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Shine BRIGHT Like a Leader Shine BRIGHT Like a Leader Shine BRIGHT

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Presentation on theme: "Shine BRIGHT Like a Leader Shine BRIGHT Like a Leader Shine BRIGHT"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shine BRIGHT Like a Leader Shine BRIGHT Like a Leader Shine BRIGHT
Mrs. Phillips’ Policies Shine BRIGHT Like a Leader Mrs. Phillips’ Policies Shine BRIGHT Like a Leader Mrs. Phillips’ Policies Shine BRIGHT Like a Leader Mrs. Phillips’ Policies Shine BRIGHT Like a Leader Mrs. Phillips’ Policies

2 If you need to contact me, the fastest way is through email
If you need to contact me, the fastest way is through . My is You are always welcome to call the school and leave a message. Also, please sign up for the Class Dojo app. I will be using this for communication, too! Contact Info If you need to contact me, the fastest way is through . My is You are always welcome to call the school and leave a message. Also, please sign up for the Class Dojo app. I will be using this for communication, too! Contact Info If you need to contact me, the fastest way is through . My is You are always welcome to call the school and leave a message. Also, please sign up for the Class Dojo app. I will be using this for communication, too! Contact Info

3 Agendas will be filled out nearly every day
Agendas will be filled out nearly every day. Their agenda will be checked before going home in the evening. You will see a sticker by the weekday to know it has been checked. Agendas are required to be signed nightly. The agenda is an important tool for a successful student. A student can’t be successful if they get home and can’t remember what work they were supposed to get done! Agendas Agendas will be filled out nearly every day. Their agenda will be checked before going home in the evening. You will see a sticker by the weekday to know it has been checked. Agendas are required to be signed nightly. The agenda is an important tool for a successful student. A student can’t be successful if they get home and can’t remember what work they were supposed to get done! Agendas

4 Book Reports Book Reports
Students have a book log “bookmark” to use while they are reading. Every time they pick up that book to read, they mark down what page they started reading at and what page they stop reading at. When they are finished with the book, they turn in the bookmark and start a new one for their next book! Book logs do not count against a student’s grade, but a student will not get their Reading Circle Certificate without them! Book Reports Students have a book log “bookmark” to use while they are reading. Every time they pick up that book to read, they mark down what page they started reading at and what page they stop reading at. When they are finished with the book, they turn in the bookmark and start a new one for their next book! Book logs do not count against a student’s grade, but a student will not get their Reading Circle Certificate without them! Book Reports

5 Up to date grades will always be available through PowerSchool
Up to date grades will always be available through PowerSchool. I expect that all parents are keeping up with grades by checking assignments that come home graded and by checking on PowerSchool. If you do not check grades on PowerSchool and would like to, please talk to Ms. Nancy in the office. If you would like grades sent home, please let me know and I can send home a report on Fridays. Mid term grade checks will automatically be sent home at the half way mark of the quarter and are to be signed and returned to school. Grades

6 Reading Circle Certificate & Reading Recess
To receive their Reading Circle Certificate (RCC), a sixth grader must read 1,260 fiction pages and 720 non-fiction pages. Since that is almost 2,000 pages, it equals to be about 500 pages per quarter. Each student needs to be reading every single day, at school and at home. If a student has not read 500 pages by the end of first quarter, they will be required to have reading recess. If a student has not read 1,000 pages by the end of second quarter, they will be required to have reading recess. If a student has not read 1,500 pages by the end of third quarter, they will be required to have reading recess. If a student has not received their RCC by April 15th, they will be required to have reading recess until they get their RCC. Reading recess is only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Book It! program with Pizza Hut begins in October and runs until April. For a student to receive their free pizza coupon, they need to turn in completed bookmarks of at least 200 pages. Reading for a free pizza is a great way to get the RCC! Reading Circle Certificate & Reading Recess

