and the more it becomes a regular habit and normal part of my life/work. This change has been so important, I advocate for other people to do the same. There are many models for describing the process of social marketing. This 5-step methodology has been developed and refined over the past decade and has been applied in over 30 countries. Although simple, it makes the process of thinking through a behavior change communication project very straight forward. Many of us who have used and applied this model, collaborated to write the book Heating Up Society to Take Environmental Action to identify key points for application. Most of the rest of this PowerPoint presentation will be an explanation of these five steps. I encourage you to look over the Heating Up book as you work on this week’s assignment to develop your own application.

13 5. Evaluate: is it working?
Repeat the same questions from your baseline survey Evaluation Must be Comparative Evaluation is On-Going Share the Results as people are exposed to new behavior, they often seek new additional information. Campaigns need to be reworked to speak to those needs. Which media are being effective or helpful. Progress is made in a spiral with constant revisions, new pretets and further evaluations There are many models for describing the process of social marketing. This 5-step methodology has been developed and refined over the past decade and has been applied in over 30 countries. Although simple, it makes the process of thinking through a behavior change communication project very straight forward. Many of us who have used and applied this model, collaborated to write the book Heating Up Society to Take Environmental Action to identify key points for application. Most of the rest of this PowerPoint presentation will be an explanation of these five steps. I encourage you to look over the Heating Up book as you work on this week’s assignment to develop your own application.

14 Why do they do what they do?
7 Key questions you need to address in initial assessment for social marketing Why do they do what they do? If it is known, why people are doing what they do – it is much easier to address what it will take to remedy the problem.

15 How many groups must change their behavior?
7 Key questions you need to address in initial assessment for social marketing How many groups must change their behavior? One of the first things you will learn is if you have one homogeneous  audience – or  a heterogeneous audience is one that has different motivations and/or behaviors Select the audience that can have most impact,

16 What groups have influence over their behavior?
7 Key questions you need to address in initial assessment for social marketing What groups have influence over their behavior?

17 What are the perceived barriers??
7 Key questions you need to address in initial assessment for social marketing What are the perceived barriers?? Are the barriers of new behavior less than old behavior?

18 What are the perceived benefits of not changing?
7 Key questions you need to address in initial assessment for social marketing What are the perceived benefits of not changing? Are the benefits of the new behavior greater than old behavior?

19 7 Key questions you need to address in initial assessment for social marketing
What media or personal sources do they need look to when it comes to this behavior? Which media channels – conventional media, social and electronic media or interpersonal is the best to reach them?

20 Who do they trust as a source of information on this topic?
7 Key questions you need to address in initial assessment for social marketing Who do they trust as a source of information on this topic? A person’s willingness to accept message depends on both the message and messenger- issues of trust are important when it comes to changing someone’s behavior

21 Important note on these Key questions
Although one needs the answers to all the 7 questions when conducting the audience assessment, the nature of qualitative research is to pose questions in a dialogue format that does not ask these questions directly. From the discussion format of qualitative research, you must be able to obtain the answers to these questions Can use in-depth interviews or focus groups

22 Ensured that interviewers same gender as group
How perform has applied the e-model A CASE OF FUEL EFFCIENT COOK STOVES PERFORM project has selected promotion of use of fuel efficient cook stoves in the three initial sites as the first behavior change in the social marketing campaign due to its direct impact on deforestation A total of 10 FGDs were conducted in Machinga, Ntchisi and Mzimba, split by gender with 8-12 members per FGD Ensured that interviewers same gender as group In sites where PERFORM had initiated interventions and another with no presence

23 Audience segmentation:
Key findings Audience segmentation: There are two audiences we need to engage in fuel efficient stoves promotion campaign; Need to target both women & men for the campaign to be effective. They have different Attributes or benefits they each strongly associate with the new stove, positively evaluate, and believe they could not find to the same extent with the Three stone fire. Can no ignore these differences For men: gets his food faster and has more help from his wife in other activities For women: uses less wood, cooks faster for her family, less smoke

24 Key findings Perceived barriers to fuel efficient stoves Cultural barriers- Men and women do not sit together in a kitchen to warm up themselves during cold months We are used to “Three Stone Fire” Used / or want to cook two things at a time Technical know-how- Fuel efficient cook stoves are a new technology Fuelwood supply- availability of firewood perceived not a problem

25 Media sources/ Channels- for receiving information in communities
Key findings Media sources/ Channels- for receiving information in communities GOM/ NGO extension staff- especially on technical information Community Extension workers- live in the village Radio- limited to those with/ Radio listening clubs TV/ cinema- less available but demanded Neighbors/ fellow farmers Cell phones- quick and effective. With solar, people easily charge their phones even in the village

26 Most trust sources – in order of ranking
Key findings Most trust sources – in order of ranking Local leaders- chiefs. Know their people well, and know best how to communicate what and to whom ; generally enjoy the respect of all people in the village Religious leaders- respected as men of God NGO extension staff & Government extension staff- sometimes looked as people just doing their job Community extension staffs- someone they live with

27 Key lessons and recommendations
If we want to see how many households exchange the practice of cooking on “Three stone fire” to new alternative fuel efficient stoves; we need a campaign that connects those efforts to the needs of the people we want to influence change in behaviors. We must understand from the perspective of the target audience in terms of benefits and barriers of the new behavior People’s willingness to accept message of change depends also on both the message and messenger- issues of trust are important when it comes to changing someone’s behavior. Chiefs are the most trusted people in the communities- can not be by-passed By listening carefully, thinking critically, and creatively checking and rechecking our impressions, as we plan and launch our campaign, we will know what will work for our audience. If we know what people want, the we can have an effective communication campaign for promoting fuel efficient cook stoves Social marketing brings us close to understanding the audience we to influence behavior; with with what actions and what time


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