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Pedicuring Module 26 – 16’.

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1 Pedicuring Module 26 – 16’

2 Introduction 1990’s developed the spa industry
Equipment Techniques products Luxury for very few before this Today considered a standard service

3 Pedicure Latin Pedis = foot Care of the feet and toenails
(write in on PP 900)

4 Requires specific skill set
More knowledge of chronic illnesses, disorders, and diseases Knowledge of additional precautions Create client loyalty Produce considerable income Can be important in preventative health services

5 Purpose of Pedicures Improve the appearance of the feet and the nails
Foot care not only improves appearance, but adds to the comfort of the feet (write on PP 900)

6 Why Study Pedicuring? Highlight bullet points

7 Learn the Tools and Materials Used During Pedicures
Equipment Permanent tools PP 901 – 905 Highlight the name of each piece of equipment

8 Pedicure stool and footrest
Your seat must be comfortable Allow ergonomically correct positioning

9 Pedicure foot bath Large enough o completely immerse both of the clients feet Customized pedicure unit a step above basin Next step up is portable whirlpool bath Ultimate pedicure bath is fully plumbed with throne style chair Drain Built in massage feature and warmer

10 Mask – masque – concentrated treatment product
State Regulatory Alert – PP 903

11 Paraffin bath – Relaxation
Heat enables penetration of products, the deep moist heat aids in reduction of pain & inflammation Promotes circulation to joints affected by arthritis & other chronic problems DO NOT!!!! Use on open lesions, wounds, impaired foot or leg circulation, loss of feeling in legs/feet

12 Hot Stones Upscale service
Stones are smooth basalt – dark fine grained volcanic rock Movements upwards towards the heart and not aggressive Deep penetrating heat that enhances relaxation and increase circulation

13 Sheet/towel placed between skin and stones
Stones are scrubbed between clients and disinfected

14 Implements Highlight the name of each implement
Must be disinfected, sanitized or disposed of after use Small enough to fit into a disinfectant container PP 905 – 907 Caution boxes PP 907

15 Sanitation for Implements
Wash with soap and warm water, rinse Metal implements must be completely immersed in container filled with an approved disinfectant. (Follow manufacturers’ instructions for required time). Rinse and dry thoroughly with clean towels Store Properly - Follow state regulations for storage

16 Toenail clippers Larger than fingernail clippers
Wider space between jaws Designed to shorten toenails

17 Curette Has a small scoop-shaped end that allows for efficient removal of debris Require gentle and careful maneuvers NEVER use to cut out tissue or debris attached to live tissue NEVER use curettes with sharp edges

18 Gentle scooping motion
Do NOT use to dig into soft tissue If inflamed do NOT work over – refer to a physician!

19 Nail Rasp Metal implement with grooved edge used for filing & smoothing edges of nail plate Angled rasp is recommended NEVER use on top of nails

20 Foot Files or Pedicure Paddles
Pedicure Nail file Medium fine grit for shaping Fine grit for finishing Caution boxes PP 907 Foot Files or Pedicure Paddles Reduce and smooth thicker foot calluses NOT meant to completely remove a callus Properly cleaned and disinfected between uses

21 Materials Supplies used that must be replaced for each client
State Regulatory Alert PP 907 gloves

22 Cosmetics Found in manicuring chapter – just a review)
Develop a strong working knowledge of cosmetics and what ingredients they contain You need to know how to apply each cosmetic Know when to avoid using a product due to allergies or sensitivities PP 907 – 909

23 Foot Soaks Exfoliating Scrubs Soften the skin
Effectively clean and deodorize feet May contain moisturizers and oils Exfoliating Scrubs Gritty lotion used to remove dry, flaky skin & reduce calluses Exfoliating scrubs – water based lotion containing an abrasive Wear gloves to not irritate your skin

24 Callus Softeners Soften and smooth thickened tissue (calluses)
Applied directly to ski, left on short period of time, follow manufacture’s directions Acidic and potentially hazardous Safety glasses must be worn when in use Improper usage - may cause severe irritation to eyes, hands and skin Urea Salicylic acid Potassium Hydroxide Caution Box – PP 909

25 Know All About Pedicures
Become a part of the American lifestyle More pedicures than haircuts A service that must be practiced and perfected

26 Choosing Pedicure Products
Check out a variety of lines, compare them & decide Check quality of educational support

27 Service Menu Tailor your menu to meet your clients’ lifestyles and requests Shorter services are great menu expanders Professional nail trimming Pampering massage ( Mrs. K’s favorite!) Polish change

28 Interaction During the Service
Discuss client’s foot health Upgrades Products needed to maintain Let clients drift off to sleep Most want to relax and be pampered Offer refreshments

29 Should be no distractions
DO NOT discuss Politics, religion, personal issues, other offensive topics Should be no distractions Encourage to make regular appointments (4 weeks) Proper foot care improves both personal appearance and basic foot care Caution box PP 912

30 Scheduling Do NOT have clients shave legs within 48 hours
Pathogenic bacteria allowed entry Post a sign Ask when client shaved legs Reschedule if needed

31 Clients do NOT like to wait
Schedule appointments for proper length Schedule extra time if needed because of condition of feet DO NOT work beyond scheduled time If feet are in bad shape work as long as necessary to get into optimal shape


33 Suggest they wear open-toed shoes
Schedule for proper length of time Technician NEEDS to stay ON time Everyone HATES to wait! Does salon give a massage with plain Pedicure?