7 Along with the colored clip chart that we use as a school, I am also going to use Class Dojo this year. I started using Class Dojo last year and I’m excited to get more into it this year. I am sending home a free parent invite for you to sign up and download the app to your smart phone as soon as possible. You can track your child’s behaviors and skills at school AND keep in touch through the messaging feature daily. Throughout the day, your child will earn positive points (signed agenda, being respectful, completing work on time, participating, etc.) or may lose some points for things that they may need to work on (no agenda, talking, not returning homework on time, disrespect, etc). With the messaging feature, you can message me at anytime with questions. If you need an immediate response from me, please do not use Class Dojo. I typically check Class Dojo only once a day. I will also use this feature for reminders and announcements. Class Dojo

8 All work is given an appropriate time length, depending on what the assignment is. Some work may be due at the end of the day, but most will be due the next day by 8:30am. Some assignments may be due a couple of days later. I am very understanding that evenings are not always available for schoolwork. Extracurricular activities are an important part of being a well rounded young adult. I try not to have too much as homework, but there are times that homework is unavoidable. If your student uses time wisely at school, homework should be at a minimum. Any assignment that a student has not finished during the school day is considered homework. This includes work that is done in journals. Homework

9 In the case that work is not turned in on time, the following will happen: 5% will be reduced if turned in the day it was due, 10% will be taken off the next day. Another 10% will be taken off for each day late. You will know that your student turned their work in late because it will be stamped with RECEIVED and then the date it was turned in. Students that are sick will always have time to get work made up. I will always work with students that get behind on work. They just have to be willing to talk with me about it! Late Work

10 all about all about all about all about __________ __________

11 all about all about all about all about __________ __________

12 Selfie! Selfie! Selfie! Meet Me Meet Me Meet Me
I am _____ years old. My birthday is ____________________. Meet Me Meet Me I am _____ years old. My birthday is ____________________. I am _____ years old. My birthday is ____________________. Selfie! Selfie!

13 My Family My Family My Family
___________. I have _____ brothers and _____ sisters. I have _____ pets. I live with _____________ My Family My Family My Family ___________. I have _____ brothers and _____ sisters. I have _____ pets. I live with _____________ ___________. I have _____ brothers and _____ sisters. I have _____ pets. I live with _____________

14 My Family My Family My Family _______________
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My Family My Family My Family _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________

15 My Hobbies My Hobbies _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I enjoy_________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I enjoy_________

16 Uniquely Me Uniquely Me 3 Things that make me unique are:

17 Fun Facts Fun Facts ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Some things you may not know about me: Some things you may not know about me:

18 Name Family Hobbies Favorites
Bday Month Family Hobbies Favorites Snack: Color: Sweet: Restaurant: Drink:

19 Student’s Name: Nicknames:
Birthday:_________________ Lives with: _____Both Parents _____Mother ______Father _____Guardian Contact Information Mother/Guardian’s name____________________________ ______________________ Phone #_______________ Father/Guardian’s name_____________________________ Important Info. Allergies or medical concerns?________________________ ___________________________________________________ After school transportation? _____Bus # _____Car ______Walker

20 Strengths/Weaknesses
Your Student’s Strengths/Weaknesses 3 Unique Things 1._____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Anything else I should know? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

21 Getting to Know You--Interest Survey
“Would you Rather?” Getting to Know You--Interest Survey Name___________________________ Would you Rather… (highlight your answer) Build a fort OR put together a puzzle? Work in a group OR work alone? Perform a readers theater OR read independently? Go for a nature hike OR research a species of animal? Go to gym class OR paint a mural? Interview someone from history OR research them online? Play chess/checkers OR play catch? Present a project by yourself OR with other classmates? Get lost in a good book OR do an arts and crafts project? Work on a crossword puzzle OR play basketball?

22 continued… 11. Write a story or build a toy rollercoaster?
Would you Rather… (highlight your answer) 11. Write a story or build a toy rollercoaster? 12. Watch a video or read directions on how to build a clay model? 13. Draw your dream house OR build a model out of clay or another material? 14. Read alone in your room OR with friends at the library? 15. Go to a friends house after school OR go home and play video games? 16. Play kickball OR play a word game? 17. Solve a mystery OR paint a scene? 18. Research a robot OR build a model of one? 19. Write a play OR sing in a chorus? 20. Learn to play guitar OR write your own song? 21. Take a test OR do a project? 22. Go to the movies OR make your own movie?

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