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NUR 4010 Community Health Nursing

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1 NUR 4010 Community Health Nursing
Aida Egues Department of Nursing New York City College of Technology

2 Introduction to the Course
5 credits: 2.5 hours lecture, 5 clinical laboratory hours “This course builds upon the student’s knowledge of nursing and provides the requisites required for practice as a community health nurse The focus is on health promotion, disease prevention and maintenance of health, which is the core of community-based care (communicable diseases, mental health, bioterrorism) The course will examine historical perspectives, the value of community health, the nurse’s present day professional expectations and accompanying changes in responsibilities, accountability for practice and ethical and transcultural considerations”

3 Service Learning Project
30% of total course grade Students now integrate community service with academic study to enrich learning, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities Geared toward collaborative learning to work and solve problems with others Geared toward team-based assignments and writing Geared toward promoting learning through active participation, providing structured time for students to reflect on differences that can be made among community partners

4 Service Learning Project
Geared toward providing students with an opportunity to use skills and knowledge in real-life situations, extend learning beyond the classroom, and promote a sense of caring for others Project incorporates previous assignments, but with directed focus on providing a community partner with a new tangible product Components: community assessment, planning and implementation, evaluation, product, self-reflection, presentation to class and community partner

5 Project Itself Before Community Assessment (20%): any community
Narrative Self-Reflection (ePortfolio) (10%): performance in clinical posted to OpenLab After Project Details (1%): team work Community Assessment (5%): clinical setting Planning & Implementation (15%) Evaluation (9%): written narrative self-reflection posted to OpenLab with visual images

6 General Education Student Learning Goals
1. Employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking strategies when incorporating knowledge of nursing, humanities and the biological and social sciences into the health promotion of clients, families and communities. General Education Learning Goal: KNOWLEDGE / Develop knowledge from a range of disciplinary perspectives, and hone the ability to deepen and continue learning. 2. Employ information technologies to coordinate community care. General Education Learning Goal: SKILLS / Acquire and use the tools needed for communication, inquiry, analysis, and productive  3. Demonstrate therapeutic communication skills when interacting with culturally diverse clients, families and communities.

7 General Education Student Learning Goals
4. Use findings from the holistic assessment of the community to diagnose, plan, implement and evaluate the quality of health care. General Education Learning Goal: SKILLS / Acquire and use the tools needed for communication, inquiry, analysis, and productive 5. Demonstrate the collaborative role of the community health nurse in assisting the client to achieve identified goals. General Education Learning Goal: INTEGRATION / Work productively within and across disciplines. 6. Describe strategies to promote leadership skills for community health nurses. General Education Learning Goal: VALUES, ETHICS, AND RELATIONSHIPS / Understand and apply values, ethics, and diverse perspectives in personal, professional, civic, and cultural/global domains.

8 General Education Student Learning Goals
7. Synthesize knowledge gained from nursing research in applying evidence-based practice in community health nursing. General Education Learning Goal: SKILLS / Acquire and use the tools needed for communication, inquiry, analysis, and productive 8. Adhere to ethical standards, professional nursing codes and standards of care for community- based nursing. General Education Learning Goal: VALUES, ETHICS, AND RELATIONSHIPS / Understand and apply values, ethics, and diverse perspectives in personal, professional, civic, and cultural/global domains. 9. Explain the importance of continuing education in nursing to enhance personal and professional development. 10. Consider global health issues as they affect specific community health issues such as disease transmission and health policy on community-based care.

9 Potential Projects Health Fairs: process, press, price, promotion, directory of providers, materials Disease Prevention Activities: binders/posters/brochures/resources of materials used for teaching/presentations Disaster Planning: community assessment and delivery of recommendations/review of lessons learned/drills/maps/resources Health Promotion Activities: Drives/walks/awareness events Whatever the community partner desires within reason

10 Assessment Strategy Directions and Rubrics for entire project
Part I: Project Details (1%) 1. Project Title, 2. Team Leader, 3. Team Recorder, 4. Team Members Part II: Community Assessment (5%) 1. Community Assessment with identified problem

11 Assessment Strategy Part III: Planning and Implementation (15%)
1. Goals and/or Objectives of Project (2%) 2. Date of Project, site of Project, address where Project took place (1%) 3. Number of community participants/clients attending (1%) 4. Community Organizations That Provided Assistance with Project (1%) a. List community organization(s) b. Describe type of assistance provided 5. Implementation (8%) a. Discuss how Project was implemented/conducted b. Discuss publicity attained/acquired for event coverage c. Discuss activities engaged/carried out/presented d. Discuss means of promoting Project (flyers, blogs, Tweets, media) 6. Cost of Project (2%) a. Describe all costs encountered for Project b. Attach any receipts

12 Assessment Strategy Part IV: Evaluation (9%)
1. Goal Accomplishment (3%) a. Describe goals you wanted to accomplish b. Describe the collaborative process of goal setting c. Describe how the goals were accomplished 2. Project Evaluation (3%) a. Describe the benefits of the Project to the community partner; use images as needed and post to Open Lab 3. Narrative Self-Reflection (3%) a. Describe how clinical objectives were met. b. Post to ePortfolio on OpenLab

13 Evaluation

14 In Closing Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still. Chinese Proverb

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