34 Series Pedicures Improvements require more than 1 appointment
NEVER USE A BLADE!!!!!\ILLEGAL IN PENNSYLVANIA!!! (write in on PP 912) Reduce calluses with safe amount of exfoliation with a scrub Use foot paddle

35 Callus reduction appointments are stand alone services
Half hour long Less expensive Weekly callus reduction appointments for 4 – 6 weeks in a row After that once a month Wear gloves

36 Normal appointments are scheduled every 4 weeks Scaly feet
Have podiatrist declare not a fungus If no fungus weekly treatments for 3 -6 weeks Foot exfoliation Scrubs, callus reduction and masks Home-care products recommended

37 Spa Pedicures PP 913 Mask or masque applied to feet and legs
Skin softeners Clays Aromatherapy oils Moisturizing agents “Did You Know?” (2) PP 913 Caution Box PP 913

38 Elderly Clients PP 913 Need regular year round foot care
Cannot reach foot to trim nails Cannot squeeze trimmers Foot care can become a health issue Do not perform on diabetics or those with circulatory disease without physician’s consent

39 Pedicure Pricing PP 913 Determine basic price and add from there
More upscale and luxurious more expensive Nail art = upgrade Give an example free first time only! Package deals & Themes “Did You Know?” PP 914

40 Pedicure Massage “ method of manipulation of the body by rubbing, pinching, kneading, tapping” Therapeutic purpose Relaxing Smooth PP

41 Massage manipulations should be second nature
Practice until they become routine Foot massage – Excellent way to build client loyalty Gentle but firm in pressure Tickling sensation if touch is too light

42 Client Consultation Talk to the client
Complete a client health record and service and product card Discuss client’s general health, lifestyle, needs, and services to be offered Use your knowledge to select the most appropriate service

43 Discussing client’s general health
Diabetic Carefully file and push Pterygium NEVER nip cuticles Heal slowly easily get infections Damage can be deadly if skin is cut or scrapped Arthritis - feet held gently

44 Doctor’s clearance Circulatory disease High blood pressure
Other chronic diseases that affect the legs or feet

45 When in doubt do not massage!
Foot massage induces a high degree of relaxation & stimulates blood flow Put greater emphasis on areas client likes massaged most Feather off at end of massage Never allow fingernails to touch the skin

46 “Did You Know?” PP 914 & 915

47 Reflexology Applying pressure with thumb and index finger
Attributes of acupressure and acupuncture Considered a science

48 Based on principle of areas of the feet correspond to organs, glands, and parts of the body
Stimulating reflexes or pressure points can transmit positive energy and increase blood flow to the specified area

49 Hands on training for reflexology
Specific touch required Untrained person will not produce positive results for the client

50 Ergonomics Pedicures can pose a threat to cosmetologist if careless about protecting themselves Pay attention to your body’s positioning Sit in a comfortable position Relaxed & unstrained Stretch between clients

51 Properly Clean and Disinfect Foot Spas
Improper, rushed or careless cleaning may lead to health & safety concerns The salon & cosmetologist/nail tech assumes responsibility that proper procedures are completed EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) registered hospital disinfectant Time log for cleaning

52 Web Resources

53 Chapter 5 – PP 91, Disinfecting Foot Spas and Pedicure Equipment Caution Boxes PP 91 Which foot spa do I have? Whirlpool Air jet basin Pipeless Non-whirlpool foot basin/tub

54 Cleaning and Disinfecting Whirlpool, air jet and Pipeless foot spas PP 99 – 102
Cleaning and Disinfecting Basic Foot basins/tubs PP 103 – 104

55 Handling Blood During a Pedicure PP 105 - 106
Put on gloves Apply Pressure Stanch Bleeding Complete service Discard used materials Clean table and disinfect implements Remove gloves and wash hands

56 The pedicure station Messy station creates a bad impression
Neat station will help client feel confident about your abilities Follow all rules of sanitation and disinfection Do not ask client to sit at dirty station PP

57 The Plain Pedicure PP 918 - 920 Three part procedure:
Pre-service function Actual procedure Post-service function Discuss products used and suggest products for use at home

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