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You Determine: Higher or Lower?

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2 You Determine: Higher or Lower?
½ Gallon of Milk 2.7 pounds Gallon of Milk 5.6 pounds 5 Gallon Bucket of Milk 41 pounds 32 Gallon Bucket of Milk 302 pounds

3 Milk 1 gallon of milk weighs… 8.6 pounds.

4 Actual Amount of Milk ½ Gallon of Milk Higher - 4.3 pounds
5 Gallon Bucket of Milk Lower - 43 pounds 32 Gallon Bucket of Milk Lower pounds

5 Milk Production Per Cow Per Day
72 pounds of milk Or 8.4 Gallons 134 cups of milk (16 cups/Gallon)

6 Milk Production Per Cow Per Lactation Period
22,000 pounds of milk Or 2,560 Gallons 41,000 cups of milk (16 cups/Gallon) Lactation = 305 day period using CA dairy production averages

7 SO… How are dairy cows producing this much delicious milk for us to consume? What is the process? How long do cows milk? When do cows start milking?

8 Dairy Cow Timeline

9 Conception Start of timeline Timeline Source: Dr. Karle

10 9 month gestation period
Conception 9 Fetal Calf 9 month gestation period

11 Newborn Calf Holstein calf = 85-100 lbs. Born into clean environment
Process calf Navel dipped Ear tag placed, birth recorded Colostrum given immediately Calf removed immediately from cow calf will not drink required volume on own today’s cows produce too much volume today’s cows are not “natural” mothers prevent disease transmission put in warm environment

12 Conception Birth 9 Bull calves usually sold

13 - Holsteins usually weaned at about 2 months of age - 200 pounds
Conception Birth Weaning 9 2 Weaned Calf - Holsteins usually weaned at about 2 months of age - 200 pounds

14 Conception Birth Weaning Yearling 9 2 11 May sell extras

15 - 14 – 15 months so they calve at 22 – 24 months Heifer Breeding Size
Conception Birth Weaning Yearling Bred 9 2 11 2 Heifer Breeding Age - 14 – 15 months so they calve at 22 – 24 months Heifer Breeding Size - Holsteins- 750 lbs. - Jerseys- 570 lbs.

16 Conception Birth Weaning Yearling Bred 9 2 11 2 9 May sell extras as bred heifers

17 Fresh Heifer (a cow recently calved) - Holstein- calve at 1,300 lbs.
Conception Birth Weaning Yearling Bred 2 year old Fresh 9 2 11 2 9 1 Fresh Heifer (a cow recently calved) - Holstein- calve at 1,300 lbs. - Jersey- calve at 880 lbs.

18 Conception Birth Weaning Yearling Bred 2 year old Fresh Bred 9 2 11 2 9 1 2

19 Dry Heifer/Cow= heifer/cow that is not lactating
Conception Birth Weaning Yearling Bred 2 year old Fresh Bred Dry 9 2 11 2 9 1 2 7 An average cow will milk for 300 days, then she will rest (dry cow) for 60 days before calving again Dry Heifer/Cow= heifer/cow that is not lactating

20 - monitor daily for signs of parturition
Conception Birth Weaning Yearling Bred 2 year old Close-up Fresh Bred Dry 9 2 11 2 9 1 2 7 1 Close-up Dry Heifer - monitor daily for signs of parturition

21 Conception Birth Weaning Yearling 3 year old Bred 2 year old Close-up Fresh Bred Dry 9 2 11 2 9 1 2 7 1 1

22 conception birth weaning yearling 3 year old 4 year old bred 2 year old close-up close-up fresh bred bred dry dry 9 2 11 2 9 1 2 7 1 1 12

23 Comic Strip

24 Challenge: How much milk can fit into this 500 gallon hot tub?
And now you know HOW cows are providing for us all…

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